
And yet our subsidized welfare bread basket farmers throw food away and kill livestock due to our own internal bullshit.
At the beginning of the pandemic hogs had to be killed due to slaughter houses being shut down. Is that what you were referencing? Since then the workers have been deemed essential, meaning they can't not work. Factory farming does have a pretty rigid timeline. When they are finished, they are finished. You can't keep them around because the next round of animals are already taking their place in the food lots.
Who said anything about "aid". I'm talking about weapons and military support.

I'm for sending humanitarian aid, taking in refugees, etc... that goes without saying.

If it weren't for the romancing from the US and other European countries with the old carrot on a string trick (a NATO membership that has zero possibility of coming to fruition without sparking WW3), Zolensky would have been forced to take a more diplomatic approach to Russia. When you openly tell your enemy they are too pussy to use nuclear weapons, from that point forward you stand alone. Period!!!! Ridiculous cowboy bullshit, those are not the words of a "hero", those are the words of a fool and his ego.

This is turning into another proxy war for American energy interests. Oil and money under the guise of "protecting democracy". Welcome to Ukghanitan!!

Haven't we had enough of this?

there will be no one to eat the food or wear the clothes you say is sufficient aid if we don't supply the Ukrainians with weapons...
no one promised Ukraine NATO membership, or even EU membership, except for frootloops who had no authorization to offer anyone anything, and Zelensky knows that, but you can't fault him for holding out unlikely hopes...
why should Zelensky be forced to take a diplomatic approach? putin could have made a diplomatic approach, could have made his case before the UN and NATO...
this has nothing to do with America wanting Oil...Ukraine is a transit country, not a producing country....the oil that russia produces is shipped through Ukraine in pipelines and tanker trucks...
Ukraine does produce a lot of food and iron and steel...not a sufficient cause to start a war imo...
do you read anything not from faux, newsmax, or oan?
Not to mention the whole dead pilot thing.
Drone pilots also tend to have bigger balls, when there is no risk of them being turned into hamburger and fried at the same time! Risks become less of an issue, particularly with switchblades, that I think the Ukrainians are getting more of through the black budget, the 100 in the news were window dressing and I'll bet the factories are going flat out making them. It's an interesting company, with lot's of innovative products, they even helped build the Mars helicopter. I'm convinced, in this environment at least, these drones and other longer range ones can stop much of the shell and rocket attacks on the cities quickly, once deployed.
Naive, the mad midgets goal is to control the gaps in the natural defenses of the russian empire and to do that he will need to control NATO teritory. Ukraine is just the first step and he will need to take countries or parts of countries like Romania,Poland, and Germany along with some others.

It's naive to think that that this came out of nowhere and that the reason for this conflict is that Putin is a madman. That's propaganda at its finest.

This conflict has been predicted for decades.
Beau was saying it for weeks before the balloon went up. By waiting for the games in China to end, they jumped into mud season with both feet.
It was stunningly obvious to his generals, everybody is going to be testing the soil conditions and watching the weather forecast for a month. If farmers can't plow their fields, they won't dry out as quick as with plant cover. Light vehicles used by small tank hunter teams can get around on it, but it turns to shit pretty quick with heavy equipment. I lived in Manitoba and they have the same black earth, walk ten feet in it and you've got ten pounds of it on each boot, sticks like dog shit! By the time Vlad gets off the roads, he will be worn out and the Ukrainians will be even more ready with fresh well trained troops. Because of the tactics they are using, the Russians are taking far more casualties than the Ukrainians, who are ambushing them constantly as they advance.
Because he has no chance of winning without dragging the world to war with him. . . . . . . . .
Three weeks ago we all thought Ukraine had no chance. Now that we have seen how corruption has gutted the Red Army, there is a small chance of poot-poot not removing his forces from the meatgrinder in time. And even if he "wins" on the battlefield, he has already lost what he was hoping to gain. There will be more ex eastern block countries joining NATO, not less.

A weak Russia is so much more dangerous than a strong one. If poot-poot does take a licking, then he may decide to widen the war. NATO is not going to widen the war. poot-poot is doing what we want already. Making his country, his army and himself weaker by the day.
lol @ 'coup' and the rest of the Russian propaganda nonsense.


Next you are you going to tell us how great of a Judo master Putin is and how his hockey skills could have put him in the NHL?

lol cuck logic at it's finest.
A weak Russia is so much more dangerous than a strong one.

We agree on something. This is why he will drop the bomb that starts a nuclear war, he has nothing left to lose. He was goaded into taking on a fools errand, and the cost could possibly be the world as we know it.

Slow clap for American foreign policy.

poot-poot is doing what we want already.

No shit, America will wither and die without a good conflict to hold it together.
We agree on something. This is why he will drop the bomb that starts a nuclear war, he has nothing left to lose. He was goaded into taking on a fools errand, and the cost could possibly be the world as we know it.

Slow clap for American foreign policy.

No shit, America will wither and die without a good conflict to hold it together.
Just like any other abuser telling everyone else it is their fault they are being abused.
The Pro-Putin Wing Of The GOP Echoes Kremlin Disinformation

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi discuss the need to battle Russian disinformation within the United States.

This deserves in the immortal words of @Fogdog..lulz.

Putin has sunk to a new low of Trump Rallies to Gaslight.

Trump-style Rallies is the best Putin's got going for him..think about that.

A suggestion, go to an industrial supply place and buy a full face respirator, sized to fit you and while there, buy some disposable white bunny suits and some booties and rubber gloves. A roll of tape will also be useful and some plastic sheeting to seal up your apartment and even make a tent in there to sleep, an activated charcoal air clearer would be helpful too.

If you are concerned about chemical warfare in your area, buy now and avoid the panic, get a box of activated charcoal "chemical cartridges" for the respirator too. Watch some YouTube videos and inform yourself, it might not be necessary, but it is good to be prepared. One off course Russian missile could ruin your whole day.
There would be no point…i live 50 m from the building where all the generals and these people(including my mom:(()would meet in case of war so it would be game over from start as all buildings here are 8 levels and no bunkers:???:
Yeah, so the US staged coupe that overthrew the Russian friendly government in 2014 in favor of a more western friendly government that is responsible for the killing of 14,000 Russian Ukranians since they took power had nothing to do with this occupation. Just a madman with an alien brain worm.

Putin took the bait, that's on him 100%, but in this new age of taking responsibility for your actions America needs to eat a bowl of responsibility soup.
Fuck your borscht, Russiaboi
those are stupid and useless in the situation they are in...seems to me they are using up the reserves they had in case NATO stepped in, because they are running out of other munitions...
hypersonic missiles used to deliver conventional bombs are like using an f-15 ex to deliver the sunday paper....wasteful overkill, probably caused by a lack of other alternatives

I thought the same thing, completely pointless delivery system for that attack.
Maybe it was a “flex” to the west that in my opinion falls flat on its face. He’s overcompensating trying to appear big and scary