
The Ukranian refugee shelters are better than those in the US for the unhoused..remarkable..the food looks better too..worried about yourself psychologically? What? the memory of having everything taken in an instant? We had 5 years of psy-ops beating us day and night.

Yes, come live the American Dream Nightmare.

April will officially be 4 years since applying for SSDI to leverage benefits paid and NYET!
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This guy knows a little bit about the mad midget and Russia.

Smart guy, but there are smart people at the CIA too who have training and experience in fucking over people and countries! :lol: Staying out looks smart, when we can train and support a Ukrainian army in Poland and fuck with the Russians in countless ways. That might include Belarus now, the place was a powder keg before and with all this shit could explode, Vlad's army has it's tail there and it's at their back, cutting lines of communication. His army is committed and can't be easily moved and everybody has just taken an effective 50% cut in pay in both countries, including the cops.
Sorry, but Vlad's gotta go and liberal democracy must replace him, or at least someone with Russia's best interest as their priority.

have to agree with ya there, they were on the right path with Gorb and Yeltin.....then they got this moron after pushing Yetlin(sp) out.....