What is your faith, path or belief?

Mr MaryJane- I heard about that layer, too. From sunday school. But when I tried to validate it, I could find none. Kinda a sunday school urban legend kind of thing.

Higher- Exodus 21:7 (daughter in slavery)
Leviticus 11:10 (shellfish greater abomination than homosexuality)
Now, while you claim to not be the pastor following type, do you believe the Bible to be the 'Word of God'? Btw, textural critism is a hobby of mine, as is ancient texts. I know the 'Bible' better than most, obviously better than you.
You should study the history of the book, what it left out, the battles over what was allowed to be deemed 'truth', and the horrible case of wool that has been pulled over your eyes. The Bible is nothing to do with the true message of Yeshua, and everything about control and religion corrupting His original message.

And I have no interest in 'explaining away God' (obviously a pet phrase of yours, you like to 'throw out' at every chance.) I totally know of the existance of what you call God. But I also know that is not the REAL 'God', the Living ONE, the 'Father' Yeshua spoke of.

The specific case on of slavery in the bible is more complicated than it initially appears. The term slave is not synonymous with the term servant today, but is was in biblical times. The time period also had different socio-economic considerations than we do today. There is several models in the Old Testament that appear to be slavery to an uneducated twenty first century reader. Your the one who needs to look deeper into things. You take the words a man wrote over 3,400 years ago and expect them to have the same cultural implications. Silly stoner. I won't even look at the other verse because you have lost your credibility. That fossil layer with a tree through it has been varified by the way.
You are a fucking joke, comin on here talkin about 'I can prove with God with crack pot science' and think yo uare gonna talk down to us and call ME a silly stoner? Dude, you have smoked yourself stupid. You don't know shit and I ain't havin a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

You speak of socio-economics, you are talkin about a book with NO archoelogocial evidence to back ANY of it up in the first place, where is the proof of the socio-economic shit you are talkin about? I know there are very detailed records from both Rome and Egypt, and NONE of them even mention this so-called nation of Isreal, there is no record of Christ's execution by the Romans (tho they do have execution records of the supposed time of Christ, right detailed ones.) If they can't even prove the Bible to be fact, then where are your facts about the social implications as well as economic ones of the time? And while you are at it, show me proof of this layer thing. I tried to tind it, and it wasn't there. THere is NO proof of ANYTHING in the Bible, I have proof to links of that as well. You didn't even know the shit I was talkin about was in the Bible, now you gonna claim I don't know enough about it when you didn't even know it was there in the first place.

YOU lack credibility, and you are losing what little you got with every post. Keep it up, here is some more rope, moron. God, what denial.
Fact is YOU DON"T KNOW, NEITHER DO I. NEITHER ONE CAN PROVE SHIT. So that lets control and the other elements of scientific explanation out the window, eh? Fact is, you can't 'experiment' on spiritual things, you cannot create the exact same environment every time, you cannot control all the variables and you have no control set, as well.

I don't want to argue anymore. What you said above is completely true. I am just tired of being looked at as someone who is unintelligent because I believe in a higher power. I got criticized unconstructively first. Someone said "if you want to be logical" after they threw down one of my analogies. I don't know who it is though because I am too lazy to look. I am happy with you admitting that WE do not know. I respect the humility. I just go by what seems to be credible. If I felt you underminded the sources from where I have learned, then I would believe whatever you say. I still respect it even if I don't believe it. I was just mad because I was disrespected first. Our arguing does not help the other in anyway though. If I had a joint I would smoke it with you.:joint:
It is fine to believe in a higher power, I believe in one. My God isn't your God, I think it is better to believe in something than nothin, but none of it can be 'proven', and proving is what science is all about. And I wasn't the one who disrespected you, (until I felt you were getting a little hostile, and I figgered getting a little of it back would settle you out, which it has. That is what us dragons are for) so make sure you DO know who to aim it at, and who to take it up with. This is a discussion, don't just spray bullets into the crowd.

My God is the one Yeshua called "Father'. Notice that Paul was a pharasee, and actually changed faiths? If he was worshiping the jewish creator god, and he had this experience that changed him so completely, then why talk about this Living ONE, as tho it was a different being than the jewish creator god? Cuz it was. Read what Yeshua said that you WEREN"T supposed to know about, dude, and all your questions will be answered, if you can handle the truth.

But don't mix 'science' and 'religion', unless you wanna get laughed at. You can believe both, but don't expect them to support each other.

And hay, puff puff pass!:weed:
I am all about the truth. Thats all I want to know no matter how bad it upsets me. Your wording in about Yeshua was confusing. I am ignorant about your believe anyways. I cannot condemn something I know nothing of. I was just defending what I believe. What should I read to learn more about your "Yeshua"? I just know Yeshua was a common name in the second temple period and a lot of scholars believe it may have been Jesus' hebrew name. There are some really important people in the science community right now doing the faith and science thing. They are more respected than me though so people don't laugh, haha. Your humility, rather than your hostility, is what calmed me down. To me, when a person tells me that they can't prove or don't know something then they are admitting that they are still learning. Someone is still learning and is openminded in my book is logical.

