
The point is to beat the Russians and eject them from the country. Houses can be rebuilt, lives are another matter. They are trading, territory and lives to slow down the Russians and that is best done in urban areas. Even with Javelins, going up against tanks on open ground will cost you. The Russians are largely confined to the roads, it will be mud season for awhile, it even makes flanking road junctions difficult. The stuff is like Manitoba gumbo! ;)
Beat the Russians, but how do the Russians mitigate the threat in urban areas? Level the place. And how many Ukrainians will be in the dust after the shelling? The point is to not get the Ukrainians killed. And that is better done at a distance.
Beat the Russians, but how do the Russians mitigate the threat in urban areas? Level the place. And how many Ukrainians will be in the dust after the shelling? The point is to not get the Ukrainians killed. And that is better done at a distance.
Rubble makes better fighting positions than even built up areas, you won't get burned out! The idea here is to stretch out the Russian logistics into urban areas (a look at google earth can be helpful here) and tie them down while keeping supply lines to the cities open. Russians have logistical issues even a short distance from Russia with a chronic shortage of trucks, a lot of the fighting is by irregulars and they go after logistical targets, while troops deal with Russian combat forces. Time is very important to the Ukrainians who are training soldiers on accelerated courses at a furious pace using NATO help. What happens when another 200K Ukrainian troops show up after the Russian forces deployed are largely spent and at the end of frail logistics? They are advised by top NATO people serving and retired. They will cut off and destroy, or force the surrender of large Russian forces. The Ukrainians have millions of young fit men of military age and NATO can equip and train a million of them if required, the don't need 90 days of basic either.
Everybody normal finds war odious and abhorrent and sometimes how it is conducted is distasteful and this is normal and desirable! However, how are you going to stop Vlad from murdering innocent women and children?
Ask nice?
Say please?
Appeal to his better nature?
Or cut his throat?

Unfortunately the only way to "negotiate" with Vlad is to have him by the nuts with one hand and a very sharp knife at his throat in the other, drawing blood, so he knows you are serious, he will need to taste the knife stuck in his throat. He must be beaten on the battle field to be threatened at home and we shouldn't let up there either but force him to give up Crimea and Belorussia too, to weaken him at home further. Vlad needs his nose rubbed in the shit he created.
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Rubble makes better fighting positions than even built up areas, you won't get burned out! The idea here is to stretch out the Russian logistics into urban areas (a look at google earth can be helpful here) and tie them down while keeping supply lines to the cities open. Russians have logistical issues even a short distance from Russia with a chronic shortage of trucks, a lot of the fighting is by irregulars and they go after logistical targets, while troops deal with Russian combat forces. Time is very important to the Ukrainians who are training soldiers on accelerated courses at a furious pace using NATO help. What happens when another 200K Ukrainian troops show up after the Russian forces deployed are largely spent and at the end of frail logistics? They are advised by top NATO people serving and retired. They will cut off and destroy, or force the surrender of large Russian forces. The Ukrainians have millions of young fit men of military age and NATO can equip and train a million of them if required, the don't need 90 days of basic either.
So Ukrainians want the russians to turn their place into rubble. Good to know.
So Ukrainians want the russians to turn their place into rubble. Good to know.
No, but it is the price they must pay for liberty while they build an army, organize better and get more NATO help. All the while the Russian forces deployed are being weakened and Vlad is having trouble scaping up more.

Houses and buildings can be replaced with Russian money and they should have gotten more civilians out of the area. Once this is over and it will be, unless it is over for all of us, Ukraine will have a post war economic boom, the more the Russians destroy, the more aid and Russian money that will be used to rebuild it. Despite the news, relatively small areas of the country or cities have been destroyed so far, mostly in the east and south. They haven't even completely surrounded Russian speaking Kharkov, near the border.
Of course not, but the reality is that the Russians will do exactly that nonetheless.
One should be careful about what one wishes for. I think that's what printer was saying.

Yes, Putin seems willing to pulverize the cities of Ukraine to save Ukraine. That's on him. But to extol the virtues of concrete rubble for defense of Ukraine is

a) idiotic

b) not true

c) uncaring about the trauma the people who live there are going through right now and don't want to see their homes turned into rubble.

Hot takes like DIY's aren't helping anybody. I find them disgusting. Maybe I'm the outlier.
Just think, if the legend is true, that Vlad WAS the richest man in the world with an estimated 200 billion in money stashed abroad. Why with 200 billion bucks, Vlad could pay for much, if not all of the reconstruction personally, and probably will! Just 10 or 20 billion bucks could give millions displaced Ukrainians a real good start on rebuilding shattered lives back better than before.
The dead cannot be compensated, but their families can.
This could be the first war where the asshole who started it, might actually pay for it. ;)
One should be careful about what one wishes for. I think that's what printer was saying.

Yes, Putin seems willing to pulverize the cities of Ukraine to save Ukraine. That's on him. But to extol the virtues of concrete rubble for defense of Ukraine is

a) idiotic

b) not true

c) uncaring about the trauma the people who live there are going through right now and don't want to see their homes turned into rubble.

Hot takes like DIY's aren't helping anybody. I find them disgusting. Maybe I'm the outlier.
War is idiotic
Experts and experience has verified that rubble offers better fighting positions and that urban warfare eats up combat troops Vlad does not have. This is a strategy the Ukrainians have chosen, not me. I'm only guessing at what they are doing to counter the Russians and eventually eject them from their country. Ask the opinions of those civilians who were attacked and see if they want to give up? Adults make the calls for their children and the elderly what do they think, even while terrorized.

