
The Pro-Putin Wing Of The GOP Echoes Kremlin Disinformation

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi discuss the need to battle Russian disinformation within the United States.

And the GQP has the gall to call fellow party members traitors …. Maybe we should play that hand , round them up and do what must be done with “ real traitors “ … the republicans that lick Russian and trump boots.
Noah Rothman: Trump's Greatest Republican Allies Drastically Misread The Signs On Russia

'How did the MAGA wing of the Republican Party so completely misread both the national interests menaced by Russia and the popular response to it?,' Noah Rothman asks in his latest MSNBC column.
If this war goes on, what kind of army will Ukraine have in 6 months? The former Warsaw pact countries in NATO had vast conscript armies armed with soviet weapons largely in storage, millions of soviet small arms like AK 47s, RPGs and mortars. Bear in mind the Ukrainians have about 5 million young fit men who can be regular combat soldiers and largely equipped with former soviet weapons. In six months you can train a lot of men with NATO help, it's mostly what NATO does, multilingual military training. They don't need 90 days of basic either for combat troops, the Russians aren't that well trained either. That is aside from the fact this war costs a fucking fortune and Vlad should be flat broke in a month. There's no way with NATO supplying endless ammo and modern weapons the Russians can win. This is just an investment for NATO as they bleed Vlad white with weapons the Russians made and paid for, for the most part.

If Vlad HAD 200 billion bucks stashed abroad, the Ukrainians will get it as restitution and reparations, this might be the first war in history where the asshole who caused it pays for it. Zelensky will be collecting every medal and honorary doctorate Europe has to offer on his victory tour with speeches to parliaments across the continent and is a ringer for a Nobel peace prize. It will burn Vlad's asshole like battery acid and he will want him dead, and no doubt blames him for his own failures and blunders. Every time someone puts a medal around Zelenskiy's neck will hurt Vlad's feelings more, Zelenskiy will be the hero and Vlad an evil villain. Vlad will be remembered for his blunders and failures by a generation of Russians for a generation that he screwed. The young hate his guts and will more into the future and they will write the history one day, they also do most of the fighting.
Belarus military quits invasion demoralized by defections and resignations will not join Ukraine war

Belarus was preparing to join the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but will not be able to even though Belarus was involved in the Ukraine invasion. Instead, many Belarusian exiles have decided to join Ukraine. In addition, the 40 mile stalled convoy and the fear of the Bayraktar TB2 drone attacks convinced them it wasn't worth it. Will Belarus rejoin the invasion with the false flag bombing of one of their villages?
Damage to Russian equipment raises questions about its military effectiveness

Former U.S. Army Vehicle Auditor Trent Telenko analyzes poorly maintained Russian military trucks and explains what this means for the Russian army.
Belarus military quits invasion demoralized by defections and resignations will not join Ukraine war

Belarus was preparing to join the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but will not be able to even though Belarus was involved in the Ukraine invasion. Instead, many Belarusian exiles have decided to join Ukraine. In addition, the 40 mile stalled convoy and the fear of the Bayraktar TB2 drone attacks convinced them it wasn't worth it. Will Belarus rejoin the invasion with the false flag bombing of one of their villages?

He's feeling it to, plus his military and his people...now what choice are u gonna make? Back out, cut pooty off from Belarus, or keep going? Interesting?
Putin's opponents say these photos reveal his secret palace

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he makes just $140,000 a year. Here's how he may be one of the richest people on the planet. CNN's Drew Griffin reports.
If Vlad HAD 200 billion bucks stashed abroad, the Ukrainians will get it as restitution and reparations
that is not a sure thing, there is a mechanism in place, but no way to enforce it at the NATO lvl, independent states that control large portions of the seized money will have to hammer something out between them, which is never a quick or easy process.
they also won't get all of it, but probably more than enough to rebuild, and pay reperations to the families of murdered Ukrainians

that is not a sure thing, there is a mechanism in place, but no way to enforce it at the NATO lvl, independent states that control large portions of the seized money will have to hammer something out between them, which is never a quick or easy process.
they also won't get all of it, but probably more than enough to rebuild, and pay reperations to the families of murdered Ukrainians

