Va. brings back Confederate month after 8 years.


Well-Known Member

RICHMOND, Va. - Virginia's governor has brought Confederate History Month back to the state for the first time since 2001.
Gov. Bob McDonnell designated April to commemorate the secessionist, slaveholding South. His two Democratic predecessors had refused issue the proclamation sought each year by Confederate descendants.
Richmond was the Confederate seat of government.
McDonnell's 368-word declaration does not mention slavery. The Republican governor said Tuesday that his intent was to honor the sacrifice on Virginia soil and promote tourism.
Black members of Virginia's General Assembly, all Democrats, called the proclamation offensive and disturbing. Georgia's governor signed a bill last year designating a similar commemoration in that state.

Any thoughts on this..bongsmilie


Active Member
Heritage, not hate. it's part of their culture so I don't see the problem.
yeah exactly

when i was in high school i remember a time when the entire school was bitching because some dude had a big confederate flag hanging from a flagpole in his truck

as far as im concerned, he has a constitutional right to fly any flag he feels like, also, the confederates did OTHER things besides have slaves, and just because they did have slaves, does not mean the culture is no longer allowed

just another classic example of "i dont agree with you so your not allowed to do it"

good for VA


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply's.

I am from the south,So i veiw it as a good thing.

Thanks also for keeping it civil.


New Member

RICHMOND, Va. - Virginia's governor has brought Confederate History Month back to the state for the first time since 2001.
Gov. Bob McDonnell designated April to commemorate the secessionist, slaveholding South. His two Democratic predecessors had refused issue the proclamation sought each year by Confederate descendants.
Richmond was the Confederate seat of government.
McDonnell's 368-word declaration does not mention slavery. The Republican governor said Tuesday that his intent was to honor the sacrifice on Virginia soil and promote tourism.
Black members of Virginia's General Assembly, all Democrats, called the proclamation offensive and disturbing. Georgia's governor signed a bill last year designating a similar commemoration in that state.
Any thoughts on this..bongsmilie
Of course the Democrats found this to be offensive and disturbing. They are still hung up on the race issue. Did they give consideration to honoring all of the Black soldiers who fought gallantly for the South? Hell no. They are race-based idealogs, why would they?


Well-Known Member
Of course the Democrats found this to be offensive and disturbing. They are still hung up on the race issue. Did they give consideration to honoring all of the Black soldiers who fought gallantly for the South? Hell no. They are race-based idealogs, why would they?

But The Dems say the Repubs are the racist ones....:?:


Well-Known Member
someone explain to me the heritage, besides the pain others had to endure behind the history


Well-Known Member
someone explain to me the heritage, besides the pain others had to endure behind the history
I'll try to take a stab at it although I'll probably get something wrong.

I'm German and I'm proud of my heritage but sometimes people bring up the nazi thing which is understandable but one could be German and not a nazi just as one could be a confederate and not be racist. Besides, only ill advised people think the civil war was about slaves. Yes AFTER certain things were set in motion did the federal government really start to care about that issue because they knew everyone had a fight with states rights. So they picked the next divisive issue which would guarantee at least half the country would take it's side......slavery.


Well-Known Member
I'll try to take a stab at it although I'll probably get something wrong.

I'm German and I'm proud of my heritage but sometimes people bring up the nazi thing which is understandable but one could be German and not a nazi just as one could be a confederate and not be racist. Besides, only ill advised people think the civil war was about slaves. Yes AFTER certain things were set in motion did the federal government really start to care about that issue because they knew everyone had a fight with states rights. So they picked the next divisive issue which would guarantee at least half the country would take it's side......slavery.
WTF..what did you do during history class???? Do you even know what it was about...sounds like not...American Civil WAR 1860 Abraham Lincoln campaigned against the expansion of slavery beyond the states in which it had already existed ...he did not say stop what already exist but the expansion of it..The Lincoln victory in the election cause seven southern states to leave the Union before Lincoln even took office on March 4 1861. The South called it a secession..the outgoing and incoming Administration called it a rebellion... Now the south wanted to keep slavery for it was the way of life...the anti-slavery North felt it was not so much a proper way of life...Now if the war was not of the South leaving the Union for the want of keeping and expanding slavery you tell me what it was facts can be checked...oh the the South threw the first blow on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a US military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina


WTF..what did you do during history class???? Do you even know what it was about...sounds like not...American Civil WAR 1860 Abraham Lincoln campaigned against the expansion of slavery beyond the states in which it had already exited ...he did not say stop what already exist but the expansion of it..The Lincoln victory in the election cause seven southern states to leave the Union before Lincoln even took office on March 4 1861. The South called it a secession..the outgoing and incoming Administration called it a rebellion... Now the south wanted to keep slavery for it was the way of life...the anti-slavery North felt it was not so much a proper way of life...Now if the war was not of the South leaving the Union for the want of keeping and expanding slavery you tell me what it was facts can be checked...oh the the South threw the first blow on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a US military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina
Thank you, Wikipedia...


Well-Known Member
only takes 5 seconds to look it up and seemingly people can't take the time to do it. Its ok if VA. wants to recognize Confederate soldiers, but keep it real about what they were fighting for and what the Civil war was about. Keeping the way of life in the south which was slavery.

Anyone else care to tell me about the heritage of the Confederate beside being a group of people to lazy to do their own work, but instead forcing others to do the work for them, breaking up families, beating and killing of others whilst claiming to be better then them....

Dan Halen

Active Member
Well, so much for this being a "Civil" topic. Just remember kids, the winners of wars write the history books. They, and only they, get to say who was right and who was wrong. But to answer the question of what I think, I'm pro flag. Why? Because it is a symbol of rebellion. A reminder if you will that no man or government is absolute, and that authority should often be openly questioned and challenged.


Well-Known Member
Well, so much for this being a "Civil" topic. Just remember kids, the winners of wars write the history books. They, and only they, get to say who was right and who was wrong. But to answer the question of what I think, I'm pro flag. Why? Because it is a symbol of rebellion. A reminder if you will that no man or government is absolute, and that authority should often be openly questioned and challenged.
Are you saying the Civil War was not about slavery ????


Well-Known Member
Anyone else care to tell me about the heritage of the Confederate beside being a group of people to lazy to do their own work, but instead forcing others to do the work for them, breaking up families, beating and killing of others whilst claiming to be better then them....

Just remember kids, the winners of wars write the history books.
and the losers of wars surrender their rights to fly their fucking flags.....especially in the country where they lost the war!