What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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A fact doesn't have to be believed to make it true. By their actions it is a fact that the Republican party is very different from the Democratic party.

If you believe that they are two sides of the same coin then your perception of the Democratic party is afflicted by propaganda from the very people who oppose your ideology. It is naive to think the Democratic Party is the same as the Republican Party. All one needs to do is watch what the to parties have done while in office.

Your railing on about the corrupt Democratic Party is another example of how propaganda from the right is effective.
Everything you said here is true and I don't dispute that-

AND YET, perception is STILL everything.

You can condescendingly call people names like naive, or you can meet them where they are.

Shillary called people names ('deplorables') and it cost her the election- and now the Democrats are out of power everywhere except in city mayorships.

Meet the people where they are. Don't you think there's a fundamental grain of truth to their concerns, even if the big picture is different?

If you won't see things through their perspective, how do you expect them to come around to yours?

Sounds naive.
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how can you be sure that socialism isn't a path toward a form of communism?
Well- neoliberalism sure as fuck isn't working for me or anyone I know who isn't already lucky enough to have been born into a wealthy family.

I'm done with socialism for mega corporations and their major shareholders and 'the shaft' for everyone else.

Prime example; in the 2008 Crash, despite massive malfeasance, double dealing and outright criminal activity on the part of the American financial sector, most of them got massive bailouts from the government and went right on showing record profits and bonuses for those making the decisions.

Yet millions of homeowners were foreclosed on and thrown out of their homes.

If that's 'capitalism'- and it definitely doesn't meet the definition in economics school- then I'd say it's time to try another tack and IDGAF what they call it.
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commerce can only succeed when capitalism is the system that is used among the people. it is the only system that gives each individual freedom.
This is silly. Why don't we apply the same standard to the largest corporations? Seems socialism is working fine! ...at least for THEM, anyway.

Your aim is all wrong.
Well honey- neoliberalism sure as fuck isn't working for me or anyone I know who isn't already lucky enough to have been born into a wealthy family.

I'm done with social for mega corporations and their major shareholders and the shaft for everyone else.

Prime example; in 2008, despite massive malfeasance, double dealing and outright criminally activity on the part of the American financial sector, most of them got massive bailouts from the government and went right on showing record profits and bonuses for those making the decisions.

Yet millions of homeowners were foreclosed on and thrown out if their homes.

If that's 'capitalism'- and it definitely doesn't meet the definition in economics school- then I'd say it's time to try another tack and IDGAF what they call it.

no, this is corruption. there is a difference.
This is silly. Why don't we apply the same standard to the largest corporations? Seems socialism is working fine! ...at least for THEM, anyway.

Your aim is all wrong.

no, your view is all wrong. you're focusing on the propaganda, but it is the corruption that is killing this country not capitalism. as soon as Wilson allowed the Federal Reserve to be created and Nixon took us off the gold standard, corruption has been running rampant in this country and we are being run by an oligarchy of men.
The problem is. We're drowning in fuckwits and assholes. And any time you get someone with half a brain behind the mic. Something happens then another monkey takes the stand.
Everything you said here is true and I don't dispute that-

AND YET, perception is STILL everything.

You can condescendingly call people name like naive, or you can meet them where they are.

Shillary called people names ('deplorables') and it cost her the election- and now the Democrats are out of power everywhere except in city mayorships.

Meet the little where they are. Don't you think there's a fundamental grain of truth to their concerns, even if the big picture is different?

If you won't see things through their produce, how do you expect them to come around to yours?

Sounds naive.
Is the word naive condescending? I was succinct and accurate. I don't believe that anybody will be convinced on this site anyway. I come here to learn, be entertained and not to chase chimeras. @undercovergrow believes that facts don't have to be true, also that republicans are socialists. Changing undercover's mind is a mountain I don't think can be climbed. That said, I'm glad undercover responded back with an informative reply. I'm glad to gain a little more insight into the right wing view. We don't have to agree that facts are true or they are not facts nor do we have to agree that Republicans are or are not socialists. I doubt we will ever agree on these points.

Maybe we might agree that medicare is worth keeping, regardless of the label. Because Medicare has been shown to significantly reduce the rate of poverty among the elderly. If undercover has elderly parents, perhaps we can ally to keep this program in place. I made an opening towards this discussion but ucg didn't go that way.

Now you are saying Clinton lost the election because "deplorables". Do we now live in a world where the POTUS can say "grab em by the pussy" and the opposition is supposed to say to his vile fascist, racist, or misogynistic supporters something like

"how interesting that you should say that, let us discuss this further so that can we come to consensus of how you what you said, some would say, might have made people feel marginalized when you -- so mistakenly, I'm sure -- said what you did. Perhaps you meant something different from what I heard?"

