
Frankly I am not impressed with Russia's military. The USSR left Afghanistan with their tail between their legs. And now as just Russia they are getting their ass handed to them by yet another small country. The desperation is palpable, witness them getting help from North Korea and Iraqi. Also note them exposing their most important pieces [Trump, Vance] so early in the game, akin to bringing your queen out too early in a chess match.
Frankly I am not impressed with Russia's military. The USSR left Afghanistan with their tail between their legs. And now as just Russia they are getting their ass handed to them by yet another small country. The desperation is palpable, witness them getting help from North Korea and Iraqi. Also note them exposing their most important pieces [Trump, Vance] so early in the game, akin to bringing your queen out too early in a chess match.
well i wouldn't call Ukraine a small country, it's about the size of texas or maybe even a little bigger....also it's not Iraqi helping Russia, it's Iran...js
I had seen a headline, but didn't read further. Had no idea what crew nationalities were, or what cargo was. Hmmmm......

i was kinda skeptical my self when the story popped up, until today, i just need a qualified confirmation of the story and i got it today....

Another story floating around Igor Girkin, the father of this conflict, found to be a heavy critic of how this war against pooty was found today of allegedly killed himself in prison....
i was kinda skeptical my self when the story popped up, until today, i just need a qualified confirmation of the story and i got it today....

Another story floating around Igor Girkin, the father of this conflict, found to be a heavy critic of how this war against pooty was found today of allegedly killed himself in prison....
Sounds pretty standard for defying Putin.
been trying to nail this story down......

this happened on the 10th of this month.......slight accident if you wanna call it that between 2 ships in the north sea....

just so happens the one that rammed the other was a Russian Capt and Crew

i got confirmation this indeed did happen
Sal says he gives it a 0.1% chance it was a gray zone operation. Russia is number two in sailors working in EU ports at 10%, behind only Ukraine, which is number one.

But if mines keep hitting the Russian ghost fleet, don't be surprised when some wheat shipping gets hit in return.

What's going on with shipping is always the best source of info of anything happening on the oceans. Sal even turned up on Nova a couple three weeks ago.
