Vertical stadium HPS+LED - TGA Apollo 11,Cheese Quake,Ace of Spades,9 other strains


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I deleted my vids first, then the account... it says if you delete the account the vids are deleted too... i wonder how long/if they retain that stuff


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping they don't retain to save space :)

getting exciting... they got 2/3 veg nutes yesterday morning and are takin off today. I actually NEED to put that 400w HPS in because it's too cold in there.. it actually got colder when I sheeted the grow area off (vent is inside grow area, blowing right onto plants) and is cooler in the grow area than outside the sheeting... i already added a 3rd LED yesterday morning, but it's still too cool, so I'll add the HPS tomorrow morning, that should get the temps perfect hopefully. There'll also be a REAL nice temp variation I should definitely be able to bring out some purple/nice coloring should go from around 78-80 hopefully down to around 63-65 at night. Plants don't seem to be getting worse with the cal-mag issues which is good... but the leaves that got hit with it are pretty bad off. They got a thorough watering/feeding yesterday. I'm probably going to try and take cuts again tomorrow (off the 2 top shoots on each plant to slow growth down a bit to let the sub branches catch up and create 4 more tops per plant. I'll give'm full nutes next water, and around time of watering after that it should be around time to flip the switch to 12/12. i'll put babies in the cabinet until they need to be transplanted, then they'll go straight into flower. they should last at least 2 weeks in those solos til i get that shelf put up. Feeling a lot better and more excited about the grow this week... things are headed in the right direction and it's getting time for the really fun part :) New pics later tonight or in the morning... they've gotten noticably bigger


Well-Known Member
Well they look smaller now as I took cuts from a lot of them... 9 to be exact... 5 of the apollos and 4 of the CQ, 2 cuts of each... have high hopes for these... i cut off the edges of my tray so the lid would fit better this time and taped the lid shut... put the humidity meter in to make sure it's retaining humidity... crossing my fingers... the others the tops need a few more days before the shoots'll be big enough...

So here we are at end of week 7 from breaking the soil... day 35... they're still pretty small but gotta remember they just got their 2nd topping except for the ones that haven't grown quite enough since the 1st :)

Oh yeah, you wanna hear some bullshit? You know what I CAN'T find since I moved... my 400w HPS... the ballast and cooltube are nowhere I can find! I've looked everywhere don't know what could have happened to it... I take it as a sign from god that I am destined to put a 600w in my vertical grow... so it is written... so shall it be done. Just got to find a good cheap one... shit I don't even need a hood just the ballast and fixture/bulb.


Left to right: Ace of Spades, Apollo 13, Cheese Quake


Well-Known Member
Ooh exciting... so I'm eyeballing a 750w HPS digital system... just a tad more than the 600w system, produces the same ratio of lumens... so i'll actually be not far from a 1K light in lumens when you factor in the bump due to using a digital ballast... plus LEDs... could be SO badass.... i found a bare vertical light socket to go with it... so now just gotta save up the $250 or so it's gonna cost :) might still go 600w due to price... but it seems like if you're gonna go with a brand new light system and it's only a little more to get a lot more lumens.... the 1000ws are a significant jump up... but not the 750s... in fact the ballast would be 600/750 switchable in case i wanted to run a 600 MH in veg or something...

Another possible option is to go Ceramic Metal Halide... but they only go to 400w with that currently.


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Another day, things are lookin' good... my cuts seem to be doing real well in their dome with the humidity at 97-98% so hoping several of them will take... I took 2 cuts of each this time so I'm hoping to have some extras to pass around. Early preflowers starting to form... they got watered yesterday -- so hard to be patient -- i'm really dieing to get a new set of flower girls going, get my shelves up, etc...


Well-Known Member
I seem to be just talking to myself in here :)

Went to hydro store... picked up some blades and plant labels... also 2 different kinds of rooting gel... will try these as well next round of cuts and label which are which we'll see how they do... the bottle i bought is the one the hydro store recommends most... the other one is a sample bottle of another they gave me to try... weeee! Fun with cuttings... gonna try and get in there tonight and take some, but may not be til morn

A few of them showing some minor burn spots, but nothing serious. I can probably back off the nutes some seeing as how they're in fresh soil with nutes.... at least for a week or two more til the plants use that up. I may go ahead and put the little ones in big pots this weekend... we'll see if I have time... they're all doing well... watered them this morning.

Got 35 plants at the moment... fixing to have almost as many cuttings... uh oh! I need to sex SOON.

