
this post needs the

the woman is a menace to democracy...the people i know in her district aren't this fucking stupid, i wonder what the fuck she is doing to keep them voting for her? offering NOT to have sex with them?
Do you need a Twitter account to view this? Wasn't able to, and I don't have an account.
I sign in with google, but you don't need to, I would never join, but it is a place to pick up news and is good for some laughs. As long as you realize what Musk is trying to do with the platform and wants to fuck with policy and politics and how he tries to manipulate public opinion and perception.
Every time you look at your phone.
The camera is always on and the microphone always open and AI will be listening... Traditionally there has been a kind of an anti-tyranny of numbers with mass surveillance, who watches the watchers sort of thing, and the numbers of secret police have to be a considerable portion of the population and that's just for surveillance! However, AI can "solve" these "problems" using the internet, cellphones, public cameras, facial recognition and a variety of sources. Storage is so cheap these days that gigabytes of data could be stored on each citizen nearly automatically and more on targeted ones.

Authoritarian governments will have many tools of surveillance and oppression, so will liberal democracies. This is just one tiny aspect of the looming issues surrounding AI.
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Looks like desperation, turning their best troops into cannon fodder, like the artillery they wasted on attacking civilians, they will regret the troops they wasted on this stupid bullshit. They will need these guy's when the Ukrainians strike them and only God and a few Ukrainians know the time and place where the blow will fall.

If the Russians are defeated this summer and driven back into Russia in humiliation, many in the military will blame the incompetence and the corruption on the government, especially those who went through the meat grinder in Ukraine or were POWs. Vlad will end up with a lot of very angry men in Russia who he turned into losers, fucked over and made poor, while he screwed their kid's futures. I think these men will be trouble for Vlad, if they organize and Vlad might be wise to blame them for losing the war and ship the works of them to the Gulag in Siberia. Stalin did shit like that for shits and giggles, but Vlad will need to so he can survive.
