I hate glaze ice on the sidewalks that you can't see at night.
The barking neighborhood dogs that rile up your dogs and get them going in a nonstop barking festival.
also I dislike when mothers in store let their kids touch EVERYTHING! Food items, etc etc.. I see mothers with their carts parked next to things and their little kids are sucking on the tongs or some shit... wtf! control your kids.. I also hate how some parents dont teach their children manners... How they act out and the parents just sit there letting them scream and yell and ignore them... Take them out of the F'n store! I dont want to hear your brats temper tantrum...
Also, I hate when people bring their children to late rated R movies.. WTF? My girl and I were watching Collateral a few years back and there was this couple with 2 strollers in the theater. Keep in mind its 11 at night and this is a rated R movie.. So, the little brats are screaming and crying and their parents are just ignoring it letting them scream. I stand up and say "can you please keep your children quiet"... the dude says something to me in spanish, and then proceeds to park his strollers next to me and change diapers... I got my money back but was ready to punch this **** in the face,,
We had people with an infant sitting right behind us when Terminator 2 was in the theater. That movie is loud as hell. I don't know what was wrong with them.
I hate teenagers with their cell phones at the movies, running up and down the aisle, texting, I just want to bash them all.