What did you accomplish today?


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Staff member
Wife got a new job today. She hasn't been happy since she was robbed so she applied for a factory job my brother in law is supervisor at and was hired on the spot. She'll be making well over twice as much, especially with OT. I'm happy for her and hope her smile will finally come back.
I'm very happy about that! Give her my congratulations and a hug.


Well-Known Member
damn, that's a new one on me, i don't drink, but i used to go to the bar to take dart money from drunks. guess it's been a while since i threw darts
Had gift card to a chain restraunt.
They are appearing more often.
Downside - personal service sucked ass, my waitress was wiping tables, I waved my hand to try to get her attention, then had to use the f'n kiosk. I know they pay the waitstaff shit for wages still but I don't feel obligated to leave a standard tip. WTF?