What did you accomplish today?

I've got 1 week in the books of what it feels like to be a single parent. I miss my wife's cleaning abilities. And her warm, moist vagina. I've done fairly well with the cooking, dishes, laundry and activities. I need to step up my sweeper game and just general upkeep game though. I see why my wife just constantly cleans. The kid seems to be doing well sans mama. We leave for Florida on Wednesday and get back the 27th. So that's a nice chunk of time broken up. Then just not quite 3 weeks after that the wife will return. The kiddo thinks we're flying down to Naples to visit grandma and Grandpa, which we are, but we're actually flying to Disneyworld for 4 days first. Pretty excited to reveal that surprise actually. Life is weird and different right now, but good.
It gets no souther than where you are ... extending that logic, do the farm workers pay you?
What I meant is that closer to the Mexican border, there should be more laborers than say at your border with Canada... I don't know of any Canadians lining up to come farm watermelons in the USA.
The farmers up north still get the same price at the market, but without access to the cheap workers or subsidies, they give up eventually.
Actually, they decided the farms were all stolen and are now in the process of changing the constitution to allow them to just take the farms (or any asset) without compensation.
The farm laborers are literally going to take the farms.
Who are "they"? If I read your post right, the legislators are on a path that will surely end in the destruction of the state ... with whose welfare they are charged. This sounds incredible to me. Who would willingly engineer the revolution that will kill the state and expose its people to such horror?
The wife appreciated me cleaning as much as I thought she would and I did get the butt action I was hoping for. I know the rules, pics or it never happened. Warning, pic below.

View attachment 4231258
Look at how fucking clean it is. :razz:
I'd eat off that butt

Who are "they"? If I read your post right, the legislators are on a path that will surely end in the destruction of the state ... with whose welfare they are charged. This sounds incredible to me. Who would willingly engineer the revolution that will kill the state and expose its people to such horror?
They as in the ruling party. Don't try to apply logic to this. It is gonna get nasty.
What I meant is that closer to the Mexican border, there should be more laborers than say at your border with Canada... I don't know of any Canadians lining up to come farm watermelons in the USA.
The farmers up north still get the same price at the market, but without access to the cheap workers or subsidies, they give up eventually.
Every dairy farm up here has Mexican workers.
Just don't name them, makes it harder. Unless you name them Vegan.

I think Australia even made it illegal to name farm animals.

The last time I raised hogs, my uncle bought five and most of the the feed, I tended to them. One day he said did you name them, I said that one's pork chop,that one is hamie, that one's name is sausage.....then he said "I can't wait to get to know them better ".

R.I.P. uncle Ken.
The last time I raised hogs, my uncle bought five and most of the the feed, I tended to them. One day he said did you name them, I said that one's pork chop,that one is hamie, that one's name is sausage.....then he said "I can't wait to get to know them better ".

R.I.P. uncle Ken.
I collect acorns and that's all my hogs get the last 4-6 weeks. Ummmm. Tasty.

I got to where I like acorn fed hogs from hunting wild ones.

@420God though meat doesn't pay well anymore organic produce is doing well. Even if it's not organic and grown natural or with care it sells well.
I collect acorns and that's all my hogs get the last 4-6 weeks. Ummmm. Tasty.

I got to where I like acorn fed hogs from hunting wild ones.

@420God though meat doesn't pay well anymore organic produce is doing well. Even if it's not organic and grown natural or with care it sells well.

I collect acorns to feed the goat but I can't eat Patches she is like one of my kids ( pon intended ). The Burr oaks we have at the University are f'ing huge, only takes a few minutes to get a 5 gallon bucket full.