That was straight up kidnapping. Did you see how long it took for the other cop to come up with whatever bullshit excuse it was they were arresting her over? 2-3 minutes! All because the initial piece of shit with a badge couldn't think one up himself. Perfect example of the shit cops pull on a regular basis, exactly the same as getting the K-9 to motion on a certain spot on a vehicle to give the officer probable cause for a search. If they want to take you to jail, it doesn't matter what you may or may not have done, cops will find a way to arrest you for it.
GWN, have you seen the clip circulating of that black guy drinking an Arizona Iced Tea outside a convenience store and that cop comes up and asks to see if it's alcoholic, the guy shows the cop the can, but the cop wanted to stick his pig nose up to the mouth of the guys can to smell it because he didn't believe him. The fucking cop arrested him over a goddamn iced fucking tea! Guess what the charge was... Trespassing.