Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

I want to see some pics of these "Veganic" grows or I'm calling bullshit advertisement. Besides, everyone knows nothing beats real organics.
There are plenty of ways to get smooth smoke from regular organics and if there is enough hash content it doesn't matter how smooth it is, you're going to cough.

Yes organics can be way smooth, but flushing is a serious issues as poo leaves residues.

I don't really think that is true about resin content. I smoke PLENTY of full melt amazing bubble, and the organics makes me cough, while the veganic does not. again. i had to experience it to believe it.

and what is a troll?
I want to see some pics of these "Veganic" grows or I'm calling bullshit advertisement. Besides, everyone knows nothing beats real organics.

you can go to kushmans's website if you want, he has picts and a trailer to his movie. but IM NOT an advertisement for him. i'll post some veganic blackberry kush nugs, but my camera is my phone..yuh know.


I'll also say this. I've never had such high production of secondary pigments in many years of organics. The fan leaves went through a series of color changes as the fruit matured: green, light green, little red and orange, then lots of purple, then purple fades to yellow from the outside in. Simply beautiful re-creation of nature indoors!

I don't know how to post pics yet...guess I'm still learning to roll...;)
I've smoked plenty of weed that I couldn't even feel in my lungs, it felt like I was smoking air, only to cough my ass off after I completely blew my hit out. This is the response of lungs trying to expel unwanted irritants which hash is, know matter how pure. It also depends on the health of you lungs and the amount inhaled. I can take small hits off of anything and not cough but there is always a limit.

I'm not saying in any way what you're talking about is a bad thing I just think there are cheaper and easier ways to go about it and I've never heard of anyone having problems with pathogens from weed grown with manures or guano's.
coughing is because smoke is an irritant you are inhaling, smoke that is hot... either way, it's not logical to say smoke doesn't make you cough, kind of a paradox.

idk if you were being sarcastic but yes you can find that stuff around if you look
I've smoked plenty of weed that I couldn't even feel in my lungs, it felt like I was smoking air, only to cough my ass off after I completely blew my hit out. This is the response of lungs trying to expel unwanted irritants which hash is, know matter how pure. It also depends on the health of you lungs and the amount inhaled. I can take small hits off of anything and not cough but there is always a limit.

I'm not saying in any way what you're talking about is a bad thing I just think there are cheaper and easier ways to go about it and I've never heard of anyone having problems with pathogens from weed grown with manures or guano's.

I agree wholeheartedly with you...much cheaper ways to do veganics, but for newbs and people who are super busy...excellent choice. Except on the hash thing I kinda disagree. There are two kinds of coughs: the "my lungs are glued together" cough, and the "irritants cough". Do you know what I'm talking about?

I have heard of people getting sick from animal ferts (I'm one of them, and this is why I'm so into veganics).
coughing is because smoke is an irritant you are inhaling, smoke that is hot... either way, it's not logical to say smoke doesn't make you cough, kind of a paradox.

idk if you were being sarcastic but yes you can find that stuff around if you look

Not sure I agree, and that is the beauty of paradoxes. Smoke is generally an irritant. But come take a huge chalice rip of some veganics with me and you will experience what I can only begin to describe. I call it the "delayed one cough or no cough" reaction, more of a gasp than cough. The left over veganic resin is different from organics as well, visibly more oily.

A) smoke can be cooled to "not hot" temps really easily these days; diffusion stems, cooling coils, ect. Coughing is then a response to oxygen deprivation or particulate matter. i forget that people don't all filter their smoke. d'oh.
B) pure hash is more of an oil than plant matter. the particulates are so tiny from vaporized oils that coughing is from heat. try a completely cooled hash rip of veganics and you will see why I started this thread.
What kind of illness did it cause and how did you know what caused it.

i got a bacterial infection from some chicken poo. i collected it on an organic farm with some really awesome hippies. i sourced it myself and it was truly beautiful poo. we were so comfortable with it because it was freshly made by free roaming chickens. but im a nail bitter, and i got something nasty, my friend got it too. a couple weeks of confusion later and some antibiotics cleared it right up. rare worst case scenario right? but damn it got me thinkng...

and no one can say for sure it was the poo. an unknown bacterial infection for both myself and buddy same time right after harvesting the poo. who knows really with the chickens and the goats.
What is your take on General hydro's Vegan line?

Meh, I talked to the guy who runs GH (it is a local company for me and he is a really nice nerdy guy). He didn't give me confidence in it or his organic line. I've been enjoying the diamond black humic. But I haven't tried his other stuff so won't "poo-poo" it ;).
don't get me wrong, i'm very interested in it. i'm a vegetarian myself and fucking hate a lot of products out there. but then again, buying things that are really expensive is something i also hate, i'm sure you could mix your own soil, controlling it's contents, and achieve soil that is just as good for a lot less expensive.
i got a bacterial infection from some chicken poo. i collected it on an organic farm with some really awesome hippies. i sourced it myself and it was truly beautiful poo. we were so comfortable with it because it was freshly made by free roaming chickens. but im a nail bitter, and i got something nasty, my friend got it too. a couple weeks of confusion later and some antibiotics cleared it right up. rare worst case scenario right? but damn it got me thinkng...

and no one can say for sure it was the poo. an unknown bacterial infection for both myself and buddy same time right after harvesting the poo. who knows really with the chickens and the goats.

That sounds more like human error which could have been prevented and the end product grown with manures wouldn't be contaminated so you wouldn't be putting patients at risk with the herb you are supplying them. If you take proper safety and sanitation precautions when dealing with manures you shouldn't have any problems not to mention you can get a bacterial infection from any type of organic matter.
Yepers :)
Vegan is the new "Buzz Word" now huh?

----just the opening. i had to big up the person who opened my mind to this idea.

----for sure, but it should be "plant based" instead of vegan.

Vegan doesn't mean much in a world that includes rocks, minerals, and chem.
don't get me wrong, i'm very interested in it. i'm a vegetarian myself and fucking hate a lot of products out there. but then again, buying things that are really expensive is something i also hate, i'm sure you could mix your own soil, controlling it's contents, and achieve soil that is just as good for a lot less expensive.

Yeah man, two years since I've been in a Safeway. Ten years without fast food. I don't remember what high-fructose corn syrup tastes like. Two farmer's markets a week here, all year fresh local food is plentiful. I love Cali!

I was on the home-made pure organics tip for a long time, this just makes my life easier. Switching to imported nutes and soil was a serious issue for me. But my first run with it was better to smoke than my best organic run ever. Not a bigger yield, not stinkier, not more resinous, just a better smoke, 100% white ash.

I'm looking for a Cali sourced soil mix (or anything comparable) that can compete with the terra plus. Anyone try rice hulls? Or know of a white/gold peat source in the US?