Dr Jack Auto reached Day 49.
She's back to nearly a metre high. This girl is just determined to be tall.
It could be worse I suppose - if I hadn't topped she may have been 1.5 metres or more by now. She's also put out quite a few side branches and new leaves. No flowers as yet though she is showing pre-flowers. The topping might have set that back a bit, or she may just be taking her time. The large, older fan leaves are almost permanently droopy these days, though the younger smaller ones are a bit more lively. It gives an odd, rangey look with branches almost at right angles to each other.
I return to my previous opinion that she's ill at ease by the window. I'm assuming that the northern UK just doesn't supply enough full sunshine or warmth to suit her. If I was in Spain, no problem.
Anyway, she's alive, and growing, but maybe not really happy. If the clone roots successfully this big girl will be joined by her daughter/twin soon. So they can be discontent together...
I'd top her again, a bit more brutally, but reckon it might not be good for this lanky lady. We'll see though. If she gets towards 120cm then I'll have to take action, she's already much more conspicuous than anticipated a few weeks ago. If she's not flowering yet, maybe no real harm done. Speaking of which, when oh when will she finally go into flower? Your guess is as good as mine.....in theory not far off, but in practice she is slow.
The thought occurs that if she behaves like a photoperiod, then treat her like one and do a second topping.