What did you accomplish today?

BTW I picked up a rubber lip pleco today, they were almost out of Coreys but I bought a green and albino one.
Rubbers are cool on account of not getting large and eating all your plants.

You are going to have to find more coreys they are social fish and will feel stressed unless you have about 5 or 6. Some of my best tanks were corey only on account of them breeding so easily.
bought a new computer desk looks nice af but cheap $180. more room at least. no word about the car thing yet pretty sure it will take a few weeks for the check to arrive my dad went to the bank to get his bank to sign off on some papers and i think he went back to the insurance company to give them those papers on monday so were just waiting now. likely will take long cause of the guys insurance company trying to dodge paying out were expecting it to take a few months but i think max it will only take 1 month.

moved everything already so my room is basically set just need to get everything out of my closet that isn't mine. my old room is basically set to do any sort of renovations so far they got a new ceiling fan and we removed all the tiles and floor molding so all we got to do is paint the floor due to piss smell from the dogs and cats, grind the bathroom where the tiles were so we can lay new tiles and then rest is easy. waiting for the floor panels to come in or them to buy it so we can't really do much from here but work on the bathroom for now and paint. the floor is going to be fast though we did the living room in a single day and that is twice as big as my bedroom at least.

tomorrow is my first day catching the bus to and from work. my sister is not working in the morning so she is going to drop me off but i think i have to catch the bus home. thursday might have to catch the bus both ways. just hoping we get that money fast because thats all were really relying on right now. the sooner we get that check in the sooner i can get a car. other then that though everything slowly falling in place just hate the car situation because i have to wake up 5am to catch the bus at around 6am then walk to work going home will be just as bad due to all the traffic. 26 stops until my stop and each stop is literally not even a 5minute walk apart so our bus system is fairly retarded.
Crawdad Boil Sacramento.....
1 bag of Zatarans Crawfish boil 2 table spoons of minced garlic. bring water to a full boil.
Cook for 10 min...
View attachment 4329651

Turn off the heat and let soak for 10 min....

View attachment 4329653

Peel and eat....

View attachment 4329654
They look like what Aussies call yabbies I take my kids fishing for them. I throw a crab pot in with tin cat food or mackerel. We sit on the banks with a stick with string and cheese on the end (cheese is my secret weapon lol). Free food and time with the kids cant beat it. This is a yabbie
so me and my friend made a little bet well it's not a bet but a deal. imma come off strong onto her friend and straight up ask if she would see herself with me and if i do this my friend gonna buy me dranks. i mean at least this way i know but it's not like i haven't spoken to her before.
so me and my friend made a little bet well it's not a bet but a deal. imma come off strong onto her friend and straight up ask if she would see herself with me and if i do this my friend gonna buy me dranks. i mean at least this way i know but it's not like i haven't spoken to her before.
What will be your approach?








My bet is on this technique.

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Finally got my Pa’s WW2 medals he passed in 96 the originals were stolen back in 99.
At the start of the year one medal was handed in to a police station. I put a request in to have the remaining 4 remade, which was excepted at my expense. Which I didn’t mind just wanted them back the family so my son can march with the vets on Anzac Day. I had the returned medal cleaned up by a professional. So happy even had to wipe a tear from my eye because I know my Pa is resting in peace again. Who steals war medals there’s low and then there’s selling your soul I hope one day we get them all back.
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I went out and picked a couple of those morels I found the other day and sauteed them up with my eggs for breakfast. Holy shit! I see why they're so coveted. Fucking delicious. I've never picked wild mushrooms before and I gotta admit I was a little apprehensive eating them. I was 100% sure they were OK, but being kind of a neurotic person there is always the thought I just poisoned myself. I guess I'll know in a couple hours.
ugh...it's to damn early in the morning......ok maybe no.....the electric bill isn't gonna pay itself.....

well it's 73F and a wakey wakey.....still got rain in the forecast.....area west of houston got 10" yesterday....:shock:, we got about a 1" here......

Coffee is hot and ready to go.....
ugh...it's to damn early in the morning......ok maybe no.....the electric bill isn't gonna pay itself.....

well it's 73F and a wakey wakey.....still got rain in the forecast.....area west of houston got 10" yesterday....:shock:, we got about a 1" here......

Coffee is hot and ready to go.....
We are going to hit 80 tomorrow.

Got several 'Oregon Spring' tomatoes that are starting to flower in 24 oz cups. :shock:
I saw the news & was wondering how much of that you guys got.

yeah that area always gets hammered kinda, people that i know are already heading into that area today.....we got another wave coming out of the NW and west right now.....gonna dump on us where i'm at.....my rain guage was filled this morning and it looks like its gonna get some more today....

the farmer i help is already setup for rescues just in case.....

gonzales county got 5", and that's to the east of me