For years I would get assignments that just happened to be during car shows that were whole week events.
Usually they would turn into a frenzy where anyone that had miss matched hubcaps or blinker fluid for sale
would set up for sale signs in their yards. Some would rent parking space on their front lawns.
Traffic was certain to be a bitch. That's a given considering folks were driving in from parts unknown and
most of those were towing something behind them.
Cool cars and crumpled pieces of shit could be found on the side roads, alleyways, shopping mall parking lots
and yes even in the hotel parking lots.
Butt Fuck You DRY if you did not have a hotel reservation in advance during events like that.
Walking up and checking in was very rare. I have had to get accommodations 100 miles away just to do 30 min of work.
Major sporting events were also special a pain to maneuver.
I don't care to be in the middle of 3 people let alone try to live with thousands of fuckwits roaming around aimlessly.
Those were trying times, though I cherish the memories that were created, I loathe the inconvenience
and mass confusion always created by crowds of people.
One bonus was that there was always something worth seeing.