
A little further north than that. Northern Alberta just shy of 56°N. The damn northern lights can mess up the night sky too but at least they're pretty to look at.

The motorcycle I've been hoping to get soon was originally made in Russia but now I'm conflicted. It's a Ural with a sidecar. Two wheel drive and built for getting off-road. Cross Canada trip at the top of my bucket list.

Shoot the thing to bits and post the photos
Well this complicates things for Vlad! I hear Joe might be going to Europe next week, I wonder will his trip coincide with a major Ukrainian counter attack, which will put the Russians on the ropes and make Vlad desperate. I think the Russians will be beaten by the end of the month, not May, as they would like people to think. The element of surprise is a big thing in war and I can smell a nasty one coming for Vlad. It would sure be embarrassing, if the Russians were driven back enough so that Joe could visit Kyiv too!

LVIV, Ukraine, March 15 (Reuters) - Three European prime ministers were travelling to Kyiv on Tuesday, the first foreign leaders to visit the Ukrainian capital since Russia launched its invasion in a striking symbol of Ukraine's success so far in fending off Russia's assault.

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala and Poland's Mateusz Morawiecki announced plans for the visit, saying they and Slovenia's Janez Jansa would meet Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Zelenskiy's office confirmed the plans.

"The purpose of the visit is to confirm the unequivocal support of the entire European Union for the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine," Fiala said, adding the three leaders would present a broad support package for Ukraine.

One of Zelenskiy's top aides said the war would be over by May - and could even end within weeks - as Russia had effectively run out of fresh troops to keep fighting.

"We are at a fork in the road now: there will either be a peace deal struck very quickly, within a week or two, with troop withdrawal and everything, or there will be an attempt to scrape together some, say, Syrians for a round two and, when we grind them too, an agreement by mid-April or late April," Oleksiy Arestovich said in a video.

"I think that no later than in May, early May, we should have a peace agreement, maybe much earlier: we will see," Arestovich said.

The remarks projected a new-found confidence that Ukraine's heavily outnumbered forces have made it impossible for Russia to achieve what Western countries believe was Moscow's aim - to install in Kyiv pro-Russian leaders.
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From some of the media reports and diplomatic moves, it appears the tide is turning, visits from European prime ministers to Kyiv are perhaps to deter the use of chemical weapons. You never know, Joe could even pay a surprise visit to Kyiv with the 82 airborne as his body guard, backing up the Secret Service. It could deter the use of chemical weapons and sometimes leaders put it on the line. I think the Russians will suffer some major defeats in Ukraine and many prisoners will be taken deep inside the country in the very near future, something is afoot. The Russians appear to be worn out and stretched out enough and perhaps the Ukrainians have additional forces freshly trained to throw into the fight at decisive points on the Russian supply lines.

Driving the Russians back from Kyiv and having a series of foreign leaders visiting Kyiv, would deter the use of chemical weapons with minimal risk, they will have the equipment and masks with them and should be safe enough.
Why war should be avoided, but if you gotta do something like this, you'd better be good at it, but random chance and dumb luck are big factors in war too. Remember though, soldiers win battles and logistics win wars, if that rule applies here, the Russians have already lost. Modern warfare is very logistics dependent, cut it off and the guys are soon screwed and have to surrender, preferably en mass.
Amateurs talk combat,professionals talk logistics.
Amateurs talk combat,professionals talk logistics.
Vlad will also be broke soon and even if he could throw in the kitchen sink, it will be weeks before the ground dries out and he can get off the choked roads that pass through built up areas. Vlad not only had no plan B, he invaded at the worst possible time, the very being of mud season and that mud sticks like dog shit!