You know what? I don't think of @undercovergrow as one of the "little" as you put it. I think ucg's viewpoint is valid to ucg. Ucg is naive about the difference between R's and D's but that's what ucg believes. When somebody tells me something, I take them at their word until I know better. Just saying.
commerce can only succeed when capitalism is the system that is used among the people. it is the only system that gives each individual freedom.

Communism would never use Capitalism not even in a hundred yr plan.

And what’s Washington going to do? Tell General Electric and Microsoft and General Motors to stop investing in China? Lots of luck with that.http://www.newsweek.com/2015/03/27/chinas-not-so-secret-game-plan-313792.html
@Fogdog i believe that people believe things to be true and believe them to be facts when they are not true and therefore not factual. just a bit of confusion between us regarding that part.

the system as it currently is set up has been moving this country toward socialism for quite some time and the only difference between the two parties is the speed at which they do it. the "details" like what they believe on abortion, immigration, etc., are just hot ticket items to keep the people engaged that there is "something being done" about the items this country has needed to address for generations. taxes--let's tax the rich!! that'll do it. medicare and the like are just systems designed to bring the people toward a single-payer health care system. just because someone doesn't agree that the federal government should be the entity that decides who gets what and what kind of help doesn't mean i don't desire to see people taken care of.
no, your view is all wrong. you're focusing on the propaganda, but it is the corruption that is killing this country not capitalism. as soon as Wilson allowed the Federal Reserve to be created and Nixon took us off the gold standard, corruption has been running rampant in this country and we are being run by an oligarchy of men.
ah, you're one of those "matal bug - rawn pawl - jews run the world - illuminati" types. got it.
Well honey- neoliberalism sure as fuck isn't working for me or anyone I know who isn't already lucky enough to have been born into a wealthy family.

I'm done with social for mega corporations and their major shareholders and the shaft for everyone else.

Prime example; in 2008, despite massive malfeasance, double dealing and outright criminally activity on the part of the American financial sector, most of them got massive bailouts from the government and went right on showing record profits and bonuses for those making the decisions.

Yet millions of homeowners were foreclosed on and thrown out if their homes.

If that's 'capitalism'- and it definitely doesn't meet the definition in economics school- then I'd say it's time to try another tack and IDGAF what they call it.
so the people that worked for those companies that received bailouts had no families or homes of their own? if the businesses folded, the workers lose nothing?

2008 was a sad time, i lost a house too, but its not corporations fault. a business is just made of people. its peoples fault. from politicians, to banks, to borrowers. no one had a gun to their head to borrow what they couldnt pay for houses that werent worth it. but when shit hit the fan, the feds did what they could to help the most. i do think obama did a pretty good job of navigating that time, it was fucking tough for a lot of people.

capitalism pulls societies from poverty. been proven over and over, although it gets tweaked here and there. but production and competition has always been good for economies.

does a country exist that has the society you want and the economy you want? at the end of the day, no one is responsible for us except ourselves.
@Fogdog i believe that people believe things to be true and believe them to be facts when they are not true and therefore not factual. just a bit of confusion between us regarding that part.

the system as it currently is set up has been moving this country toward socialism for quite some time and the only difference between the two parties is the speed at which they do it. the "details" like what they believe on abortion, immigration, etc., are just hot ticket items to keep the people engaged that there is "something being done" about the items this country has needed to address for generations. taxes--let's tax the rich!! that'll do it. medicare and the like are just systems designed to bring the people toward a single-payer health care system. just because someone doesn't agree that the federal government should be the entity that decides who gets what and what kind of help doesn't mean i don't desire to see people taken care of.
People can believe things that aren't true. Yes indeed.

Your belief about there being no difference between Democrats and Republicans is in conflict with the facts.

As I said before, that you aren't concerned about Republican actions such as dismantling the ACA without an adequate plan to cover everybody already getting it is a reflection on your situation. In a country where the median individual income is about $35,000 I'd like to learn how everybody and their kids can have access to good health care without a subsidy, much less when they are 80. What to do with elderly people who have exhausted their savings?
This is silly. Why don't we apply the same standard to the largest corporations? Seems socialism is working fine! ...at least for THEM, anyway.

Your aim is all wrong.
large corporations represent large financial impacts. they spread a loooooooot of money around. the transfer of dollars every day is important to keep our economy strong. you can hate on corporations all you want, but to you they may be more of a necessary evil. whos going to pay all the tax money you demand for your social programs? the employees from these corporations. Corps arent going anywhere dude, so bark up another tree