What did you accomplish today?

Loved Metropolis (
), didn't care much for Z&E.
Now you got me going, I'm going to have to watch the whole movie, again.
Love that flick, especially when your fucking high on hallucinogens,

No. I was already practicing Better Living Through Chemistry. After one (1) attempt at The Scrape, I grew very quickly bored with that technique. I found that a brief soak in denatured alcohol containing a smidge of lye unstank and completely cleaned that pipe, with nearly zero effort. ("Nearly zero effort" is a moral principle and guide-star for me; it is more important than, say, Practicing Sustainable Living, or maybe Maintaining Socially Tolerable Personal Grooming Standards.)

My mistake was to use alcohol on an acrylic bong. Oh my; it screamed as it died.
Confessions of a Mad Scientist?
dude your slacking i've been on beer for the last 30min, little smooth smoke and a cold beer with my boots off.......ahhhhhhhhhh......

now the puppies are attacking my socks.....little runts.....
Two hours later there, that's my excuse. Roxy is sleeping, she had plenty of outdoor time because it hasn't rained today.
Yea, now you got me thinking.
How about advertise it as a 70's Nostalgia Garage sale?
I'll sell all my gardening stuff, my old Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Allman Bros, ABBA albums, my old Marantz receiver, Teac turntable and JBL speakers at the same time.
That might work
Stop the madness. Never sell old LP's. Well, it's alright to sell the ABBA, but keep all the rock and roll.