Higher Education
Well-Known Member
Mr MaryJane- I heard about that layer, too. From sunday school. But when I tried to validate it, I could find none. Kinda a sunday school urban legend kind of thing.
Higher- Exodus 21:7 (daughter in slavery)
Leviticus 11:10 (shellfish greater abomination than homosexuality)
Now, while you claim to not be the pastor following type, do you believe the Bible to be the 'Word of God'? Btw, textural critism is a hobby of mine, as is ancient texts. I know the 'Bible' better than most, obviously better than you.
You should study the history of the book, what it left out, the battles over what was allowed to be deemed 'truth', and the horrible case of wool that has been pulled over your eyes. The Bible is nothing to do with the true message of Yeshua, and everything about control and religion corrupting His original message.
And I have no interest in 'explaining away God' (obviously a pet phrase of yours, you like to 'throw out' at every chance.) I totally know of the existance of what you call God. But I also know that is not the REAL 'God', the Living ONE, the 'Father' Yeshua spoke of.
The specific case on of slavery in the bible is more complicated than it initially appears. The term slave is not synonymous with the term servant today, but is was in biblical times. The time period also had different socio-economic considerations than we do today. There is several models in the Old Testament that appear to be slavery to an uneducated twenty first century reader. Your the one who needs to look deeper into things. You take the words a man wrote over 3,400 years ago and expect them to have the same cultural implications. Silly stoner. I won't even look at the other verse because you have lost your credibility. That fossil layer with a tree through it has been varified by the way.