What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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Show me a statement where Noam spun bs.
see below for an article from yesterday. all emotional opinion. its not a crime to disagree, but apparently to choam its equal to being "dangerous to human history" lmao! he should stick with what made him famous early in his career- linguistics.

he also believes there should be no political parties, very realistic. ( Chomsky: Language, Mind, Politics (second ed.). )

see below for an article from yesterday. all emotional opinion. its not a crime to disagree, but apparently to choam its equal to being "dangerous to human history" lmao! he should stick with what made him famous early in his career- linguistics.

he also believes there should be no political parties, very realistic. ( Chomsky: Language, Mind, Politics (second ed.). )

I read it. Where specifically does he say anything that is bullshit?

vulgar slang
  1. 1.
    stupid or untrue talk or writing; nonsense.
  1. 1.
    talk nonsense to (someone), typically to be misleading or deceptive.
A fact doesn't have to be believed to make it true. By their actions it is a fact that the Republican party is very different from the Democratic party.

If you believe that they are two sides of the same coin then your perception of the Democratic party is afflicted by propaganda from the very people who oppose your ideology. It is naive to think the Democratic Party is the same as the Republican Party. All one needs to do is watch what the to parties have done while in office.

Your railing on about the corrupt Democratic Party is another example of how propaganda from the right is effective.

A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed either--their actions are just different enough to continue to allow the majority of the population to believe they have a choice between two very different parties but in reality both Ds and Rs are moving the country toward socialism, just at different speeds.
Your railing on about the corrupt Democratic Party is another example of how propaganda from the right is effective.

fallacy. basing your argument on the assumption of the source of my info is wrong from the start. you dont know where I get my info, same as i dont know where you get yours.

The DNC admitted to cheating int he primaries about a week ago. Here is some links, but you know already Im sure, cuz you know it all!



A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed either--their actions are just different enough to continue to allow the majority of the population to believe they have a choice between two very different parties but in reality both Ds and Rs are moving the country toward socialism, just at different speeds.
If something is not true then it is not a fact. You can have a belief without facts to back it up. But a belief is not the same as a fact. A million people holding a false belief would not make it true and so, not a fact.

By their actions, Republicans are different from Democrats. That these actions aren't important to you speaks more of your own situation than anything else. Do you think a man from Iran who can no longer visit his family think Democrats are the same as Republicans? Maybe the actions of ICE don't bother you but it does to a large number of Hispanics.

I have no idea about your statement on socialism. As if socialism is a bad thing. Medicare, the military, public education are all socialist programs. You oppose them? Perhaps you confuse social democracy with communism?
fallacy. basing your argument on the assumption of the source of my info is wrong from the start. you dont know where I get my info, same as i dont know where you get yours.

The DNC admitted to cheating int he primaries about a week ago. Here is some links, but you know already Im sure, cuz you know it all!



Umm, the DNC did in fact break it's own rules when some of the people working there brainstormed ideas to stop Sanders that were never carried out. They also gave biased stories to the news and leaked one question in a debate. These are facts that I don't dispute and as Sanders said, "I'm very disappointed".

What is your point? I don't see any conclusions in your reply.
If something is not true then it is not a fact. You can have a belief without facts to back it up. But a belief is not the same as a fact. A million people holding a false belief would not make it true and so, not a fact.

By their actions, Republicans are different from Democrats. That these actions aren't important to you speaks more of your own situation than anything else. Do you think a man from Iran who can no longer visit his family think Democrats are the same as Republicans? Maybe the actions of ICE don't bother you but it does to a large number of Hispanics.

I have no idea about your statement on socialism. As if socialism is a bad thing. Medicare, the military, public education are all socialist programs. You oppose them? Perhaps you confuse social democracy with communism?

Anyway...socialism is communism light. I prefer a Republic.
fallacy. basing your argument on the assumption of the source of my info is wrong from the start. you dont know where I get my info, same as i dont know where you get yours.

The DNC admitted to cheating int he primaries about a week ago. Here is some links, but you know already Im sure, cuz you know it all!



Umm, the DNC did in fact break it's own rules when some of the people working there brainstormed ideas to stop Sanders that were never carried out. They also gave biased stories to the news and leaked one question in a debate. These are facts that I don't dispute and as Sanders said, "I'm very disappointed".

What is your point? I don't see any conclusions in your reply.
Answer my question

What is your point?
The regulations are a scam for big business it keeps the little man down. In a free market we would buy from the best manufacturer just look at Cheerios non GMO but they have the highest levels of glysophate. Meanwhile I can grow plenty of wheat but if I sell over state lines I deal with all the FDA regulations.

So most all of these big farms make a deal with big business and grow the way they are told to do and sell to the big businesses. It's a way to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. Don't even get me started on the meat industry what a load bullshit! A man can't even butcher his own cattle because of the FDA!!!

A man can butcher his own meat. I do it all the time.
You can raise your own livestock and have somebody butcher it for you too. Without the "help" of the FDA. @tampee is sounding more and more like an old demented man in Florida.
You can not butcher your own meat and sell it over state lines. States have their own laws as well that you must follow.

If you don't plan on turning a profit you can do whatever you like.
You can not butcher your own meat and sell it over state lines. States have their own laws as well that you must follow.

If you don't plan on turning a profit you can do whatever you like.
Yep. I'm glad you have an understanding of the law. From your earlier rant, it wasn't clear that you did. It's a good thing the meat industry is regulated as I'm sure you agree.