
That's why it's good to have a wise old cold war hand like Joe at the helm, he cut his teeth on the cold war and knows the "rules" better than Vlad. Europeans are negotiating with Vlad, Joe won't deal with a war criminal, but the state department will, later.
we actually have very little invested in the war, it would be a lot more appropriate for the EU to deal with him. America tends to assume they're required for any kind of negotiations to succeed, but in this case, it might be better for us to be interested observers, letting the people involved on the scene make the calls.
i live about 30 miles from Oak ridge...not sure where it places on the list but i bet it's on it

we have 3 AFB's here, and 2 combo army and marine bases here, basically one is a training base and loading base, another is another trainer, we have one of the major hospitals base on one of the army bases, and the other is a marine/army testing base. Now 2hr away is a full Naval Base along with a Coast Guard base too.....
Maybe Vlad had a frank talk to one of his better military commanders, who told him that he was headed for a major defeat and humiliation in a few weeks at most in Ukraine. A defeat that might involve the capture of tens of thousands of troops and could include Crimea. If he has a brain he will listen to an honest assessment from a competent military commander, who knows what might soon suddenly happen, when the army deployed has been worn down, the Ukrainian counter attack will devastating and cut off large forces from resupply, the air force will try to get them out of the jam, but the Ukrainians will be ready for them too.
Diplomatic talks between Russia and Ukraine continue

I would pretty much assume that it has about 500k actual followers (tops) and a whole lot of troll accounts.

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i don't know, that's not an American app, or even a European one. there are surely government watchdogs and trolls, but far fewer would be needed there i think, where at least the older generation grew up with propaganda for breakfast, and its just about the only social media outlet they have
i don't know, that's not an American app, or even a European one. there are surely government watchdogs and trolls, but far fewer would be needed there i think, where at least the older generation grew up with propaganda for breakfast, and its just about the only social media outlet they have
It is more about making it 'feel' like there is a lot of support for the lying narratives, that takes sock puppets for that astroturf 'movement' feel.
we have 3 AFB's here, and 2 combo army and marine bases here, basically one is a training base and loading base, another is another trainer, we have one of the major hospitals base on one of the army bases, and the other is a marine/army testing base. Now 2hr away is a full Naval Base along with a Coast Guard base too.....
I have two big bases near me, Eglin AFB is an hour and a half to the west, Tyndall AFB is about the same to the south in Panama City. Also in PC, there is a Navy Dive School and Army Chemical Unit. Plus down in Carrabelle there is a Coast Guard station.

I would feel better about my chances if my underground house was finished.
I heard from a long time ago of Telegram but haven’t installed it until today. It’s like whatsapp but crypted and i installed it just because i heard it’s the only thing russians are using as social media now. The channel of kadyrov, almost 1
Million followers, all talking non stop about how they want ukrainians dead, making fun of them, i really got scared thinking people like them exist. But i like trolling them while educating them-cause this is what they are hurt by the most, reality, cause they live in another one then us.(a little lie inserted there) but you ca see how stupid they are and this is the best reply
I can't read most of it but your post must have set them all off. Like dogs barking at somebody yelling at them from a balcony.

ca is a dead fish washed ashore here from that filthy sea.
Everybody is saying Vlad is bad, except Tucker on Foxnews, who strangely, hasn't got the memo, Tucker should be trying to extract his feet from his mouth right now, both of them, he must be getting used to the taste I guess. Tucker is widening a division in the republican party that will blow it wide open, the Qanon wing might buy the Russian disinformation, but many who voted for Trump have been seduced by the fight for freedom with armed white Christian citizens using guns and guts to defend their home land in a heroic struggle, it is irresistible to more than half of them at least. Like the election results when they turned off fox because they said Trump lost Arizona, they will switch to other channels. Foxnews just had a reporter wounded by Russian fire, I wonder how the news department feels about it? This only serves to get democrats elected, the Russians can no longer saturate social media with the shit, only the useful idiots and collaborators are left to do that.
America promised the security and sovereignty of Ukraine when they gave up their nukes leftover from the Soviet Union and in other agreements. He has a right to be pissed, he's on the front line of liberal democracy, in the end he's fighting the fight for us too.

Agreed. I’d thought about it, and have heard it discussed recently on radio (the memorandum from the 90s) but hadn’t witnessed this reasoning shared by someone living his particular life experience.
Agreed. I’d thought about it, and have heard it discussed recently on radio (the memorandum from the 90s) but hadn’t witnessed this reasoning shared by someone living his particular life experience.
He is a territorial, a civilian volunteer thrown into battle with little training. I think they wear yellow and the regular troops blue. A few weeks ago he had a normal life with a wife and kids, now he does not know where they are and worried about that too. He loves his country and is a patriot, a good man, he probably also lost someone he knows.
every word he said is right...we made promises we aren't keeping, and they all deserve to be pissed
i'm sick that we don't step up, either through NATO or on our own, and help these people in a real way...
putin is trying to involve China, is calling in mercenaries, i say lets make it a level playing field, send in a few thousand marines, a few battalions of mech infantry, a few field artillery teams. let's start firing some weapons back across the border at massing troops, before they get to take the fight into Ukraine. let's destroy any troops entering Ukraine from Belarus, lets take back the stolen cities and kick the fucking russians asses for them
As a stargazer, I find the Starlink concept blasphemous.

After reading about how Starlink satellites are fucking up the night sky for stargazers I've cancelled my order and getting back the deposit that I put in a year ago. Think I'll invest some money on a telescope I can control with an app so I can sit inside and scope the universe comfortably when it's -30 out there. Or the mosquitoes make things outside very uncomfortable.