War is awful business, it is history compressed and interests me along with a great many other things. I come from a military family and have served in the reserves myself and my nephew just retired from JTF2 and we talk. I follow defense news and such too. I've really just been reading and listening to the experts in the field and following the news.

Define hot takes
One should be careful about what one wishes for. I think that's what printer was saying.

Yes, Putin seems willing to pulverize the cities of Ukraine to save Ukraine. That's on him. But to extol the virtues of concrete rubble for defense of Ukraine is

a) idiotic

b) not true

c) uncaring about the trauma the people who live there are going through right now and don't want to see their homes turned into rubble.

Hot takes like DIY's aren't helping anybody. I find them disgusting. Maybe I'm the outlier.
Some of his ideas I also think are a bit detached. But when he advocates violence, that is when I switch from read to smh and skim.

I live near a coupla spots on the map that are at the top of any counterforce nuclear hit list with megatons assigned. I’m pretty grateful every morning the sun hasn’t come for a visit.
I don't understand the swaggering and threatening aspect he poses in his tweet. In the US/English language and society at large, we generally don't see our leaders directly threaten people like Kadyrov did. It's not as if Zelensky is going to give himself up or even change his security precautions because of that.

To me it seems childish bullying and if anything diminishes Kadyrov and makes Russia seem weak. So is this a social difference or is that kind of threat unusual or carry a meaning that I'm not hearing?

For example, an Iranian woman, through a translator said she would "eat her babies if if meant some leader were killed". It was explained that she wasn't literal but using an idiom that translated that way. Or in English somebody might say, "I'd kill somebody for a doughnut right now". Of course they don't mean they would do that, they are saying they really want a doughnut. Is that what he's saying or did he mean to scare Zelensky? Because I don't think that's going to happen.
At this point i’m shocked. I really tought most russians were normal people like us. But no. Today i spend like 2 hours translating russian messages on telegram on different channels and i have no words. I can’t believe they are so brainwash. They are all saying ukrainians are just crackheads and the women prostitutes, zelensky being the “top enemy”, they all cherish killing ukrainians and the worst thing they think about the war is that the world is ‘disrespecting” putin. Just closed the app and i’m in shock. Thousands of people approving.
Btw I haven’t heard a thing in media about the threats kakarov is posting non-stop on telegram, last one for elon musk-he’s calling him Ilona. I got in a fight with some russians i just couldn’t help myself. I’m spamming them with some words i have for them
At this point i’m shocked. I really tought most russians were normal people like us. But no. Today i spend like 2 hours translating russian messages on telegram on different channels and i have no words. I can’t believe they are so brainwash. They are all saying ukrainians are just crackheads and the women prostitutes, zelensky being the “top enemy”, they all cherish killing ukrainians and the worst thing they think about the war is that the world is ‘disrespecting” putin. Just closed the app and i’m in shock. Thousands of people approving.
Btw I haven’t heard a thing in media about the threats kakarov is posting non-stop on telegram, last one for elon musk-he’s calling him Ilona. I got in a fight with some russians i just couldn’t help myself. I’m spamming them with some words i have for them

this is a fight with a fascist, and a fascist regieme as well, they'll believe what ever pooty tells them.......to me he's hitler 2022 now, and loosing face too
I live near a coupla spots on the map that are at the top of any counterforce nuclear hit list with megatons assigned. I’m pretty grateful every morning the sun hasn’t come for a visit.

i live in spots like that too.....6 military bases in total around me, and one naval base to 2hrs away
this is a fight with a fascist, and a fascist regieme as well, they'll believe what ever pooty tells them.......to me he's hitler 2022 now, and loosing face too
Yeeees, they are believing EVERYTHING AND MORE. I really never tought in 2022 there are still people like them. I just can’t get over this. Just go on kakarov telegram and translate the massages. I have an explosion of shame, fear, disgust. I will go look at my plants(my first grow and just started flowering) to feel better.
Some of his ideas I also think are a bit detached. But when he advocates violence, that is when I switch from read to smh and skim.

I live near a coupla spots on the map that are at the top of any counterforce nuclear hit list with megatons assigned. I’m pretty grateful every morning the sun hasn’t come for a visit.
Me too, but we are stuck in this situation and not mere observers, it is best we try to understand what is happening. War is violence and I've tried to describe what people are doing to defend their country, sometimes by unconventional means. I've also posted on the human toll and the strategic and historical implications.

I don't think Vlad is mad, but he is an evil bastard and a real snake, whose got his nuts caught in a vice. He's making rational moves to get his ass out of it too, while trying to stay on top of the tiger, as it races ever faster, he dare not fall off, lest the beast devour him, it is always thus when one rides the tiger.
At this point i’m shocked. I really tought most russians were normal people like us. But no. Today i spend like 2 hours translating russian messages on telegram on different channels and i have no words. I can’t believe they are so brainwash. They are all saying ukrainians are just crackheads and the women prostitutes, zelensky being the “top enemy”, they all cherish killing ukrainians and the worst thing they think about the war is that the world is ‘disrespecting” putin. Just closed the app and i’m in shock. Thousands of people approving.
Btw I haven’t heard a thing in media about the threats kakarov is posting non-stop on telegram, last one for elon musk-he’s calling him Ilona. I got in a fight with some russians i just couldn’t help myself. I’m spamming them with some words i have for them
Going to be another iron curtain if Putin gets his way. The devil on the other side. That is why I have been posting translations from their media giving the government line.
i live in spots like that too.....6 military bases in total around me, and one naval base to 2hrs away
That's why it's good to have a wise old cold war hand like Joe at the helm, he cut his teeth on the cold war and knows the "rules" better than Vlad. Europeans are negotiating with Vlad, Joe won't deal with a war criminal, but the state department will, later.