
I think when the Ukrainians hit them in the east and southeast, it will be over pretty quickly, quicker than they could throw a bridge across the Dnipro, except for a NATO pontoon one they have stashed nearby or suddenly on its way from Poland. It would be good to interdict those troops and keep them from getting back into Crimea, maybe HIMARS a bridge or two. I'm pretty sure Vlad has Crimea stripped bare of troops and I can't see troops idle there when he is desperate for them where they count. They had contractors build defensive works and trenches, but they are largely unmanned.
A pontoon bridge would have to be in the same place as the Russians put theirs, right next to the existing bridge. The river is too wide for a pontoon bridge on its own, the water current would bow the bridge and try and wash it away..
Yep, I can see those republican con artists stepping right up to the plate to defend America. I would expect to see plenty of democrats, but the republicans would consider them suckers while wrapping themselves in the flag, when they weren't stabbing the country in the back or selling it out to the highest bidder.

This war is involving all levels of society and a lot of the men I've seen killed are older men in the territorials, they seem to be holding the bastards off while their sons are training in the rear to bring the fight to the Russians.

This is what imperialism looks like, they walked it back, but he really let the cat out of the bag, this will go over in the stans like a turd in the punch bowl.

well, what do people expect china to say? that it's bad to take your neighbors shit and murder them? When they're looking for an excuse to do exactly that to Taiwan? We can't even agree to kick russia the fuck out of the UN, we have no control over things we SHOULD have control over, how the fuck are we gonna influence what china says or does?
I started this video halfway through, where he starts to talk about the offensive, too late for making more ammo in time for the drive. I think it might be over pretty quickly, Ukraine will drive for their railheads far to the rear and cut off the Russian's downstream from their supplies, meanwhile they will attack in the south and threaten to cross the Dnipro. Now they are shaping the battlefield and overwhelming the Russians with news, there have been recent drone attacks on Russian cities and one flying around Moscow taking video it would appear.

Are delayed EU ammunition deliveries undermining Ukraine's advancement efforts?
May 9th is a long way off in terms of what might happen over the course of a week in Ukraine once they start their offensives. The Victory parade in the midst of a military catastrophe in Ukraine could be problematic. Vlad will make a good target for his own people standing in front of Lenin's tomb as the parade goes by, if he doesn't have a body double do it.

If you think about it planning and launching a large-scale drone attack on the May 9th parade in Moscow might be a useful thing. While the Ukrainians are rolling on the Russians in Ukraine, the capitol and leadership would be thrown into confusion and fear by a humiliating attack on their parade, while their army is humiliated in Ukraine and defeated.
I got him figured for a dead man walking and he might have a year left, less if Ukraine defeats Russia quickly and decisively. Once they drive them from the land, the focus will turn to hunting inside Russia if required. This guy will be at his villa when a long-range suicide drone takes him out, if the Russians don't do him first, he has enemies in Russia too. I'm sure the Ukrainians have a long list and if Vlad doesn't sign a peace treaty of some kind the Ukrainians will be free to hunt him and anybody else on their list. There are plenty of Ukrainians who can pass for Russian, and many know Russia well, they might do what the Israeli's did after the Munch Olympics, they went hunting.