
At this point i’m shocked. I really tought most russians were normal people like us. But no. Today i spend like 2 hours translating russian messages on telegram on different channels and i have no words. I can’t believe they are so brainwash. They are all saying ukrainians are just crackheads and the women prostitutes, zelensky being the “top enemy”, they all cherish killing ukrainians and the worst thing they think about the war is that the world is ‘disrespecting” putin. Just closed the app and i’m in shock. Thousands of people approving.
Btw I haven’t heard a thing in media about the threats kakarov is posting non-stop on telegram, last one for elon musk-he’s calling him Ilona. I got in a fight with some russians i just couldn’t help myself. I’m spamming them with some words i have for them
Im not sure what telegram is, but are you sure that they are actually people and not spam trolls trying to 'own the narrative'?

There may be a lot of people out there that believe these brainwashed narratives, but that doesn't mean that they are the ones shit posting it all day.
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Things happen that people find difficult to live with, sometimes watching a friend or child die can be more traumatic than your own life being at risk. Experience enough horror and it will break you, or turn you to stone.
I'm sure keeping your moral compass intact in a combat environment,factoring in the gore,buddies killed,hair thin brushes w/death is night and day from keeping it together as a civilian in normal everyday life.
this is a fight with a fascist, and a fascist regieme as well, they'll believe what ever pooty tells them.......to me he's hitler 2022 now, and loosing face too
Objectively I think you would be right, but make no mistake many of the attackers believe the shit their government programmed them with for generations. They believe we are the fascists and that they would be doing wrong not to fight us. I mean how dare we want them to have freedom and a say in the running of their countries etc.
I'm sure keeping your moral compass intact in a combat environment,factoring in the gore,buddies killed,hair thin brushes w/death is night and day from keeping it together as a civilian in normal everyday life.
Why war should be avoided, but if you gotta do something like this, you'd better be good at it, but random chance and dumb luck are big factors in war too. Remember though, soldiers win battles and logistics win wars, if that rule applies here, the Russians have already lost. Modern warfare is very logistics dependent, cut it off and the guys are soon screwed and have to surrender, preferably en mass.
Apparently that missile strike on the Ukrainian base in western Ukraine was launched from the black sea and not from Belarus as I suspected. They were cruise missiles fired from bombers.

Apparently that missile strike on the Ukrainian base in western Ukraine was launched from the black sea and not from Belarus as I suspected. They were cruise missiles fired from bombers.

need to hit those ships in the black sea.....and pronto
Apparently that missile strike on the Ukrainian base in western Ukraine was launched from the black sea and not from Belarus as I suspected. They were cruise missiles fired from bombers.

Dunno what they will do about it, it's a tough problem to solve, AA missiles can take the cruise missiles down over the sea. They fly low and stingers and star streaks on the shore line could take them down. The bombers are another question, they would be beyond the range of a MiG 29, firing missiles from a safe distance and Russian warships control the black sea. I figure America will escalate by giving them more advanced weapons systems and the military probably anticipated this and trained people to operate them or are doing so now. Among such defensive systems are AA missiles with a very long reach and probably ship killer missiles that can be launched from trucks on the shore and use drones to paint their moving targets with a laser.
Objectively I think you would be right, but make no mistake many of the attackers believe the shit their government programmed them with for generations. They believe we are the fascists and that they would be doing wrong not to fight us. I mean how dare we want them to have freedom and a say in the running of their countries etc.
Sounds like some watching Fox, etc. in this country.