
don't really wanna say it, but it looks like what i'm thinking....."FSB False Flag op" seem probable now...
"We will just keep this to ourselves and then blame it on the Ukrainians." Or they might have even instigated it, a lone man doing the Kremlin's bidding, contact willing applicants by Instagram, cheap as chip, only cost us $5,000 Euro's.
Russian leaning military blog site.

The ex-chief of CIA operations in Russia complained about the “uncivilized treatment” of terrorists in the Russian Federation
The former head of the CIA operations department in Russia, Steve Hall, with absolutely inappropriate indignation in this case, spoke about the allegedly “uncivilized treatment” in the Russian Federation of terrorists who killed 139 people.

Hall noted that there are significant differences between Russian and Western values. He did not rule out that if such treatment of terrorists had been in the United States or anywhere else in the West, there would certainly have been people who would have fully approved of it, saying that they deserved it and it was necessary to follow the “tit for tat” principle. .

At the same time, the American intelligence officer believes that Russia is supposedly not a completely civilized society. According to Hall, the principles of humane treatment of suspects are not observed at all in the Russian Federation, which allegedly indicates the absence of the rule of law.

It is worth noting that such statements were made by a representative of the American structure, which demonstrated an absolutely inhumane attitude towards prisoners of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prisons, where those suspected of any anti-American activity, in most cases far from terrorism, are detained for a long time without trial or investigation, with continuously subjecting them to the most sophisticated tortures, including waterboarding. The attitude of the US authorities towards its own citizens is not much more humane - the country has never stopped using the death penalty and sentencing those convicted to long prison terms even for minor crimes.

Yeah, family values. Cutting the suspect's ear off and making him eat it.
Or the guards were vodka-drunk Russians and it just is what it is regardless of Putin trying to twist it. Which seems more about preventing him from being blamed than blaming others. Covid caused a pause in terrorist attacks from islam extremist, it’s been long expected there’d be new ones. Official threat level has been high for a couple of year now, all agencies on high alert, more will follow in Europe. That was never a matter of if, always when and where, in which case I prefer they target a certain where rather than let’s say France.

Honestly, I don’t think the story belong in this thread and isn’t part of the Ukraine-Russia war.
Or the guards were vodka-drunk Russians and it just is what it is regardless of Putin trying to twist it. Which seems more about preventing him from being blamed than blaming others. Covid caused a pause in terrorist attacks from islam extremist, it’s been long expected there’d be new ones. Official threat level has been high for a couple of year now, all agencies on high alert, more will follow in Europe. That was never a matter of if, always when and where, in which case I prefer they target a certain where rather than let’s say France.

Honestly, I don’t think the story belong in this thread and isn’t part of the Ukraine-Russia war.

Well this gets my whiskers interested, thanks for the read I will look at tomorrow :bigjoint: :peace:
it does suck, innocent people should be gunned down like that, i've seen most of the clips of what happened and the shootings....so like republican do with mass shooting here.....i pray for the people of Moscow and the people who were at the venue they didn't deserve this, no one does....
You’re a better man than I am. I do agree with the above, but only from a cold hearthless logical perspective: nobody (no civilian) deserves this. All human life has value. And I also think I understand given the frequent shootings in the US, something foreign to me, you have a more let’s say experienced perspective on the matter. Same for Fogdog’s comment about grieving for the victim’s families, I just don’t have it in me. I got pretty close to posting Go ISIS but like you said nobody deserves being gunned down like that. Even if they go to a concert to party while their government murders 42 Ukrainian civilians every day (I like to think if my government would do that I’d burn the whole fucking place down, punch a hole in a dike or something… it would be non-optional).

Given the warning of the US, Macron’s comments about being targetted by the same group, and like I said it was only a matter of time there’d be islam extremists’ terrorist attacks again, I don’t think there’s some mystery or conspiracy or false flag thing going on here.

France just mobilized 4000 military personnel to prevent more terrorist attacks. That’s not for show. Threat level for islamic terrorist attacks has been highest in France since October. In NL it’s been lvl 4 out of 5, “substantial“, since December. People sort of got used to it. It’s just a tiny minority of muslims, it says zero about the average immigrant just looking for a better life for their kids, but that tiny minority is willing to go much further than the majority.

Some terrorist attacks nowadays get filed away as acts by “confused” and “disturbed” individuals, if anything to not make far-right more popular. When a muslim cuts up people in the streets it’s a madman, not a terrorist, even if their computer is full with ISIS stuff.
You’re a better man than I am. I do agree with the above, but only from a cold hearthless logical perspective: nobody (no civilian) deserves this. All human life has value. And I also think I understand given the frequent shootings in the US, something foreign to me, you have a more let’s say experienced perspective on the matter. Same for Fogdog’s comment about grieving for the victim’s families, I just don’t have it in me. I got pretty close to posting Go ISIS but like you said nobody deserves being gunned down like that. Even if they go to a concert to party while their government murders 42 Ukrainian civilians every day (I like to think if my government would do that I’d burn the whole fucking place down, punch a hole in a dike or something… it would be non-optional).

Given the warning of the US, Macron’s comments about being targetted by the same group, and like I said it was only a matter of time there’d be islam extremists’ terrorist attacks again, I don’t think there’s some mystery or conspiracy or false flag thing going on here.

France just mobilized 4000 military personnel to prevent more terrorist attacks. That’s not for show. Threat level for islamic terrorist attacks has been highest in France since October. In NL it’s been lvl 4 out of 5, “substantial“, since December. People sort of got used to it. It’s just a tiny minority of muslims, it says zero about the average immigrant just looking for a better life for their kids, but that tiny minority is willing to go much further than the majority.

Some terrorist attacks nowadays get filed away as acts by “confused” and “disturbed” individuals, if anything to not make far-right more popular. When a muslim cuts up people in the streets it’s a madman, not a terrorist, even if their computer is full with ISIS stuff.
Your feelings about this are understandable and I fight against having the same. I understand that everybody has different life-experiences and history of their family also plays a role. The Netherlands know too well the kind of treatment Russia is visiting upon Ukraine. Maybe you know/knew people with memories from those days. So, it's understandable that perhaps you and I have different feelings about Russia and Russians in general. It's a fact that even today, the only people that can be slaughtered in movies without anybody complaining are Nazi soldiers. Not German but Nazi. It's othering that is at work here. Can't just kill people but Nazis are OK. Zombie Nazis are tropes and used in video games to avoid controversy.

nazi zombie whiner.jpg

I worked for more than a decade with an elderly Jewish man who came to this country as a refugee from the USSR. He was a top scientist from one of the Soviet Institutes and even so he dealt with menacing pig headedness of the government, told me of a friend who died in prison for no good reason, as well as Russian antisemitism. If he could see the humanity in Russians then so can I.
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Ref link, didn't know where else to put it. Issues free

i was just reading that on Radio Free Liberty.....

He should have shut up and faded away,as media coverage of Ukraine(seemingly fading from coverage in their insidious pursuit of the latest/greatest misery that IMO borders on prostitution)wanes,the world is prob. on the verge of forgetting his complicity allowing Russia to stage/launch this invasion from HIS country and subsequently signing off on Russian nukes being stationed there as well.