
The Ukrainians designed and make this anti tank missile
Stugna-P anti-tank
Not a risk any sane person would want to take, we probably do have first strike capability on the Russians, there are stealth cruse missiles that can probably take out vital points, including the Kremlin while ICBMs take out the rest. A few decades ago a west German kid flew a light private plane all the way from Germany and landed on red square. I'll bet things haven't improved much since then!

Mathias Rust (born 1 June 1968 [1] is a German aviator known for his flight that ended with a landing near Red Square in Moscow on 28 May 1987. A teenage amateur pilot, he flew from Helsinki, Finland, to Moscow, being tracked several times by Soviet Air Defence Forces and civilian air traffic controllers, as well as Soviet Air Force interceptor aircraft. The Soviet fighters did not receive permission to shoot him down, and his aeroplane was mistaken for a friendly aircraft several times. He landed on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, next to Red Square near the Kremlin in the capital of the Soviet Union.

Made of Aluminum a great radar reflector, today things can be made from fiberglass covered foam, light, strong and stealthy too.
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this scares me...this is a very, very russian thing to do...assure vengeance from the grave, if necessary.
Russia has been spending to update its nuclear bombs to the tune of $8 billion in 2020, they are said to be 90% updated. Unlike some bombs nuclear bombs require maintenance over time.
Talk about holding his cards close to his chest! Like trying to get blood out of a rock.
'This is not going well for him on the battlefield': Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin on Vladimir Putin

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Like I said on those typical Russian weapons - full basket payloads .
Idea being maximum destruction. Period.

Haven’t even touched on their SATAN 2 nuke system ….. a newer nuke system to replace R36 ( which I’m sure still exists …. ) to their new toy R28 ( SARMAT )which can yield approximately 400 times larger than either atomic bomb dropped on Japan . This baby rocks a speed of 15,500 mph …… Flies 6000 miles plus and has stealth radar evasion. 16 nukes form a crown .

The introduction of the long-heralded weapon has been pushed back multiple times amid delays in testing .

But Alexei Krivoruchko - Russia's deputy defence minister - revealed long-distance launches are now imminent.

He said: "I will note that ejection tests of the Sarmat missile are completed with positive results.
"In the near future we will begin carrying out flight tests of this rocket complex."

Krivoruchko then chillingly added: "By virtue of its capabilities, no missile defense weapon, even the most advanced, can hinder it."

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Like I said on those typical Russian weapons - full basket payloads .
Idea being maximum destruction. Period.

Haven’t even touched on their SATAN 2 nuke system ….. a newer nuke system to replace R36 ( which I’m sure still exists …. ) to their new toy R28 which ( SARMAT ) yield approximately 400 times larger than either atomic bomb dropped on Japan . This baby rocks a speed of 15,500 mph ……
Flies 6000 miles plus and has stealth radar evasion. 16 nukes form a crown .

The introduction of the long-heralded weapon has been pushed back multiple times amid delays in testing .

But Alexei Krivoruchko - Russia's deputy defence minister - revealed long-distance launches are now imminent.

He said: "I will note that ejection tests of the Sarmat missile are completed with positive results.
"In the near future we will begin carrying out flight tests of this rocket complex."

Krivoruchko then chillingly added: "By virtue of its capabilities, no missile defense weapon, even the most advanced, can hinder it."

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Poor Texas... I might miss you :)
Like I said on those typical Russian weapons - full basket payloads .
Idea being maximum destruction. Period.

Haven’t even touched on their SATAN 2 nuke system ….. a newer nuke system to replace R36 ( which I’m sure still exists …. ) to their new toy R28 ( SARMAT )which can yield approximately 400 times larger than either atomic bomb dropped on Japan . This baby rocks a speed of 15,500 mph …… Flies 6000 miles plus and has stealth radar evasion. 16 nukes form a crown .

The introduction of the long-heralded weapon has been pushed back multiple times amid delays in testing .

But Alexei Krivoruchko - Russia's deputy defence minister - revealed long-distance launches are now imminent.

He said: "I will note that ejection tests of the Sarmat missile are completed with positive results.
"In the near future we will begin carrying out flight tests of this rocket complex."

Krivoruchko then chillingly added: "By virtue of its capabilities, no missile defense weapon, even the most advanced, can hinder it."

