
I hope they didn't get sucked in on those Chinese batteries that are labeled as high capacity but are actually cheap shit with no capacity. Looks like they assembled the battery pack themselves.

Looks like China is coming through for them, they are desperate for drones and with M777s and things like this in the air troops are not safe anywhere within range of the guns and drones. This is what drone air superiority looks like, groups of Russians miles behind the lines are suddenly obliterated by a precision strike called in and monitored by a drone. They can be bombed in their foxholes and a suicide drone could fly through any open door or window. Every square inch of the front can be covered for miles behind enemy lines, nothing moves day or night without being seen, there is no cover.

NATO could consider a nuclear deployment of its own to counter Russia
Yeah, like on the border with Ukraine pointed at Moscow 200 miles away, or in Finland where they are about 100 miles from St Petersburg. Those are the two major Russian cities, that is the heart of the nation and most of the others would be at short range too. By the time Vlad's phone rang at 3AM there would be a missile sharing his bed.
Is he gonna tell the Russians to leave? That is the only way there will be peace, leave or die they are the two options. Macron can't be stupid enough to try and bargain away Ukrainian territory, even Crimea, that is as good as gone. The Russians must leave all of Ukraine for the war to end and if you are not telling them that, WTF are you doing there? Xi should realize this and he should also want Russia weak and near collapse, China has the most to gain from the Russian empire's demise and he should be realizing this by now, his foreign policy experts must be telling him. China already moved into central Asia and has agreements with former Soviet Republics, they have oil and China wants it.

It looks like post war planning to me, everybody knows Russia will be defeated and evicted from Ukraine, only then will the Ukrainians negotiate a peace, but they are dealing with war criminals who broke several peace treaties already and they have the same leader. You can't negotiate with Putin any more than you could negotiate with Hitler, negotiating with anybody who is untrustworthy for a signed agreement is a waste of time. You need to kill such people and start with someone else. We won't kill Vlad, but we will make it hard for his fellow Russians not to kill him for us and their own good. Russia has no future as long as Putin or his cronies run the place and more Russians are realizing this.

Yep, it's not just vaccines, he is a complete wingnut. Appearing on Tucker, really? Who with integrity would be caught in the same room with Tucker? Hey maybe some magats will think that democrat is as crazy as me!

I saw a monkey at the zoo that had apparently gotten dropped on its head a couple of times too many. He would get frustrated at himself, and throw poop at his own reflection....He had exactly the same facial expression that carlson has...except carlson throws poop at America.
Is he gonna tell the Russians to leave? That is the only way there will be peace, leave or die they are the two options. Macron can't be stupid enough to try and bargain away Ukrainian territory, even Crimea, that is as good as gone. The Russians must leave all of Ukraine for the war to end and if you are not telling them that, WTF are you doing there? Xi should realize this and he should also want Russia weak and near collapse, China has the most to gain from the Russian empire's demise and he should be realizing this by now, his foreign policy experts must be telling him. China already moved into central Asia and has agreements with former Soviet Republics, they have oil and China wants it.

It looks like post war planning to me, everybody knows Russia will be defeated and evicted from Ukraine, only then will the Ukrainians negotiate a peace, but they are dealing with war criminals who broke several peace treaties already and they have the same leader. You can't negotiate with Putin any more than you could negotiate with Hitler, negotiating with anybody who is untrustworthy for a signed agreement is a waste of time. You need to kill such people and start with someone else. We won't kill Vlad, but we will make it hard for his fellow Russians not to kill him for us and their own good. Russia has no future as long as Putin or his cronies run the place and more Russians are realizing this.

If macron tries to push Ukraine into making a deal, i hope they tell him the same thing they told the russian warship...
If macron tries to push Ukraine into making a deal, i hope they tell him the same thing they told the russian warship...
I think it's a post war thing, once they kick the Russian's asses out of Ukraine some settlement will be necessary, there will be no peace until then. Joe wants the Russian army destroyed and is in no rush for peace as far as I can see. The war has been good for Joe and the democrats and let's America see what a fascist regime is like. This war is black and white, no grey areas, it's pretty cut and dried as far as I'm concerned. I know the democrats won't lose any support for their stance, but the republicans are being dragged through the shit by MTG and Tucker daily and will lose support of the hawks and there is no shortage of hawks among the republicans, though many are now democrats and going to stay that way.

Above all it demonstrates liberals are not pussies, but can be deadly enemies of fascists, that the "woke" army fights very well and the Russians are a disaster. Trump is still praising the Russians and the traitors are becoming very apparent, Mitch and that bunch got wise fast and jumped off that ship! The Ukrainian war is dividing the republicans more than many other issues, there is that white Christians fighting for liberty with guns and guts thing, hard for many republicans to resist.
If macron tries to push Ukraine into making a deal, i hope they tell him the same thing they told the russian warship...
After the war Vlad will want peace, if he tries an invasion from Belarus this time, they will find themselves in the war and eventually liberated. Personally, I think Belarus is the next battle and if Vlad wants to put nukes there, he might lose them to a coup or revolution. Vlad will want peace, because if he doesn't settle Ukraine will continue to inflict pain on them with drones and other attacks. They will become a home and training ground for Vlad's many enemies, and they will go to Georgia to get at them and forget Transnistria, that is already gone and will be handed over to Moldova all cleaned up of Russian troops and arms. They will make Vlad want peace, or it will get really painful and dangerous for Vlad.

