Voters blame president most for slow economic recovery


Active Member
Two-thirds of likely voters say the weak economy is Washington’s fault, and more blame President Obama than anybody else, according to a new poll for The Hill.
It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy. Thirty-four percent say Obama is the most to blame, followed by 23 percent who say Congress is the culprit. Twenty percent point the finger at Wall Street, and 18 percent cite former President George W. Bush.

The results highlight the reelection challenge Obama faces amid dissatisfaction with his first-term performance on the economy.

time for change
They should take away that freakin noble peace prize he got when he was elected that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of in my entire life the fucker winning that prize for what winning the election or for being on the 1st presidential ticket to have a black man and a woman running? Oh wait I forgot the same thing happened like 100 years ago with Fredrick Douglas and some chick named Victoria woodsumptin(I think that was her name).
Obama and the Demonrats had two years without any opposition and failed to fix the economy after promises and spending nearly a trillion. All we have are failed solar energy companies and more debt. The Messiah failed to deliver. That makes him a false prophet.

well 2 years to fix the 8 before doesnt seem fair. Sure, hes no messiah, but atleast we are moving in the right direction.

U want a fast recovery? drop all the regulations on businesses (like the republicans want) and then what? hope corporations dont fuck us again? no thanks. i choose regulations, slow recovery, and firm ground to walk on.
Obama and the Demonrats had two years without any opposition and failed to fix the economy after promises and spending nearly a trillion. All we have are failed solar energy companies and more debt. The Messiah failed to deliver. That makes him a false prophet.

The one thing he did get passed, half the nation doesn't want. The guy is a puppet, he is more obvious than past puppets because the economy is so bad more people are paying attention. I am tired of him telling me that corporations and rich people are to blame then he turns around and puts them in charge.
well 2 years to fix the 8 before doesnt seem fair. Sure, hes no messiah, but atleast we are moving in the right direction.

Are we? Only a minority agrees with you. Most think we're in a stagnant gridlock that wont be resolved until he is out.
Businesses are frozen until Obama is gone and Obamatax is repealed.

unfortunately this is true. Capital is on strike. We can expect another market crash late this year if it looks like more of the same. People will pull profits out now, under present tax rates to avoid what could be billions in tax increases. Too much uncertainty in the markets right now to make long term plans.

Pretty sure it will be either Bush or the new guys fault though.
The economy is the Fed Reserves Domain. Presidents don't have the kind of power it takes to make a world economy start humming along.
Looking at what the hell Obama walked into its no surprise,It was Bush with the great disapproval rating back then,Now its Obama hes in office taking the public heat and being the figure head that he has to be,while it makes one wonder if there are any kickbacks financialy to being the hated one in office,maybe there is maybe there isnt,you certainly dont see our former presidents filing for bankruptcy or having a default on a morgage,.Basicaly the payed matador,being puppeted by the majority of the house and others behind the scenes I dare say,while taking the public frustration head on.Then how can anyone hope to make sense out what is going on with our leadership in this country?
The economy is the Fed Reserves Domain. Presidents don't have the kind of power it takes to make a world economy start humming along.

True but when you hit all the large employers with new medical cost and promise to raise taxes they aren't going to just start spending money. Hell I am a little guy in all this and I am even leery of another 4 years of uncertainty.
The economy is the Fed Reserves Domain. Presidents don't have the kind of power it takes to make a world economy start humming along.

Presidents play a secondary role. We are presently in a liquidity trap because the Fed has lowered rates as much as possible and haven't been able to cause another bubble to pull out of our malaise (holy shit Keynesian economics is tarded).

The reason the president plays a role is because Bernanke is safe as long O is prez so we can expect some sort of quantitative easing around Labor Day, enough to prop up a false economy long enough to get us through the elections.

