New Member
well I think this thread illustrates my point nicely here....LOL, like I said in my earlier post some in the South are STILL fighting the war,, THAT my friend is delusional.
And that still doesnt answer my question, what exactly are you celebrating?
There is so much misinformation and or ppl who are simply uninformed about the true meaning of the Civil war ... on BOTH sides of the issue.
I think that alone explains why the south does have its share of ppl with zealot adherence to a false history.
I think yankees have the same type of ppl, and for the very same reason.
I will say however...having lived many years both in the North and in the a whole, I find the ppl in the South far more pleasant to be around. Much more likely to extend a hand, or simply to wave to you as you pass by for no reason at all. Sounds meaningless, but it all adds up.