
Ya know there's nothing like something to distract you from yourself and connect ya to a bigger reality. Yep wallowing in your problems can get a person down. I think this war has served this purpose for nations, including America, it has given an external focus and distracted from the problems at home and on several levels has united a large majority of Americans. Finally something they can agree on, Vlad is a prick! Noting like a nice external enemy who is evil as the fucking Devil, something that recalls old foes and dangers. I always like to remind republicans, who else has thousands of nukes pointed at you right now?
After reading about how Starlink satellites are fucking up the night sky for stargazers I've cancelled my order and getting back the deposit that I put in a year ago. Think I'll invest some money on a telescope I can control with an app so I can sit inside and scope the universe comfortably when it's -30 out there. Or the mosquitoes make things outside very uncomfortable.

Anybody for some Chinese take-out?

Russia requested military food aid from China amid war with Ukraine: report
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every word he said is right...we made promises we aren't keeping, and they all deserve to be pissed
i'm sick that we don't step up, either through NATO or on our own, and help these people in a real way...
putin is trying to involve China, is calling in mercenaries, i say lets make it a level playing field, send in a few thousand marines, a few battalions of mech infantry, a few field artillery teams. let's start firing some weapons back across the border at massing troops, before they get to take the fight into Ukraine. let's destroy any troops entering Ukraine from Belarus, lets take back the stolen cities and kick the fucking russians asses for them
No need, the Ukrainians can do it and will, they will also want to, when they get the upper hand and I'm certain they will get it soon, if Vlad has a heads up he will try to weasel his way out with a cease fire.

A little further north than that. Northern Alberta just shy of 56°N. The damn northern lights can mess up the night sky too but at least they're pretty to look at.

The motorcycle I've been hoping to get soon was originally made in Russia but now I'm conflicted. It's a Ural with a sidecar. Two wheel drive and built for getting off-road. Cross Canada trip at the top of my bucket list.

This is a pretty good profile of Zelenskiy I was watching on TV
Defying Putin, Zelenskyy Rallies The West: See The Rare Videos Charting His Rise

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is only in his third year as president, but he’s now risking his life to lead a resistance that may just prove Putin underestimated him. In a special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber highlights his unusual path to power, detailing how he spent most of his career in film and tapped into his TV fame for an unlikely presidential victory. Melber draws parallels between his political rise and the characters he’s played on screen, saying “he embraced what he was known for… emphasizing that the script was not a real plan, and that he was taking his obligations seriously.”
If he lives, anybody think Zelenskiy will have any problem getting reelected next year? Think a guy like that with the gravitas he will have, can clean up corruption in Ukraine? Think he will get a Nobel peace prize? Think he will expedite Ukrainian membership in the EU by years and get very good trade agreements with them in the meantime? Many EU members will be selling lot's of stuff to Ukraine after this war when they are reconstructing and many construction workers will be working there. They too will want some of the post war prosperity that all that Russian money will bring!

Now, think Vlad wants him dead? Think he blames him for his failure and downfall? Think he will make a fool of Vlad every day that he lives and with every honor Europe can bestow on him? He will need a shopping kart for all the medals and honorary degrees and doctorates, he will collect on his European victory tour! Not since Churchill will a guy have so much glory heaped on him, as Vlad glowers enraged in Russia, while his buddies and everybody else knows he blundered and fucked everybody, including them. He will be remembered for being a fucking idiot by a generation of Russians for a generation. His carefully cultivated image as a great leader and strong man is shattered along with his army, the source of much of his strength. It is this military that enforces the hard power of Russia on it's weaker neighbors and everybody inside Vlad's empire is fucked too, including Belarus, but unlike most, they know the truth because of western media broadcasts, some in Russian language, mainly from Ukraine.
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every word he said is right...we made promises we aren't keeping, and they all deserve to be pissed
i'm sick that we don't step up, either through NATO or on our own, and help these people in a real way...
putin is trying to involve China, is calling in mercenaries, i say lets make it a level playing field, send in a few thousand marines, a few battalions of mech infantry, a few field artillery teams. let's start firing some weapons back across the border at massing troops, before they get to take the fight into Ukraine. let's destroy any troops entering Ukraine from Belarus, lets take back the stolen cities and kick the fucking russians asses for them
I took a look at the tweet and the comments.

Didn't see any verification he was what he claimed to be.
Anybody for some Chinese take-out?

Russia requested military food aid from China amid war with Ukraine: report
Two sources familiar with the matter told CNN that Russia asked for pre-packaged, non-perishable military food, including items known in the U.S. as "meal, ready-to-eat" or MREs.

One of the sources told the outlet that China may be willing to comply with the request because it is support that is not lethal, a situation that would provoke the West.

A Western official and a U.S. diplomat also told CNN that the U.S. has information that indicates China has expressed willingness to offer Russia military and financial assistance.

However, it remains unclear if China will actually provide that assistance, the outlet reported.

The requests raise questions surrounding Russia's overall preparedness for the invasion as well as the logistical problems that experts say have obstructed Russia progress in the attack.

