Al what up man. I first learned all from you man! You should have a look at my journal if you ever get a chance and a contest coming up. Thanks for you info again and again my brother!kiss-assHi yawl, just popped in for a lookabout. Want you all to know how mightily impressed I am with the general quality of discussion and advice going round the boards. I had feared that when I no longer had time to answer grow op queries that this place would devolve back to pseudocience-spouting. It mostly hasn't. YAY!
When I first showed up here a few years back, muddleheaded fans of molasses, CFLs for everything, LEDs and organic nutes were leading earnest new growers down the rosy garden path.
I pounded the keys day and night in the hopes that a bit of science would stick, and to no small degree, it has.
Well done, rollituppers.Keep up the good work.
here are all the free sex video's sites out there!...but if you think that was fucking tits, you ought to see this.![]()
Tell the wife I'm real sorry about that perpetual supply of dope.Hey Al!
I can't believe I have this wonderful opportunity to communicate with you...My wife know you as "my guru", because of you I learned so much...
coolio.I went from buying shit schwag to smoking stuff I only saw in photos. Its all based on your stickys...thats where I learned EVERYTHING. Your knowledge will live on bro!
Optional. Certainly not necessary, but if it makes you feel better you can do it.If I could only ask you one thing I guess it would flush, or not to flush?
So, you're thanking me for all the support?Thank you Al, your the best bra
Wow, very inventive. You have an endless, free supply of ice somewhere?
It looks... hmm, you know... familiar, sorta.
The only bloom enhancers worth using are phosphorus & potassium based sorts, like Canna PK13-14. They get used in wk6 only. Start with about 1/4 the mfr's recommended rate. P boosters are well known for cooking plants. You may do better without them.what are some bad ass bloom enhancers
s'okay, I taught those cats everything they know. And I'm humble about it, too. Did I ever tell you that I invented dirt? True!some people on here are ass's and act like they wer doing this for ever and never had a first time/start. again thank u!!
Thanks. Glad I've been able to help make it go for ya.Welcome back Al!
I can't tell ya how many times I've been through your various threads as my grow has progressed. You're an invaluable source of help - thanks![]()
I agree, it sure looks like legalisation, but there's still a certain artifice to it when you have to prove a medical need, etc.If thats not legal, I dont know what is.
Those plants are far too tall for any indoor op (looking to be about 3-4' to me, you can see the grower has added fill lights, which won't do much, but he's clearly concerned about sparse lower growth), but they're not really big plants as cannabis plants go. Most strains will grow to 8-10ft outdoors in good conditions.Any idea how people manage to grow tall plants in small containers, I mean how is it that it isnt root bound?
Those plants are far too tall for any indoor op (looking to be about 3-4' to me, you can see the grower has added fill lights, which won't do much, but he's clearly concerned about sparse lower growth), but they're not really big plants as cannabis plants go. Most strains will grow to 8-10ft outdoors in good conditions.
Cannabis plants don't really make huge rootmasses, but I think you're right, those plants would be wanting bigger pots if they weren't so close to harvest anyway.
Rootmasses on plants that are regularly (especially automatically) watered tend not to get extensive as they don't have to search for water.
Thank you Al,Wow, very inventive. You have an endless, free supply of ice somewhere?
It looks... hmm, you know... familiar, sorta.
Interesting work, very skillful. Well done.![]()
Thank you Al,
and yes you have mentored me through the hurdle of getting started
your posts have inspired many of us to push the limits
so here some of the results id thought id share
lol, i don't have an endless ice supply,
its a water res connected to a chiller
circulating cold water through the radiator coils,
the radiator will be placed inline on my 12" main exhausting line
so all the air passing through will get cooled as it passes