
For those that scoff at my comments about large scale famine on the way. Vast areas of the planet are producing food because of modern farming with tractors,fertilizer and pesticides. If you remove any of the 3 the land reverts to being unproductive. Much of Africa and Asia have marginal land that need modern farming to produce, that will collapse. If drought and wild fires hit one of the major grain producers the effects will be devastating. This has already recently happen, the arab spring was caused by bread riots because of Russian drought and wild fires the year before hitting Russian grain. When you look at the source of modern fertilizers you'll see why death will be coming on a major scale. What do you think will happen if Russia does not export grain to the free world and only shares will allies, or has wild fires and drought. Put that on top of production collapse from fertilizer shortages and high fuel prices and it means death on a global scale we have never seen. I proudly wear my tinfoil hat.

Thought about this also, no idea where my hat is. Russia exports a whole whack of fert's (might be a good idea to stock up people). If Russia only sells to its friends then US, Canada and Australia can back fill the rest. But if a loss of production happens, such as Ukraine not bringing in a crop then the world will be using up its stores quickly.
A country gone mad.

Russian lawmakers have introduced legislation that would conscript into the military anyone arrested for protesting against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. These people would be forced to fight in the invasion itself.
Desperation, he has a base, but it is not a majority of the country and his base is shrinking. Almost nobody under 30 is in his base and he will need to cut the internet cause a lot of his hackers are now not on his side too and the young are connected. The average conscript is 19, doing his year of military service with little training and pay, we all know how well 19 year old's are connected. As America knows, nothing gets young men in the streets like being drafted for an unpopular war and meat grinder. Vlad is in trouble and it's just starting, it can all be solved by a single bullet.
Already posted about martial law. The mad midget plans death camps and firing squads for Ukrainians.
So let's see, the Ukrainians will hold the west of the country growing in strength daily, while the Russians publicly execute Patriots and set up deathcamps. I can only imagine what that will do to the million man quality army they will have in western Ukraine armed to the fucking teeth, trained and supplied from Poland. I can't even imagine the level of support the Ukrainians would get, I figure Belarus will be the next domino to fall and that is at the back of Vlad's line of advance into Kyiv. If I were in the CIA, I'd be looking to cause shit there, with an unpopular government propped up by conscript Russian troops. Remember the army and security forces including the cops just took a massive pay cut in both countries and sanctions are kicking in.
I disagree about the bullet. Putin is typical of his class. You’d need a lot of bullets to deal with the long line of applicants to the post of chief kleptocrat that would quickly appear.
That's what he has to worry about most, the ambitious, not the desperate, because there won't be too many of them around Vlad who spends most of his time with a few old KGB buddies playing spy games.
The mad midget will use tactical nukes if cornered, I believe that now, we better hope for his removal or death at the hands of his own people.
NATO not going into Ukraine is wise on several levels, provoking nukes being the most important. However Vlad might use tactical nukes against entrenched Ukrainian forces in the western Ukraine, it will do little good, there won't be any big troop concentrations to use them against. Unless the Russians secure the country and more importantly establish defensive lines they are very vulnerable. Highly mobile brigades of trained Ukrainians supported by NATO intelligence will wreak havoc on supply columns support and artillery units. They won't take long to establish these small highly mobile brigades and stingers take tactical air power off the table. They will be operating in friendly territory and if the Russians start atrocities on a large scale that territory will be up in arms, because they will be distributed to partisans too.
The Russian wild fires of 2010 caused huge damage to the wheat crops and the price increases and shortages brought about the bread riots in Egypt and the arab spring was born. Can you imagine what unrest is ahead with world wide shortages.
For those that scoff at my comments about large scale famine on the way. Vast areas of the planet are producing food because of modern farming with tractors,fertilizer and pesticides. If you remove any of the 3 the land reverts to being unproductive. Much of Africa and Asia have marginal land that need modern farming to produce, that will collapse. If drought and wild fires hit one of the major grain producers the effects will be devastating. This has already recently happen, the arab spring was caused by bread riots because of Russian drought and wild fires the year before hitting Russian grain. When you look at the source of modern fertilizers you'll see why death will be coming on a major scale. What do you think will happen if Russia does not export grain to the free world and only shares will allies, or has wild fires and drought. Put that on top of production collapse from fertilizer shortages and high fuel prices and it means death on a global scale we have never seen. I proudly wear my tinfoil hat.

then it would be time to go back to more sustainable farming practices. we could quit dumping money on a lot of ridiculous shit, and invest it into irrigation, soil reclamation, teaching farmers and FORCING industrial farms to use crop rotation and complimentary planting techniques to keep arable land arable...we've been "strip mine" farming for far too long, because it keeps costs for the producers down, so they can buy a boat like putins...
if a few fat fucks have to drop a pound or two along the way, who fucking cares?
people survive when they have to, and get fucking lazy and fat when they don't have to...it's time to survive for a while
A country gone mad.

Russian lawmakers have introduced legislation that would conscript into the military anyone arrested for protesting against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. These people would be forced to fight in the invasion itself.
yeah, because you want soldiers that are going to sabotage everything they get a chance to, and who will surrender to the enemy the first chance they get...sounds like a fucking wonderful recruitment program to me...wonder what those people's families will say? wonder how many of them will be pissed and start sabotage campaigns, start making russian police disappear in the night?