What is the thing you hate most that you can't always avoid?

when you get a kfc bucket of chicken to share with some buddies and some asshole eats all the skin off the chicken while you go to wash your hands and then won't admit it.
running out of beer when i just fancy that extra special one.. GRR !!!

like now. and i dont wana go out, gona call my girl.. ;) ahhhhh !

I've faked orgasms before because the smell was so bad.

hahah lol, i usually switch to missionary, keep that shit under the sheets lmao... fucking my girl raw on her period...yuck! when the condom breaks and you dont know until you came, when girls just dont move at all when your smashing them out
my weed when it gets too dry,stepping in dog shit, people that dont hold the elevator, people who have to plan when the smoke weed...jesus that is so fuckin annoying just smoke already!.. drug dealers that always talk about how much money they make and are surprised when they get robbed