I think it's an idea that will gain traction, no fucking way should they be allowed to keep the cash, there's other punitive damages that can be paid too. It would be popular I think and easy to promote, because most people would think it would be fundamentally just and fair. It might also act as a deterrent for similar aggression.
I think it's an idea that will gain traction, no fucking way should they be allowed to keep the cash, there's other punitive damages that can be paid too. It would be popular I think and easy to promote, because most people would think it would be fundamentally just and fair. It might also act as a deterrent for similar aggression.
after Ukraine gets their more than fair share, the rest should be used to feed hungry people around the world, since putin will be responsible for a great many of them being that way
He's feeling it to, plus his military and his people...now what choice are u gonna make? Back out, cut pooty off from Belarus, or keep going? Interesting?
They are still under the shithouse with Russia on sanctions for no benefit, their economy has been destroyed and their country used like toilet paper. Meanwhile Russian and Ukrainian language TV and radio broadcasts are pouring images into the country with honest news and video of the war and what Putin is doing there and at home. They already had mass protests months ago against the corrupt dictatorship and IMHO with the war in Ukraine and Vlad's weakness on full display, the place is a powder keg of revolution. They are surrounded on three sides by free countries and broadcast media, will Vlad's internet restrictions apply to them too? Speaking of clamping down on the internet, who is going to do it, I wouldn't expect too much active cooperation from that bunch, they've had more exposure to western media and the west than most Russians and are mostly young.
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Just as to add to beau vid …. One cannot assume that any nuke hitting would be a “ singular “ device. Multi Warhead payloads tend to be one of the characteristics of Russian weaponry.

I believe I heard the last known amount of Soviet nukes were somewhere around 6500. Of the ones we think we know about.
And not including Hydrogen Bombs to boot. Totally they would end everything no matter the front.

I believe President Zelensky was right that World War III is already started. Putin will scorch earth that country before saving face.
He will not accept defeat , no matter the cost. North Korea is also showing their ass with missile tests ( failures ) . China also has a large armament of nukes Also already “ locked “ position on America.

When were they built and do we know for sure are in working order?
When were they built and do we know for sure are in working order?
Not a risk any sane person would want to take, we probably do have first strike capability on the Russians, there are stealth cruise missiles that can probably take out vital points, including the Kremlin, while ICBMs take out the rest. A few decades ago a west German kid flew a light private plane all the way from Germany and landed on red square. I'll bet things haven't improved much since then!

Mathias Rust (born 1 June 1968 [1] is a German aviator known for his flight that ended with a landing near Red Square in Moscow on 28 May 1987. A teenage amateur pilot, he flew from Helsinki, Finland, to Moscow, being tracked several times by Soviet Air Defence Forces and civilian air traffic controllers, as well as Soviet Air Force interceptor aircraft. The Soviet fighters did not receive permission to shoot him down, and his aeroplane was mistaken for a friendly aircraft several times. He landed on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, next to Red Square near the Kremlin in the capital of the Soviet Union.

Made of Aluminum a great radar reflector, today things can be made from fiberglass covered foam, light, strong and stealthy too.
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When were they built and do we know for sure are in working order?
there is really no way of knowing if they've been building them recently. do you trust them?
do you really want to gamble with 1100 warheads on 318 icbms, another 720 on subs, 68 long range bombers capable of carrying a combined 786 warheads...maybe they work, maybe they don't...but for sure some of them do...if 1100 warheads are only 20% operational, that is still 220 warheads...if we shoot down 90% of those, that is still 20 warheads exploding over American cities...millions dead, more millions who will die, more millions who will be burned, crippled, blinded, genetically damaged....nuclear winter that will lower food production by 20-40% for up to ten years. the ozone that will be destroyed will cause an epidemic of melanoma, and change the distribution of indigenous vegetation worldwide. the weather experts predict changes in global rainfall, leaving some areas like the midwest in an extended drought