Open source reports have previously shown Russian troops breaking into grocery stores for food as the military has run low on certain supplies, CNN added.

Meanwhile, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan warned his Chinese counterpart in Rome of "potential implications and consequences" for China should the nation support Russia.

“We do have deep concerns about China’s alignment with Russia at this time, and the national security adviser was direct about those concerns and the potential implications and consequences of certain actions,” a senior Biden administration official told reporters during a briefing following Sullivan’s meeting.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki has also said Sullivan indicated China would face “significant consequences” if the country provides Russia with military or other support that “violates sanctions or supports the war effort.”

Feels a lot like when Russia denied it was planning to invade after Biden's administration said they planned to do exactly that.

China Denies Russia Has Asked for Military Assistance in Ukraine

China has denied reports that Russia asked Beijing for military support in its war with Ukraine, accusing the U.S. of "spreading disinformation" with the claims.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry dismissed the allegations that Russia had asked China for drones and financial assistance to assist with its invasion in a statement to state-run news service China Global Television Network (CGTN).
I dunno how much Russian money that can be seized in total, Vlad is said to have a 700 billion government "war chest" that is frozen, then there is all Vlad's money and the Oligarchs cash too, even the swiss are in the game and so is the UK! So let's just say they can get their hands on a trillion bucks in Russian money, a nice round number. What would happen if they gave it to a country the size of Ukraine, with supervision, as compensation, with a guy like Zelenskiy in charge? Think a billion could rebuild a country of 45 million people that is say 20% damaged, pay for the material costs Now how much can be paid to the citizens and as compensation for lost family and property?

It would be a very good idea to be very generous to the Ukrainian people and nation from the Russian money seized, Vlad's of course goes first, and I'm certain the intelligence agencies know how much he has and where it is. Next Russian government money and that of his cronies and down the list it goes. This will set a precedent that other countries and autocrats will sit up and take notice of. The sanctions imposed against Russia will be another deterrent to future aggression by tyrants including Xi. The world was deliberately made interdependent both with trade and finance after WW2, to deter war through mutual dependence. This was expanded to include China and then Russia and became a global economic system that is hard to untangle from, when it happens though, it has catastrophic effects on the offender. Peace through poverty if ya fuck up.
America had better watch out that it doesn't elect another lunatic president, or in the future the same thing could happen to it, as is happening to Russia in a few years. American has about 20% of the pie these days, less in the future and another Trump who starts a war over bullshit, might get Uncle Sam's balls in a vice.
Hey peace is possible, elect Desantis and he will "cut a deal" with Vlad and Donald will be his chief negotiator, he will spring him from prison for the task. ;)
I took a look at the tweet and the comments.

Didn't see any verification he was what he claimed to be.
no matter who he is, we made an agreement with russia, Ukraine, and Great Britain, in exchange for returning all the nukes and a lot of other stuff russia left lying around, we promised to stand up for them if they were threatened...i don't see us doing that.
no matter who he is, we made an agreement with russia, Ukraine, and Great Britain, in exchange for returning all the nukes and a lot of other stuff russia left lying around, we promised to stand up for them if they were threatened...i don't see us doing that.
I counted them out a while ago. I've worked on 17 product development projects. Hundreds of millions spent on some, probably a billion or more spent over all. Every one started with promises and expectations and were almost unrecognizable from what was done. Every one seemed to be a disaster in the middle. A few suicides as well. So not the same because this is war but also the same because we were striving to achieve something against an opponent who were striving too. So I've seen the fog, though not fog of war. The worst thing to do is let the competition dictate what we were doing. Most important is to set goals and objectives that are worth the effort.

Biden said up front there will be no troops inside Ukaine. That's the cold truth. It sucks to see the vid but we can fuck up and make his life worse. We can absolutely do worse. Putin can't hold Ukraine. He's fucking up. We are sending billions in aid to Ukraine. It isn't enough. It's pretty damn good, though. In the end, the goal is to hit Putin with a blow that is so hard he can't do this again. That is a worthy goal.
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Everybody is saying Vlad is bad, except Tucker on Foxnews, who strangely, hasn't got the memo, Tucker should be trying to extract his feet from his mouth right now, both of them, he must be getting used to the taste I guess. Tucker is widening a division in the republican party that will blow it wide open, the Qanon wing might buy the Russian disinformation, but many who voted for Trump have been seduced by the fight for freedom with armed white Christian citizens using guns and guts to defend their home land in a heroic struggle, it is irresistible to more than half of them at least. Like the election results when they turned off fox because they said Trump lost Arizona, they will switch to other channels. Foxnews just had a reporter wounded by Russian fire, I wonder how the news department feels about it? This only serves to get democrats elected, the Russians can no longer saturate social media with the shit, only the useful idiots and collaborators are left to do that.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend ?

If he lives, anybody think Zelenskiy will have any problem getting reelected next year?
Isn't this how dictators for life usually begin? I hope he stays humble.
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