He did not know himself and he did not know his enemy, two fundamental mistakes that will be paid for in Russian lives and treasure. Another big thing in war is the element of surprise, he never had any, we outed him before he started. I think Vlad might be in for a big surprise himself soon, from the moves I'm seeing in the news something is afoot. Ukraine has been training fresh troops and NATO equipping them with soviet arms mostly, NLAWS and stingers, they don't need 3 months of basic either. What will happen if the Ukrainians suddenly field 100 or 200K fresh troops in a fight that is in the balance? Now imagine if those troops were highly motivated and expertly lead, with a good smart plan provided by NATO experts, using NATO intelligence. The Russians are just about worn down and their logistics are stretched out and under constant attack from territorials who are shooting out the tires of trucks at a minimum. They should have had just about enough time to train significant new forces with NATO help, training multilingual armies is the main thing NATO does and they have a great deal of experience doing it in western Europe.
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I see three NATO prime ministers are visiting Kyiv today and Zelenskiy is addressing parliament here today via video. Joe might go to Europe next week, the Russians are starting to lose. Vlad is getting it through his thick skull that he will not just lose, but will be humiliated and castrated metaphorically speaking on the world stage. It is a very dangerous situation.

I think we will see a succession of NATO leaders in Kyiv as a deterrent to using chemical weapons on the city. It will be safe enough, they will have protective gear and I'm sure all the fighters do. The population would be another matter, but I imagine masks at least are being shipped to them and many are getting out or should. Vlad would not want to attack Kyiv with NATO prime ministers inside, most of these people are the de facto leaders of their countries, most presidents are ceremonial in Europe. They would be taking minimal risk because they would be protected, but to walk among the dying and dead civilians with the media broadcasting it all, would be the end of Vlad. Xi would run for cover, or should and not even he could publicly support it, he's not quite that far gone yet.
From some of the media reports and diplomatic moves, it appears the tide is turning, visits from European prime ministers to Kyiv are perhaps to deter the use of chemical weapons. You never know, Joe could even pay a surprise visit to Kyiv with the 82 airborne as his body guard, backing up the Secret Service. It could deter the use of chemical weapons and sometimes leaders put it on the line. I think the Russians will suffer some major defeats in Ukraine and many prisoners will be taken deep inside the country in the very near future, something is afoot. The Russians appear to be worn out and stretched out enough and perhaps the Ukrainians have additional forces freshly trained to throw into the fight at decisive points on the Russian supply lines.

Driving the Russians back from Kyiv and having a series of foreign leaders visiting Kyiv, would deter the use of chemical weapons with minimal risk, they will have the equipment and masks with them and should be safe enough.
there is almost always something you ignore in your posts...not the same thing in every post, but if there is anything in the context that is bad for the Ukrainians, you seem to just ignore it.
China is leaning towards giving russia aid, both food and "military" aid...probably ammunition and consumables like anti missile flares for aircraft

and that will extend the conflict considerably.
don't get me wrong, i admire your optimism, but i don't think it's realistic to make predictions when you don't take these kinds of factors into account.
i hope the russians cave in and have to withdraw today, and that the sanctions in place remain there long enough to cripple putin from ever being able to do anything like this again, but that isn't how the world usually works..
I see three NATO prime ministers are visiting Kyiv today and Zelenskiy is addressing parliament here today via video. Joe might go to Europe next week, the Russians are starting to lose. Vlad is getting it through his thick skull that he will not just lose, but will be humiliated and castrated metaphorically speaking on the world stage. It is a very dangerous situation.

I think we will see a succession of NATO leaders in Kyiv as a deterrent to using chemical weapons on the city. It will be safe enough, they will have protective gear and I'm sure all the fighters do. The population would be another matter, but I imagine masks at least are being shipped to them and many are getting out or should. Vlad would not want to attack Kyiv with NATO prime ministers inside, most of these people are the de facto leaders of their countries, most presidents are ceremonial in Europe. They would be taking minimal risk because they would be protected, but to walk among the dying and dead civilians with the media broadcasting it all, would be the end of Vlad. Xi would run for cover, or should and not even he could publicly support it, he's not quite that far gone yet.
putin will give a flying motherfuck about NATO personnel on the ground in Ukraine, if they enter a warzone, then they take their chances just like the reporters do. if anything, he will laugh his ass of if any of them get killed, and use it to fuel his propaganda organ grinder
there is almost always something you ignore in your posts...not the same thing in every post, but if there is anything in the context that is bad for the Ukrainians, you seem to just ignore it.
China is leaning towards giving russia aid, both food and "military" aid...probably ammunition and consumables like anti missile flares for aircraft

