What is the thing you hate most that you can't always avoid?

when your walking down the street and someone's walking the opposite way and you try to go around them to the right and they go left then you go left and they go right until your standing inches away from their face and then you stand still so they can go around you and then they do the same thing
Mastakoosh I HATE that! I always give over 25% at the very least and they never say thank you. Ya know what I also hate? Tip jars at the register when you pick up take-out? Since when should you get a tip for nothing? I hate that. I worked at restaurants, that is ridiculous. WTF?
haha no doubt, when i wasnt hurting for money a few months back, i would tip em like 5-6 dollars for a 5 minute journey. some of them would stuff the money in there pocket and be like laterz.:-P i tip well because i used to deliver pizza's and people would give me like a fifty cent tip.:? my wife says i always over-tip hot waitresses but i tip well if the service is on point lol. i hate rude people at fast food restaurants. i realize they hate their jobs though but i am always respectful.
Exactly. Respectful. Thats how I was when I delivered flowers, pizza, liquor, etc.. Ive had lots of jobs like that, I always said thank you even if it was just a buck... fu**ers these days take it dont say a word and are out.. eh....
my dick when it touches the rim of a toilet seat, when you go for a courtesy flush and you ass and balls get splashed with poopwater, people who squat at public restrooms and splatter everything with diarrhea, people who take the whole roll of toilet paper and throw a very unnecessary amount down the toilet clogging the shit out of it, stepping in piss and public urinals... dirty ass restroom door handles, people who take too long to blowdry their hands... when the sensor of the blowdryer or the sink dont work
hahah great post gotot. +rep...hahahah you summed that shit up
lmao i know right? i just started thinkin about it and then i couldn't stop... public restrooms are mad nasty... oh, i forgot, when you goto wash your hands and the sink bowl is soaking and you brush your shirt against that shit, now it looks like you pissd on yourself:mrgreen:
those people that piss right next to you when there's a bathroom full of free urinals, those people that look at you in the mirror instead of themselves
people who sneeze on their hands and proceed to roll a blunt, people who pussylick the blunt, people who dont pass that shit if they think your not paying attention, people who dont rip any paper off the blunt, Joints that ash all over you so by the time you reach the ashtray there's none left, blunts where every hit makes weed falls in your mouth, those friends that you always argue who rolls the better blunt(and it's always you but they never admit it)
people who talk during family feud so you never hear the question, people on family feud that wait until its their turn to think of something, people with little authority that try to act like they're somebody when they're working i.e. mall cops, security in general(if you dont have a gun dont come at me with that silly shit), store managers.
waiters/waitresses that think just because i'm young that means they dont need to put water on my table fuck em! people working at drivethroughs that can never hear what your saying, more specifically, the indians that work at Dunkin n Doughnuts when they ask me six times if they got my order correct(which they never do) so then you have to repeat what you said and they still dont get it right, homeless people that ask you to buy them something and when you do they return it at the store for money, people that drive in the parking lane at the light to get ahead of you
those guys at college parties that get real drunk and think it's okay to start humping eachother