weak link, repost. just trying to say that there is a lot of immunocomprimised people doing indoor gardening these days. and who really knows what is in those bags of powder-poo? what makes you think a rotting pile of poo is better than organic fermented plant extracts? the microbes that thrive in mammalian digestive tracts may not be the best microbes for soil/soilless media. while the microbes that thrive on hops must be beneficial for its closest relative...in a plant CANNAbalism sense.
"The patient in this case presented with primary cutaneous nocardiosis secondary to gardening, resulting in the direct inoculation of the organism.7"
"Clinicians should note that cure rates for nocardiosis involving the skin and soft tissue are almost 100%; nevertheless, the outcome of treatment for this infection depends on the health of the host (particularly on whether the patient is immunocompromised), the extent of disease, and the site of infection"
"Their presence on fresh produce is not uncommon. Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter jejuni, Vibrio cholerae, parasites and viruses can contaminate produce through raw or improperly composted manure,..."
"The fungus can be found naturally in soil but is more abundant in areas that are rich in bird and bat guano (Aufderheide 199

such as around farms, chicken coops, and in caves."
"Warm blooded flying mammals such as bats, however, can carry the disease (although further research documenting the manifestation of symptoms in bats could not be found) and excrete the organism in GUANO"
"Birds can spread the fungus directly by carrying it on their wings, feet and beak, and provide fertilizer for the growth of the fungus through their excrement. Because of this nutrient rich fertilizer, areas with strong bird populations are more likely to harbor actively growing H. capsulatum. Bats are unique carriers of histoplasmosis because they can carry it in their mammalian systems and excrete it in their guano. Bat guano is an ideal medium for the growth of histoplasmosis spores,..."