
I'll take that as a yes.... :sad:
Stones and glass houses and all that

Its been part of war since forever. Once a victorious army were given free reign in a city or town as a reward for winning.
Its all part of war as your well aware. Rape, murder and mutilation is the history of war. US solders were and are not immune.
Both sides are the same, eh? An amoral stance if there ever was one, completely devoid of context. You posted about the civil war in Sudan, nobody gives a fuck about the internal politics of Sudan and the war is of no importance, even though there will be plenty of atrocities. It is in the end a civil war without major geopolitical ramifications, unlike the war in Ukraine and the atrocities committed by the Russians there are the result of an invasion and violation of UN law, internal disputes are not. The atrocities also have an impact on public opinion, and they will in Sudan too eventually. They caused a huge shift in public support for the Ukrainians in Europe and globally and a hardening of attitudes. The western press is in Ukraine and not many except from the Muslim world are in Sudan, Aljazeera is probably covering it more than Ukraine.

American and western soldiers fight under the rule of law, we historically have violated it at times, but as time passes it becomes more the exception than the rule. The Russians are fighting as a horde of brigands and criminals, not soldiers in the western sense, not people who can win the peace after the war and increasingly that is becoming the name of the game.
There are a few factors they are not including here, like the state of the Russian army, surprise, concertation of forces and a war of maneuver against an enemy that can't for the most part.

35,000 Ukrainian soldiers will face over 140,000 enemy troops in counterattack - it won't be easy...
Both sides are the same, eh? An amoral stance if there ever was one, completely devoid of context. You posted about the civil war in Sudan, nobody gives a fuck about the internal politics of Sudan and the war is of no importance, even though there will be plenty of atrocities. It is in the end a civil war without major geopolitical ramifications, unlike the war in Ukraine and the atrocities committed by the Russians there are the result of an invasion and violation of UN law, internal disputes are not. The atrocities also have an impact on public opinion, and they will in Sudan too eventually. They caused a huge shift in public support for the Ukrainians in Europe and globally and a hardening of attitudes. The western press is in Ukraine and not many except from the Muslim world are in Sudan, Aljazeera is probably covering it more than Ukraine.

American and western soldiers fight under the rule of law, we historically have violated it at times, but as time passes it becomes more the exception than the rule. The Russians are fighting as a horde of brigands and criminals, not soldiers in the western sense, not people who can win the peace after the war and increasingly that is becoming the name of the game.
Yep Humans on both side. We have all met Russian people through out our lives are they not the same as everyone else?
No body cared about Ukraine until recently either.

War is war- bad shit happens. It has always happened and it will always happen.
I hope that anyone who committed war crimes is punished but like America i don't think Russia puts its war crime "defendants" on trail. Are Russia, Ukraine signatories to the ICC? I don't think America even is. Bush was never trailed for his 269(?) War crimes was he?

You get all emotional. Its just yet another war far, far away. We are not affected by it except for fuel prices and maybe our stock portfolio if you choose those kind of stocks. If you choose those kind of stocks of cause. Which kinda says something about the person who does doesn't it?
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Too bad all the wingnuts watch Tucker, or maybe one will hear they called him a "cousin fucking terrorist" and wants payback for being made into a sucker.

a profoundly stupid report from a profoundly stupid talking anus. I'd think with SEVERAL potentially career ending cases coming at fox, they might try telling the truth for once.
Plane drones can have a longer range and GPS guided or FPV for a suicide drone, they can loiter, orbit a location for a while before attacking and can carry enough explosive to ruin yer whole day. They sell kits of propulsion kits motors, ESC and servos (just 2 needed) for about $30 bucks, less in bulk, a blow molded plastic fuselage and wings along with a couple of hundred bucks of other parts like an FC with GPS a camera, transmitter and battery. It's cheaper and longer range than a quad copter though control at range would require a GPS tracking and receiving antenna mount with a clear line of sight. It could still kill them 10km away with ease using something cheap that can be mass produced from purchased parts from China or Taiwan for the most part, or they can put it all together cheaper than you can and send ya a container load, add your custom radio receiver and yer good to go.

Fascist don't place any controls on industrialist, only taxes...So you tend to get cheap garbage from companies based in fascist states.
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Yep Humans on both side. We have all met Russian people through out our lives are they not the same as everyone else?
No body cared about Ukraine until recently either.

