What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
another day down on work/my flowering grow. my seeds are in state it says since the 10th but i have no idea what USPS is doing with um. i figured they would have been shipped by now already to my house. im guessing it is going through customs idfk. no way it takes 2 days to get to USPS in my city. weird though because if it were going through customs i would have figured it would of been already seized by now. not worried though it'll get here im sure. if not then i guess im hitting up the damn home depot or something and looking for flower seeds there. no stores here that sell seeds really most of the gardening shops have closed down and the rest are all just selling equipment. dislike going to home depot or lowes there garden section here is garbage. im not saying it's garbage due to the brands but just the lack of products they carry


Well-Known Member
Went fishing today with a mate caught 8 decent flatheads and a decent gummy, the family has fish for a week. The snapper were small wish I could of landed a big one and got high as fuck while I did it:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Another long day. I've been up since 3am. Cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, running errands, nearly a 10 hour work day on top of it and taking care of grandma and running errands for my worthless sister.

I hope things change soon because my schedule has been like this for months and it's probably literally killing me.

I feel you, bro. My life was pretty hectic a few years ago, similar to what yours sounds like. I was gigging like crazy, always running around after my (then) troubled son, growing furiously, running errands for my sister who had just moved my mom, who had advanced Alzheimer's, in to her place. On the weekends I got to take my mom and my kid to my place, doing my best to raise him while constantly having to watch out for her. After the first couple of years of that I felt something was going to give, and please god, let it be me. Eventually things eased up. Because I killed them all. J/k. Think of it this way, in 100 years no one will even remember you ever existed. That thought often brings me peace amid the chaos. Hang in there, BW...

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Just woke up to a text from him saying ‘he slept like a baby’. We got this my 420
I do oil for a terminal cancer patient. It was for two but one passed away a couple weeks ago.

For the one that past. He took it in the morning and it gave him energy through out the day, he ate better and talked more.
For the one I still supply. She uses it at night. Helps her sleep during the night (usually a good solid 8 to 10 hrs).

Its an amazing thing but its interesting how users adapt it to suit how it effects them


Well-Known Member
another day down on work/my flowering grow. my seeds are in state it says since the 10th but i have no idea what USPS is doing with um. i figured they would have been shipped by now already to my house. im guessing it is going through customs idfk. no way it takes 2 days to get to USPS in my city. weird though because if it were going through customs i would have figured it would of been already seized by now. not worried though it'll get here im sure. if not then i guess im hitting up the damn home depot or something and looking for flower seeds there. no stores here that sell seeds really most of the gardening shops have closed down and the rest are all just selling equipment. dislike going to home depot or lowes there garden section here is garbage. im not saying it's garbage due to the brands but just the lack of products they carry
Go to Burpees online, you can't beat their seeds, and they mail them quickly.
I hope your seeds arrive soon :)


Well-Known Member
My Bose equipment that I won from ebay came today. My poor UPS driver. There were nine huge boxes. When he got to my place he said, 'Listen man, I'm not going to be able to carry up all this stuff for you', as he pushed the esig signing thing in my face. As I was totally anticipating this attitude, I replied, "That's your job, bro. I can't sign for it if I don't see the boxes. Maybe we should call your boss and ask them what we should do..." He replied, 'No problem, I'll help you out...' "Thanks, I appreciate it." I said. He carried a little over 300 pounds up (I'm on the 3rd floor, lol), and I gave him a $25 tip. Turns out he had the flu, he stated it was why he was initially reluctant. Tough job. I just finished unpacking it all and testing it, for a short time at very high volume. It shook my entire building, I'm sure my neighbors have extra hate for me today. It's all flawless, I'm happy. Gotta clean up now, looks like a styrofoam peanut bomb went off in here. First coffee and a bowl. Rough day...
Hey man, let's test your system out and play some music that I'm sure your neighbors will simply love!
Must be played at 8 on your volume scale. :)



Well-Known Member
IMG_20190413_163736.jpg we are this tall building next to those cars.

Yep, my trusty Boundless Tera.
Man, I'm as poor as the next guy. It is just perks of my wife working in travel. This suite is close to $1000 a night. We normally book a room for our friends too, but they can only visit today.
What, is that a vape I see?
You got a good life it seems.