It is going to be totally badass having around 10 different strains of bud :) and i still have some in stock from last grow of course...


Well-Known Member
Wow man, busy busy..

Youre gonna be knee deep in buddage soon!

I snapped a pic this morning of the AoS, I'll send in a few..
The not so frosty one seems to have quit. Hasn't grown or made new calyxes... Just hairs turning red and it's a shame--it's a one hit plant!! Outdoor, inground, ultra micro.. I either rock, or well, let's not go there...
They were stunted by the time I actually put them in the ground.

So, I gotta run for now, check your inbox and email!


Well-Known Member
Not there yet maybe it's still uploading ;) I am thinking maybe they're just too small to go into the summer heat? We did a similar thing with some vegetable plants when we got to the new place and they are just not thriving at all only one has gotten to the size i'd expect... i did my wife a solid and pHed her water and threw in some superthrive, molasses and compost based low level nutes.... will be curious to see how it affects her plants :) the water coming out of our outdoor tap came in at 9.2! i don't know how anything she waters has survived :) definitely explains why combined with the heat nothing's really thriving. She overwaters the shit out of 'em too I think :)

Save me a nug of that frosty AoS i'll swap you some for it wanna see what kind of potential these 6 have.

I took cuts off most of the AoS today -- I trimmed the shit out of'em too... I took everything but the top two active nodes and topped the 2 growth shoots at the top from the previous topping -- so each will have 4 growth shoots at the top and 2 side branches below growing at opposing angle. When the branches are long enough I'll tie'm down. I may veg an extra week or two to get the kind of chutes I'm looking for pre-flower, plus I don't want to train in flower as that'll slow down finish time. Still have to trim the apollo's and cheese... i've decided if these cuts don't take i'm not taking any more until 3-4 weeks into flower. I think some of the cuts won't make it from before a few were looking real limp today... I misted'em, got'em fresh air and then closed it back down. We'll see how it goes. I'm almost hoping the cuts don't make it, if only because i'm gonna have way too many to take care of... the flower cuts would be from only females, so fewer cuts to take care of and fewer plants since the boys have already been weeded (haha) out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the soil should be around 8.6 or so also around there.. So much alkalinity!!
our tap is 8.2-8.6. Which doesn't help I suppose.

Oh I like the signature line you got there!


Well-Known Member
To the teeth!!

Glad they're doing so well for ya. Anymore heat issues?
crossing fingers for you to get a super frosty AOS.. Well, all of them really;)


Well-Known Member
No no more heat it only gets up to 72-73 and that's with me turning the a/c up a bit... otherwise it'd be below 70... should be just perfect to get some HPS in there next week :) No issues at the moment other than minor nute burn on a couple of AoS's... so I only gave'm the compost based low strength ferts this time :)

This was their final trim pre-flower, I may tie'm train the branches a bit still to get them maximum exposure.... i'm not as crazy about the trays now either they're too cramped with 3 in there... 2 each is more appropriate unless they're single cola.... starting to block each other's light :) But it's cool as I find males I can give them more room.

Almost all of them have 6 colas, a few are gonna have 8 colas... will let them veg 2 more weeks for the fresh tops to grow and then I'll flip. Of course this will put harvest to start in mid-November instead of end of October...


Well-Known Member
Lumatek digital 750w HPS (switchable to 600)... So I'll be running 1020-1230w per shelf.

Yeah, I definitely need to get a couple of those plants into 5 gallons and see what 1K+ is gonna do :)


Well-Known Member
It's payday... and I did it... ended up deciding against the 750 (read a few bad things and concerned about heat)... ended up going with a 400/600 digital switchable with a verticle fixture and universal bulb... that way if I have a 600w bulb blow out at least I can temporarily plug in my 400w until I get a new bulb :) Can also use my 400w MH in early veg.

Haven't gone to get the shelf supplies yet but have what I need written out and will be going either tonight or first thing in the morning... maybe tonight.

I had to buy some ONA gel bottles cuz my ozone generator broke :(

I did some sexing the other day... one for sure female (pistils), several maybe females, one almost sure male (putting it in the dark a day or two to help it show) and several likely females... as many that i can't see any preflowers at all. Will be doing some more sexing this weekend... i'm gonna put the for sure female Cheesequake in a 5 gallon airpot... will put first for sure AoS in one as well. In a twist, so far the bigger plants looking female and smaller male? hmmm