War is war- bad shit happens. It has always happened and it will always happen.
I hope that anyone who committed war crimes is punished but like America i don't think Russia puts its war crime "defendants" on trail. Are Russia, Ukraine signatories to the ICC? I don't think America even is. Bush was never trailed for his War crimes was he?
War is bad no doubt about that and is the very last resort of reasonable people as is the situation in Ukraine. Some people are bastards and they often run countries, the scum floats to the top more frequently in some places than in others. It is the imperialist dreams of Putin and Xi we have to contend with and while xi might be reasoned with, clearly Putin cannot. He can fight to his death or leave, the choice of war and peace is in his hands, leave Ukraine or be driven out, the atrocities and war crimes have made any compromise impossible. What Ukrainians would you be willing to turn over to the tender mercies of Putin and his horde of savages? Sure, people are just people, but they are also members of societies and countries, so were the Nazi's and imperial Japanese and it is possible for enemies to become friends and allies. Ask yourself why that is so with America and the west and not so in other places? After the war they formed the UN, but unfortunately Stalin was a member and he did for the UN what he did for communism, dug its grave, China filled it in. Everybody in eastern Europe who lived under the Russians hates their guts and loathes them, not so for the western allies, in Japan or Germany or anywhere in western Europe. Where we conquered enemies, they soon realized they were actually liberated and behaved that way. That hatred the Russians earned lives on and is haunting them today in this war, they won the war but lost the peace.
Both sides are the same, eh? An amoral stance if there ever was one, completely devoid of context. You posted about the civil war in Sudan, nobody gives a fuck about the internal politics of Sudan and the war is of no importance, even though there will be plenty of atrocities. It is in the end a civil war without major geopolitical ramifications, unlike the war in Ukraine and the atrocities committed by the Russians there are the result of an invasion and violation of UN law, internal disputes are not. The atrocities also have an impact on public opinion, and they will in Sudan too eventually. They caused a huge shift in public support for the Ukrainians in Europe and globally and a hardening of attitudes. The western press is in Ukraine and not many except from the Muslim world are in Sudan, Aljazeera is probably covering it more than Ukraine.

American and western soldiers fight under the rule of law, we historically have violated it at times, but as time passes it becomes more the exception than the rule. The Russians are fighting as a horde of brigands and criminals, not soldiers in the western sense, not people who can win the peace after the war and increasingly that is becoming the name of the game.
I don't know, there seem to be some pretty severe ramifications for the Sudanese....
otherwise not a lot of argument...
I don't know, there seem to be some pretty severe ramifications for the Sudanese....
otherwise not a lot of argument...
There are, but it won't change the geopolitical map of Europe and Asia and they don't have a desperate mad man with his finger hovering over the nuclear suicide button! There are wars like this all the time, coups, revolutions, successionist movements, tribal and religious differences. In many cases lines were drawn in imperialist 19th century Europe carving up lands and dividing peoples. When empires die countries tend to form along previous administrative or colonial lines. Russia's breakup will be like the dissolution of the Spanish empire in South America, the countries we know today were once administrative provinces. It's the way the cookie crumbles.
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Me neither, orcs is already reserved for de-elvenized elves, makes no sense to dehumanize humans to orcs.
To me it is a nickname reserved for use by Ukrainians or those fighting Russians, there comes a point where a nickname is not just a pejorative, but descriptive. We can use fancy legal terms, but it describes the same conduct, call them miscreants if you wish. When you call a republican a fascist, is it a descriptive or a pejorative? Ditto for a cunt farmer! ;)
To me it is a nickname reserved for use by Ukrainians or those fighting Russians, there comes a point where a nickname is not just a pejorative, but descriptive. We can use fancy legal terms, but it describes the same conduct, call them miscreants if you wish. When you call a republican a fascist, is it a descriptive or a pejorative? Ditto for a cunt farmer! ;)
What puzzles me is these guys are clutching their pearls over the use of what they perceive as an improper pronoun, but seem to be quite alright with horrendous atrocities being committed by (put your approved pronoun here)....
To me it is a nickname reserved for use by Ukrainians or those fighting Russians, there comes a point where a nickname is not just a pejorative, but descriptive. We can use fancy legal terms, but it describes the same conduct, call them miscreants if you wish. When you call a republican a fascist, is it a descriptive or a pejorative? Ditto for a cunt farmer! ;)
You appear to have missed the joke. I know it wasn't a good one, so don't worry about it.

What puzzles me is these guys are clutching their pearls over the use of what they perceive as an improper pronoun, but seem to be quite alright with horrendous atrocities being committed by (put your approved pronoun here)....
You definitely missed the joke, but that's some Luke-level logic there. That "but" part does not follow from the first part.
What puzzles me is these guys are clutching their pearls over the use of what they perceive as an improper pronoun, but seem to be quite alright with horrendous atrocities being committed by (put your approved pronoun here)....
Dehumanizing terms have been used to victimize minorities and others by dehumanizing them. However, this is a war, and the objective is to kill the cocksuckers most of the time and it does help if they dehumanize them first, they are not victims. Orc generally only appears to apply to soldiers and not Russians in general for the most part, but many people in Ukraine feel differently than that! For myself I don't use it, except to recognize that the Ukrainians do and with good reason. If someone was doing that shit in America, they would be calling them worse than orcs and doing worse still to their asses.
Freedom needs to be better supplied than tyranny. If democracies stand firm, Putin’s war on Ukraine will fail
100% agree, but I think they will have enough to do the job, more would be better though and would save more Ukrainian lives. We won't have long to wait for the Blitzkrieg and it's my guess it will be a repeat of 1941 for the Russians when the Germans encircled vast numbers of troops and cut them off from supply and then chopped them into pieces. I think we will see the genius of the Ukrainian general staff in action as well as battlefield commanders. I'm betting on the Ukrainians, and I think the Russians are gonna be fucked all summer long. In fact, I figure by May 9th and the big parade, it will be a military catastrophe in Ukraine for the Russians a week into the offensive. If the ground was dry and they are ready, it would make Putin shit from humiliation to suffer such a defeat on victory day.