Va. brings back Confederate month after 8 years.


New Member
LOL, like I said in my earlier post some in the South are STILL fighting the war,, THAT my friend is delusional.

And that still doesnt answer my question, what exactly are you celebrating?
well I think this thread illustrates my point nicely here....
There is so much misinformation and or ppl who are simply uninformed about the true meaning of the Civil war ... on BOTH sides of the issue.

I think that alone explains why the south does have its share of ppl with zealot adherence to a false history.

I think yankees have the same type of ppl, and for the very same reason.

I will say however...having lived many years both in the North and in the a whole, I find the ppl in the South far more pleasant to be around. Much more likely to extend a hand, or simply to wave to you as you pass by for no reason at all. Sounds meaningless, but it all adds up.


Well-Known Member
well I think this thread illustrates my point nicely here....
There is so much misinformation and or ppl who are simply uninformed about the true meaning of the Civil war ... on BOTH sides of the issue.

I think that alone explains why the south does have its share of ppl with zealot adherence to a false history.

I think yankees have the same type of ppl, and for the very same reason.

I will say however...having lived many years both in the North and in the a whole, I find the ppl in the South far more pleasant to be around. Much more likely to extend a hand, or simply to wave to you as you pass by for no reason at all. Sounds meaningless, but it all adds up.

Thats why i like you cj you put it like it is:bigjoint:

ink the world

Well-Known Member
well I think this thread illustrates my point nicely here....
There is so much misinformation and or ppl who are simply uninformed about the true meaning of the Civil war ... on BOTH sides of the issue.

I think that alone explains why the south does have its share of ppl with zealot adherence to a false history.

I think yankees have the same type of ppl, and for the very same reason.

I will say however...having lived many years both in the North and in the a whole, I find the ppl in the South far more pleasant to be around. Much more likely to extend a hand, or simply to wave to you as you pass by for no reason at all. Sounds meaningless, but it all adds up.

I never made a statement or commented in any way on the history here. Not once, so I hope youre not saying im uninformed.

Youre right about the people being more friendly down south. No argument here. I noticed in my travels that Southerners seem to live at a slower pace and are MUCH more laid back. I enjoyed my time down there and the people I met.

The whole Yankees/Rebel thing doesnt mean a thing to me, were all American.


New Member
No, I was speaking in single poster. But I bet you can walk down the street and ask ppl about the civil war and some of the answers would floor any part of the country. Many ppl are arguing but these ppl are usually the ones who know little or nothing about the real causes and issues. They have a cereal box version of it.

Today...the country is fairly homogenized...families are spread out all over the country...even the globe. It's the same thing with ethnicity. While there certainly are enclaves of ethnic neighborhoods and probably always will be (doesn't mean it's bad or good), there is so much more mixing in a neighborhood, which even 50 years ago, would have caused a local stir.

Not so during the Civil war...just the opposite. Southerners were very different from their yankee counterparts. Bloodline thinking, a European leftover, was still dominant, but everyone was much more tribal and independent of other regions. The notion that washington DC was THE govt. was not endorsed at all by many states. We of course take it for granted, but they sure didn't.

It takes a bit of perspective adjustment to get the right call on the Civil war. It was and still is very complicated. We killed each other over it.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
other than slavery being abolished, and racism not being accepted in general society, (which is a very good thing imho) not much has changed here in the south since those times. The people are still every bit as rebellious at heart, as they were way back then, and still pretty much live the way they want too, regardless of what the established governments "laws" might be. The south is still a separate entity from the us, in many peoples minds here, and always will be.

While i can't say that i agree totally with everyone here, and their points of view (especially anything racist), i can identify with their wanting to rise up against, and fight a government entity which feels the need to fabricate, and force their own ideas of how life should be lived, onto the people. Because, in their eyes, if you are not willing to become a mindless unthinking drone like the rest of the sheep, which make up the mass of people in this place we call "america", and play along with this "american dream" they have so conveniently set up for you, you are more use to them locked up in a cell.

For the people who live here in the south, the confederate flag has nothing to do with hate or racism, it has everything to do with freedom, and rebellion against an unjust government, and will always fly free and proud here in the south. We are still here, we still love this great land, and even up until the last breath we take, they will never take our freedom from us. :peace:
deo vindice .....................