People will cheer.
Our problem isn't Bush or corporations. Our problem is debt and too much spending. Cut the spending.

i agree with you, kinda. we have spending issues. sure. we spend too much on the military, and too much of everything else isnt efficient enough. the government isnt efficient, sure.

the other side of the problem tho is that of regulations. shitty lending, sketchy business practices, and corruption. the catalyst was fannie and freddie, due to LACK OF regulations, then people foreclosed on homes they couldnt afford due to LACK OF regulations in lending. Banks got fucked after people stopped paying their mortgages, but thats after they did some sketchy deals with other banks, due to a LACK ON REGULATION. company owners moved jobs overseas, without penalty, due to lack of regulation.

is this country better off getting rich quickly? or doing it with the framework set up for a stable, fair economy?

just look at ´short selling´ as another example, people profiting from knowing a company´s value will decrease. and thats legal.
i agree with you, kinda. we have spending issues. sure. we spend too much on the military, and too much of everything else isnt efficient enough. the government isnt efficient, sure.

the other side of the problem tho is that of regulations. shitty lending, sketchy business practices, and corruption. the catalyst was fannie and freddie, due to LACK OF regulations, then people foreclosed on homes they couldnt afford due to LACK OF regulations in lending. Banks got fucked after people stopped paying their mortgages, but thats after they did some sketchy deals with other banks, due to a LACK ON REGULATION. company owners moved jobs overseas, without penalty, due to lack of regulation.

is this country better off getting rich quickly? or doing it with the framework set up for a stable, fair economy?

just look at ´short selling´ as another example, people profiting from knowing a company´s value will decrease. and thats legal.

I agree with you also, kinda. Everything you said is true, the problem I have is Obama has put most of the people that do this in charge and tells everyone "he's got this" "just four more years" lol
regulations to stop outsourcing? that should end well. What do you think apple would be if iPads cost 1200 bucks? would there even be an Apple?

You are not alone though nick, there seems to be a protectionist movement going on in this country.

Repealing Glass-Steagall was part of the myriad of causes that perpetuated the financial meltdown. Clinton signed that, but it's the Wall st./DC partnership that was instrumental in even dreaming it up just a short time historically after the big S & L crisis.

So glad the Obama admin fixed that pesky too big to fail by putting so many Gold Mansachs execs on his team.

Bad regulations do more harm than no regulations. We have fraud and theft laws on the books to counter-act no regulations, we just need politicians with gonads to prosecute and an efficient system to do this quickly enough to put out fires. Unfortunately we are too damn big to be efficient at anything. The SEC was warned about Madoff on 3 separate occasions starting years before they did anything.
well 2 years to fix the 8 before doesnt seem fair. Sure, hes no messiah, but atleast we are moving in the right direction.

U want a fast recovery? drop all the regulations on businesses (like the republicans want) and then what? hope corporations dont fuck us again? no thanks. i choose regulations, slow recovery, and firm ground to walk on.

Right direction huh!

When more workers end up on federal disability than enter the workforce, we are heading in the wrong direction my friend.

For the life of me, I can't see why you lefties put so much stock in an inexperienced community organizer, hell any idiot can run on a platform of giving out free shit!
Businesses are frozen until Obama is gone and Obamatax is repealed.
i really realllllllllllllly dont hope you mean obamacare.

the thing is we pay taxes on everything for everything. the last thing i wanna remove is a tax to make people heathy.

it sucks we have to pay to make others healthy, sure. but i shouldnt be healthier becuase i have more money. it sucks its gonna cost 5 trillion or whatever to make people heathy, but ITS THEIR HEALTH. we cant place a price on our health, and the health of the ones we love.

Lets lower taxes in other places, and raise them in other places. Same with spending.
Facts people Facts.

In January 2009, before President Obama had even
taken the oath of office, annual spending was set to total 24.9 percent of gross
domestic product. Total spending this year, fiscal year 2012, is expected to top
out at 23.4 percent of GDP.

Here’s another interesting fact. Taxes today are
lower than they were on inauguration day 2009. Back in January 2009, the CBO
projected that total federal tax revenue that year would amount to 16.5 percent
of GDP. This year? 15.8 percent.

One last nugget. The deficit this year is going to
be lower than what it was on the day President Obama took office. Back then, the
CBO said the 2009 deficit would be 8.3 percent of GDP. This year’s deficit is
expected to come in at 7.6 percent.

(CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.
The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day