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The Americans dropped something like that in the sixties, just the shockwave would level buildings and kill people for a mile either side, as it passed over at low level. It ejected nukes upward on it's pre programmed flight path. I think it's still being developed in Russia and not deployed or fakes are. I suspect the highly secret Russian nuke and missile program is as corrupt as the rest of the place and will be hard hit by the high tech embargo and trade restrictions.

It is a deterrent force mostly and we know where every one of their subs is and it is shadowed by a couple of attack subs, we also have the worlds oceans wired for sound. Nobody in their right mind would want to take on the Russians in nuclear war, even if they had 100% reliable intelligence and the means to do so. Unless they knew a Russian attack was immediate, then all bets are off, if an agent in the Kremlin drops a dime on Vlad. With inside help, just striking his apartment in the Kremlin could finish things with some conventional cruise missiles doing the job, if the fix was in.
Putin Speaks At A Rally While War Wages In Ukraine

“Unfortunately, so much right now of the world's suffering and misery and the reverberating effects of it is wrapped up in the frustrations and the psyche of this one man, a Chekist through and through,” says Chris Hayes.
Putin 'vastly overestimated' capabilities of the Russian military: Leslie

Retired Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie breaks down the tactical situation in Ukraine as Russian forces target new cities amid a stalled offensive.
Looks like the US has decided to make Ukraine it's line in the sand. The US is sending the kind of weapon systems in that will turn Ukraine into the killing fields for Russians. This will not be pretty or short unless the mad midget is removed or the Russian military collapses from all the loses.
Basically the US has told NATO countries to send Ukraine all their weapons and the US will replace them.
The Ukrainians designed and make this anti tank missile
Stugna-P anti-tank
When the Soviet Union broke up, a good deal of their R&D and manufacturing of weapons components was located in Ukraine, to this day it still puts a hurt on the Russian defense industry, the Ukranian's are not a backwards people,a lot of know how is present in their country,now that they have received some forward thinking Western military training we can all see how dangerous they can be when defending their families and homeland.
If this war goes on, what kind of army will Ukraine have in 6 months? The former Warsaw pact countries in NATO had vast conscript armies armed with soviet weapons largely in storage, millions of soviet small arms like AK 47s, RPGs and mortars. Bear in mind the Ukrainians have about 5 million young fit men who can be regular combat soldiers and largely equipped with former soviet weapons. In six months you can train a lot of men with NATO help, it's mostly what NATO does, multilingual military training. They don't need 90 days of basic either for combat troops, the Russians aren't that well trained either. That is aside from the fact this war costs a fucking fortune and Vlad should be flat broke in a month. There's no way with NATO supplying endless ammo and modern weapons the Russians can win. This is just an investment for NATO as they bleed Vlad white with weapons the Russians made and paid for, for the most part.

If Vlad HAD 200 billion bucks stashed abroad, the Ukrainians will get it as restitution and reparations, this might be the first war in history where the asshole who caused it pays for it. Zelensky will be collecting every medal and honorary doctorate Europe has to offer on his victory tour with speeches to parliaments across the continent and is a ringer for a Nobel peace prize. It will burn Vlad's asshole like battery acid and he will want him dead, and no doubt blames him for his own failures and blunders. Every time someone puts a medal around Zelenskiy's neck will hurt Vlad's feelings more, Zelenskiy will be the hero and Vlad an evil villain. Vlad will be remembered for his blunders and failures by a generation of Russians for a generation that he screwed. The young hate his guts and will more into the future and they will write the history one day, they also do most of the fighting.
I agree,and I believe it will be critical post-war,to punish Putin,but show mercy to the Russian people,no Versaille's style beat down,reparations to Ukraine but not pariah status for Russian citizen's,it will be crucial not to plant seeds of resentment toward the West in the hearts of ordinary Russians, when all these young minds mature post Putin, I would like Russia to be more stable and West leaning and maybe they can change the coordinates on their fearsome nuclear arsenal towards Mr. Xi and the threat he represents going forward the next couple of decades.
Yes, you are correct,Russia has heavily updated it's nukes,from what we've witnessed in Ukraine to the detriment of conventional forces,Putin concluded in 2006 that Russia had virtually no chance of victory over NATO in conventional warfare,shit his country has only 1/3 the pop. of the US,so he doubled down on the if Russia can't exist the whole world can't doctrine,and these new nukes are terrifying for sure,all I can say is I hope sanity prevails because these weapons can never be used and I hope people who "turn keys" in Russia are mentally stable and love life more than they love Putin's pride.