Random, but I wish I could find weed for less than sitxy an eigth right now. I wanna get high and watch some cool tv show. Whats your favorite tv show dragon?

I just realize you started this thread. More respect to you for your curiosity. How old are you? Your going to live a long time being that your a vegan.
Thank you for your indulgence. Yeshua is the original peshitte aramaic name for Jesus, yes. I DO believe Yeshua existed, but the 'stories' about him came after Constantine took over the religion of Christianity. He was a pagan thug, you see, who remained a pagan, planning a deathbed conversion to save his damned soul. I have copies of his letters stating this. I think Constantine 'paganized' EVERYTHING about Christ, the only 'true' text we have of Yeshua is the Gospel of Thomas, and that is apochryphal (meaning the church deemed it heresy and banned it, destroying everyone that had anything to do with it). The story of Yeshua, from the virgin birth to the crucifiction is a retelling of the Osiris / Dionysis myths. (Alarmingly so). Also explains why all the sacraments were already being practiced long before the advent of Christianity by the Elusian priests. They were all stolen and bastardized by Constantinople in an attempt to make Christianity more palatable for the pagan masses. This is also why Shaul (Paul in the New Testament, also his Hebrew name) never speaks of Yeshua's virgin birth, miracles, or even of the crucifiction. That is cuz he didn't know the 'stories', they were created hundreds of years later by the powers that be for control.

But the Gospel of Thomas, which I DO think is the actual words of Yeshua, said 'The kingdom of the Father is inside you, and all around you.' Study THEM and you will know the truth.
I am 39, just turned it. (Sagittarian to my CORE!) I don't really like TV, I watch Two and a Half Men sometimes, or reruns of MASH. I used to watch the news, but I prefer my computer for that, and NPR. I'm kinda weird. My main use for a tv is to play video games and movies.
Thank you for your indulgence. Yeshua is the original peshitte aramaic name for Jesus, yes. I DO believe Yeshua existed, but the 'stories' about him came after Constantine took over the religion of Christianity. He was a pagan thug, you see, who remained a pagan, planning a deathbed conversion to save his damned soul. I have copies of his letters stating this. I think Constantine 'paganized' EVERYTHING about Christ, the only 'true' text we have of Yeshua is the Gospel of Thomas, and that is apochryphal (meaning the church deemed it heresy and banned it, destroying everyone that had anything to do with it). The story of Yeshua, from the virgin birth to the crucifiction is a retelling of the Osiris / Dionysis myths. (Alarmingly so). Also explains why all the sacraments were already being practiced long before the advent of Christianity by the Elusian priests. They were all stolen and bastardized by Constantinople in an attempt to make Christianity more palatable for the pagan masses. This is also why Shaul (Paul in the New Testament, also his Hebrew name) never speaks of Yeshua's virgin birth, miracles, or even of the crucifiction. That is cuz he didn't know the 'stories', they were created hundreds of years later by the powers that be for control.

But the Gospel of Thomas, which I DO think is the actual words of Yeshua, said 'The kingdom of the Father is inside you, and all around you.' Study THEM and you will know the truth.

I'm sorry, I didn't catch that last name, Thomas who?

out. :blsmoke:
Every time I wanted to respond I saw that cracker jax or puff was already on the ball.So instead of arguing about it, I say.......ALL HAIL THE GREAT SPAGHETTI MONSTER!!!
Puffy dear, one being less false than the other doesn't get it one iota closer to being true.
Some have said .. supposedly ..

I am donning my tin foil!! :lol: Noodle protect me!

out. :blsmoke:
The CHURCH may consider one false or falsier than the other, if that is a word, but I don't. I didn't call any of it false. But texts of any kind are only supposed to be guideposts, that is all. Not to be taken as the truth all by themselves, but hopefully they will give you the food for thought that will guide you to discover the truth for yourself, cuz it is all perspective anyway.

OH NO. I am outta tin foil! PANIC. PANIC. PANIC.
Yes, I can prove the existance of the spaghetti monster.Portions of him are in my freezer.He's tasty.
He gives noodly appendages all around!! Finally a religion based on Science :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Damn meth heads stole my tin foil!Perhaps...mylar?
Don't forget the tin foil! Most sacred of foils.....

Thomas the Twin, interestingly enuff. Supposedly the twin to Yeshua. Some have said he was also the disciple known as 'Doubting Thomas.'

Here is a link to the text (and all the others the church didn't want you to see)
They were seeking his Spaghetti greatness too, that's all.

Im not sure if Mylar will work. We must pray about it.



Oooomm...... Mmm.... Zzzzzz.....:sleep:
So, I'll throw a monkey wrench into the entire kabash and ask is Scientology a religion?

Hey, and you know that Lasagna had extra cheese .. always. The dude had extra cheese .. always. The dude had extra cheese ..always. Yah, that's enuf cheese.

out. :blsmoke: (<---- bloody pirate!)
Well that's enough for me! I'll give them one thing. They have a sweet headquarters in Clearwater, Floriduh. They dress nice too....

out. :blsmoke: