Window sill grow

Nirvana Northern Light Auto plant has reached Day 78 (74 days since sprout).

The plant is healthy. Had some good sunshine recently, except the past two days which were overcast. Some brown pistils starting to appear on the buds, which are fattening up and calyxes are starting to swallow the pistils. The plant gives off a heady aroma at night, and if disturbed: quite potent. I have the impression that the long summer days, and a fairly decent dose of sunshine overall, have led to this plant ripening more rapidly than the previous window sill grow. Might only be a couple of weeks more to go with this one.
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Nirvana Northern Light Auto plant has reached Day 85 (81 days since sprout).

This one is nearly ready to chop. There's a similar pattern to the last window sill grow, where the buds are ripening from the base of each flower upwards, calyxes swallowing pistils, and a few white pistils at the upper tips of each. Also lower, small buds are less ripe than the main, upper ones - could be something to do with the pattern of sunlight reaching each one. Quite a few brown pistils dotted around on the main buds. The main difference is the leaves are still green and healthy, no signs of fade or yellowing.

I'm trying to avoid leaving this too long, like last time where the lower parts of buds had actually started to die off by harvest. Which might mean I leave some white pistils at the tips of buds, or it might mean a progressive harvest, gathering stems when most buds are ripe, leaving ones which need a bit longer. Plant is really quite strong smelling now, an aroma of classic weed floating about the place.

Will be watching this plant closely over the next week, as harvest day is going to be quite soon.

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Nirvana Northern Light Auto plant has reached Day 92 (88 days since sprout).

The plant continues to ripen its buds. The smell is really strong, I'm getting complaints from my partner on a daily basis. You may not be able to tell from the rubbish photos, but on most buds there are now hardly any white pistils remaining. Calyxes continues to swell and swallow pistils, most of which are brown and crispy. She's had a final feed of tomato fertiliser today. Plain water only from now on. There might not be another weekly bulletin as I will probably chop the plant at the weekend.

Overall this grow has worked out pretty well. A summer window sill seems to be quite a forgiving environment. Growth has been steady if not spectacular, no nutrient issues, good temperature range, and the fabric pot has helped prevent overwatering. Natural sunlight does indeed seem to be good for plants, fairly unsurprising really. This will be the final window grow this year, as we head into autumn there just won't be enough light and the temperatures will gradually get too chilly (though they are very mild currently for the time of year, basically summer temps).

Looking forward to harvest and hanging the buds up to dry.

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they are looking much better than last weeks pic's .....the more time you can let them go the better....but I understand there is always a time limit.

last year I grew a plant with sunshine in the fall/ was rather comical how slowly it progressed...and how small it was.

started in September....90 days latter we have some serious big buds :)

they are looking much better than last weeks pic's .....the more time you can let them go the better....but I understand there is always a time limit.

last year I grew a plant with sunshine in the fall/ was rather comical how slowly it progressed...and how small it was.

started in September....90 days latter we have some serious big buds :)

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Ha, well at least the wee thing kept going! :) There's no way I'll even attempt that. Come December the sky will be dark by 3pm. Just not enough light, plants go dormant pretty much.

I will keep an eye on this current grow, but as I explained before I don't want to keep it going for too long like the previous grow. Reckon later this week may be the sweet spot, but if it needs a little bit longer, no problem (except the odour filling the house).
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Day 98 (94 from sprout): harvest day arrived. The plant is still lovely and green and fresh looking, but the buds are ripe. The calyxes are as plump as they're going to get, no white pistils left.

Plant has been chopped, took the larger fan leaves off. Now hanging in the drying box for the next week to ten days. Then the buds will be removed from stems and put into jars.

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So the weed is dry, I trimmed the buds from the stems and jarred with a Boveda sachet. Also chopped up the stems and put them with the dried fan leaves in a separate jar. I'll use these for making oil for edibles.

The drying process shrunk the buds substantially, perhaps they were not very dense. I managed to fit them all in one large jar - a bit bigger than the coffee jars I've been using up until now. So a modest harvest in the end. Smells wonderful though. I'm sure it will make for a good stone once it's cured properly.

No more window sill grows for now. Maybe in the spring...

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Spring is here, and it's time to plant seed for another window grow. This time I'll be trying Dr Jack Auto, from Dr Ray's Seeds. Apparently it's a cross between Jack Herer and Quick Satan.

Will update if/when the seed sprouts.

Day 1 of the new grow.

Dr Jack Auto (from Dr Ray's Seeds) sprouted overnight. Looking very vigorous already it must be said.

She's in the propagator for now. I have a cool white LED lamp also to help things along a bit after dark. Once her roots start to break out of the fibre pot, she'll go in an 11 litre fabric pot, probably in a week to ten days' time.

The Dr Jack Auto seedling was in the propagator until mid-week, when I took it out and it's been on the windowsill since. Weather was very overcast these past few days, so I kept a cool white LED lamp above the seedling 24 hours to top up the DLI in an attempt to stop it getting too spindly. I will see how it gets on over the next few days. As soon as roots start to pierce through the fibre pot, it will go into its final fabric pot here at the window. I might continue to train the LED lamp on it, to encourage slightly faster growth.

Today a few wee roots started poking through the fibre pot, so I repotted Dr Jack Auto seedling into its final 11 litre fabric pot. The wee girl is a bit pale with drooping leaves at the moment. My instinct says its overwatering, but my other seedlings have been in the exact same environment, same watering regime, and are both fine. Maybe this one just prefers things a little drier, or there's something else going on. Anyway we will see how she gets on.

I'm using Blumats for this grow. First time I'm using automatic watering by the window, not sure how it will work with a fabric pot but I suppose I'll find out. After giving the soil a bit of a soaking you can see the level dropped nearly two inches and that classic issue of soil separating from the sides of the fabric pot too. I'll maybe do a top and side dressing with more potting mix later.

Photos below. The water droplets on the leaves are not an issue as the plant is not in direct sun at the moment, just indirect light. It's on the actual window sill for now, heat mat underneath to stop roots getting too chilly. Once it gets bigger I'll move it back from the window a bit.

This wee girl has perked up considerably, which is a relief. Think I will stop topping up the light with LED now and just let her soak up the sun's rays. We're getting 16 hours of daylight (and rising) now so should be enough.

One issue with using automatic watering that I hadn't considered is that it will be a bit more cumbersome to turn the pot. Have nestled the reservoir into the drip tray to make this a bit easier. Will probably just turn once a week...