and that will extend the conflict considerably.
don't get me wrong, i admire your optimism, but i don't think it's realistic to make predictions when you don't take these kinds of factors into account.
i hope the russians cave in and have to withdraw today, and that the sanctions in place remain there long enough to cripple putin from ever being able to do anything like this again, but that isn't how the world usually works..
I posted on that in the China thread, it will probably have little impact on this war. We will see about China, they could be posturing for a better bargaining position, or Xi could be going all in for Vlad, iron curtain partners. It might not be helpful to cut Russia off from some consumer goods. Or perhaps Xi will use Vlad as his proxy to wage war on the west, wearing him down and weakening him before screwing him. China needs, oil, resources and consumer goods from China, particularly groceries to replace those missing from the west. Russia will pay dearly and Vlad will be Xi's vassal until he screws him. They don't trust each other and it is a relationship of mutual gain, not comradeship and goodwill, each one would cut the other's throat and knows it.

Short term the tactical situation for the Russians looks dire and I believe there is a surprise for Vlad in the making and NATO leaders are in Kyiv to insure Vlad doesn't do anything stupid, when they turn the screw on his nuts.
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putin will give a flying motherfuck about NATO personnel on the ground in Ukraine, if they enter a warzone, then they take their chances just like the reporters do. if anything, he will laugh his ass of if any of them get killed, and use it to fuel his propaganda organ grinder
They are Prime Ministers, not NATO personal and I think they are there for a reason, to make it harder to attack a city with chemical weapons, not just leaders will be there, the media will be too.
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there is almost always something you ignore in your posts...not the same thing in every post, but if there is anything in the context that is bad for the Ukrainians, you seem to just ignore it.
China is leaning towards giving russia aid, both food and "military" aid...probably ammunition and consumables like anti missile flares for aircraft

and that will extend the conflict considerably.
don't get me wrong, i admire your optimism, but i don't think it's realistic to make predictions when you don't take these kinds of factors into account.
i hope the russians cave in and have to withdraw today, and that the sanctions in place remain there long enough to cripple putin from ever being able to do anything like this again, but that isn't how the world usually works..
lol, thats led’s specialty… predictions. he gave up meditating for fortune telling .
They are Prime Ministers, not NATO personal and I think they are there for a reason, to make it harder to attack a city with chemical weapons, not just leaders will be there, the media will be too.
he doesn't fucking care, and honestly, he has no reason to. there is no law that says diplomats can't get killed in an attack during a war. they would be stupid to expose themselves to that danger, and putin would have no legal indemnity for any or all of them getting killed while touring in a war zone
lol, thats led’s specialty… predictions. he gave up meditating for fortune telling .
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We will see, but something is afoot, I know about China and posted in the China thread on it. Those NATO leaders are in Kyiv for a reason, they will announce aid, but others will come too. I think they have Kyiv beyond artillery range, but not beyond rocket artillery range. Vlad might soon be very desperate and these guys are there to try and make sure he doesn't do something stupid. Tens of thousands of Russian prisoners would ruin Vlad's whole day and he might want to take it out on innocent women and children. I can assure you their fathers, brothers and sons will stop at nothing to stop the slaughter and they have lot's of help. The generals are all optimistic and so am I.

The only way to "negotiate" with Vlad is to have him by the nuts in one hand and a knife stuck in his throat with the other, it's the only way to stop the mass murder.
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he doesn't fucking care, and honestly, he has no reason to. there is no law that says diplomats can't get killed in an attack during a war. they would be stupid to expose themselves to that danger, and putin would have no legal indemnity for any or all of them getting killed while touring in a war zone
It might not work, but they will try it anyway, if he's gonna do it, we want plenty of witnesses, because after he does it, it is gonna be fucking grim. Start digging your shelter and reviewing 50's civil defense films on YouTube, also buy a good mask, a full face one and a bunch of bunny suits.