Last minute development! Ukrainian Army Captures Kadyrov's Soldiers with Great Success!

5,467 views Apr 20, 2023
Every war is the result of a crisis. But sometimes this crisis can lead to other crises! The result of a growing crisis can be a major defeat! The crisis in Russia is growing every day! If these crises increase even more, Russia could collapse completely!

The latest crisis in Russia has revealed just how bad Putin is. After Kadyrov's move, Russian commanders and the Kremlin leadership are in a panic! The Russian army is in a very difficult situation!

The success of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield is causing chaos in Russia. The latest crisis in Russia is the result of the success of the Ukrainian army! Ukrainian commanders are gaining a huge advantage on the battlefield by organizing special operations in strategic areas!

Ukrainian commanders have recently stepped up their operations to capture Russian soldiers. In many regions, the Ukrainian army is conducting sudden operations and surrounding the Russian soldiers! Desperate Russian soldiers surrender to the Ukrainian army!

The Ukrainian army organized one of these operations in the city of Bakhmut. Ukrainian soldiers had been preparing for this operation for a long time. Ukrainian intelligence also supported this operation. Ukrainian intelligence determined the date and time of the operation. After receiving the order for the operation, Ukrainian soldiers began to move forward quietly. It was known that there were Chechen soldiers in a boarding house in Bakhmut. Ukrainian soldiers surrounded this hostel and called on the Chechen soldiers to surrender. The Chechen soldiers realized that they were cornered! If the fighting started, victory was impossible! Chechen soldiers surrendered to the Ukrainian army! They were taken to Kiev and interrogated.

What is the OFFENSIVE GUARD? And How is Ukraine Preparing for a Breakthrough in the War?

15,875 views Premiered 5 hours ago #warinukraine #counteroffensive #crimea
Sadly, tens of thousands of kilometers of Ukrainian territory remain under occupation. But in 2023, we're starting to hear the words 'counter-offensive' more regularly. Ukrainians have even formed new units to liberate their lands and kick the enemy out. The name speaks for itself — the Offensive Guard. So what does this unit look like, and where do they come from?
I wonder what their reaction will be to Donald's very similar crimes with secret documents and obstruction. This was a kid, given way more responsibility than an enlisted person should have, unless they are very senior rank. This should have been officer material and a national guardsman with that kind of access is just plain wrong. I think the military needs to step up to the plate, they abused this young person by exposing him to danger and responsibilities he was not prepared for, he didn't have the experience, rank or proper training, he was handling material that only senior officers with high level security clearances have access to.

If I were the kid's lawyer I would present these as mitigating factors at sentencing, he was thrust into a situation without proper vetting or experience. He should do time, but when someone senior or an officer does it, it would be more serious and an officer should have been doing this work, not an emotionally immature kid at the bottom of the heap. I think there is blame to go around on this one, and part of that blame rests with his commanding officer and a piss poor system of security. They just shut his entire unit down, that tells me there are command issues and deep problems.

Should the kid do time? Absolutely, but how much time? I think these things can be mitigating factors that will affect his sentence. There will be no repeats that much is for sure. However, there is a former navy CPO that got access to the documents, and she spread them around including altered versions, she runs a pro-Russian website. She is also an enemy of Ukraine and recently retired from the Navy or was fired and that is how the Russians got the docs. She obtained and distributed classified materials and could be in more shit than the kid, who only wanted to impress his friends, like Trump. He also kept them in about as secure place as Trump too, Donald's were behind locked doors, and the kid's were on a password protected server.

GOP puts MTG ‘on an island’ over Pentagon leaker case
Even her own fellow diehard conservatives won’t follow the Georgia Republican in defense of the Air National Guardsman accused of leaking classified material.
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I wonder what their reaction will be to Donald's very similar crimes with secret documents and obstruction. This was a kid, given way more responsibility than an enlisted person should have, unless they are very senior rank. This should have been officer material and a national guardsman with that kind of access is just plain wrong. I think the military needs to step up to the plate, they abused this young person by exposing him to danger and responsibilities he was not prepared for, he didn't have the experience, rank or proper training, he was handling material that only senior officers with high level security clearances have access to.

If I were the kid's lawyer I would present these as mitigating factors at sentencing, he was thrust into a situation without proper vetting or experience. He should do time, but when someone senior or an officer does it, it would be more serious and an officer should have been doing this work, not an emotionally immature kid at the bottom of the heap. I think there is blame to go around on this one, and part of that blame rests with his commanding officer and a piss poor system of security. They just shut his entire unit down, that tells me there are command issues and deep problems.

Should the kid do time? Absolutely, but how much time? I think these things can be mitigating factors that will affect his sentence. There will be no repeats that much is for sure. However, there is a former navy CPO that got access to the documents, and she spread them around including altered versions, she runs a pro-Russian website. She is also an enemy of Ukraine and recently retired from the Navy or was fired and that is how the Russians got the docs. She obtained and distributed classified materials and could be in more shit than the kid, who only wanted to impress his friends, like Trump. He also kept them in about as secure place as Trump too, Donald's were behind locked doors, and the kid's were on a password protected server.

GOP puts MTG ‘on an island’ over Pentagon leaker case
Even her own fellow diehard conservatives won’t follow the Georgia Republican in defense of the Air National Guardsman accused of leaking classified material.
tucker carlson said "Telling the truth is the only real sin."....well, his soul is fucking safe, then.