What is your faith, path or belief?

Brainwashing is brainwashing.So, yes.
So, I'll throw a monkey wrench into the entire kabash and ask is Scientology a religion?

Hey, and you know that Lasagna had extra cheese .. always. The dude had extra cheese .. always. The dude had extra cheese ..always. Yah, that's enuf cheese.

out. :blsmoke: (<---- bloody pirate!)
Believe me, ALL churches are run as a business.

I went into one of those mega churches where they were selling CDs and household items with crosses and every damn thing else. "Izint this where Jesus takes off his belt and runs you guys out?' I asked. They didn't think it was funny.

You didn't REALLY think it wasn't about money, did you?
LOL i couldnt agree with u more puff,U actualy went into the church and asked them that?If so Il have to +rep u then, it is truly sad what the churches have come to, did you watch inside edition where the TV priest who claims to have healing power was looking like a fraud when the reporter interviewed him,It was pretty funny.
Believe me, ALL churches are run as a business.

I went into one of those mega churches where they were selling CDs and household items with crosses and every damn thing else. "Izint this where Jesus takes off his belt and runs you guys out?' I asked. They didn't think it was funny.

You didn't REALLY think it wasn't about money, did you?

Uhhhhhh , no I didn't :mrgreen: Onward thru the fog!!!

out. :blsmoke;
I believe that to have a better afterlife (i wouldnt really call it an afterlife because its not your body and im pretty sure its nothing like this life) you have too be a compassionate loving forgiving person so giving fat counts ties into a lot of those :D

I believe we were created by type IV extra terrestrials with their galactic sized "haydron collider" that caused this 3 dimensional physical and 1 dimensional time universe to be created and put life into it so that we could recycle ZPE energy (your afterlife is your ZPE energy) and to recycle zpe energy you have to be a compassionate loving forgiving person. the point of recycling zpe energy is so that eventually you could enter the chilled universe where you would be outside the 11 dimensions and live for infinite and by live i dont know what i mean but you can get there as a human, thats what type IV extra terrestrials are trying to do using the energy we recycle so that everything can live in peace.

and smoke weed and drop acid.

p.s. hopefully no one thinks im some crazy psycho :S i know this stuff might sound somewhat crazy to someone but seriously if you dont think aliens exist then seriously, i hate to say this, you are a failure. and if aliens exist then the other stuff isnt so far fetched. lol i think thats the first time ive ever sued far fetched.

Please write a book. I want to know more. This has inspired me in a way that seems so weird. I feel like i now know the meaning of life.
I can save you so much trouble.

The meaning of life is death...... it's a slow burner and will take you a bit. Let the idea ferment and it will come to you.

out. :blsmoke:
So, I'll throw a monkey wrench into the entire kabash and ask is Scientology a religion?

Hey, and you know that Lasagna had extra cheese .. always. The dude had extra cheese .. always. The dude had extra cheese ..always. Yah, that's enuf cheese.
out. :blsmoke: (<---- bloody pirate!)

Scientology is a religion much the same as Amway is a religion...they employ similar recruitment tactics as well.


I would suggest that L. Ron Hubbard probably died from laughing so hard and so often as he watched the sheep embrace Dianetics and Scientology.

I mean seriously, didn't these people read his books?
I think it takes more stamina to be have a minority opinion. You doubt my logic so much, yet you have failed to offer a replacement. Please do not give me that bullshit of a theory evolution either. Actually you can if you want because I will rip it apart.

Yes, it does. I'll take your creationism and raise it with two evolutionisms. :eyesmoke:

You can rip apart any thoery with an opposing argument. You just have to ensure your opposing theory carries the same or more weight of evidence with it. 'God' and the holy trinity, Mohammed, Krsna and all the other creation based ideas are theories as well. The problem with the theory of God and creation is that the story has been handed down and rewritten over thousands of years. It has been adapted and modified to ensure that willing believers maintain a sense of awe and fear of their chosen god. If the story didn't sit well with the masses, it was adapted and modified to suit. It's ironic that Christianity and Islam have common origins don't you think?

There has been no control over maintaining the accuracy of the original texts in any creation based theory.

The theory of evolution is based on physical evidence gathered and collated since at least 1699, when Edward Tyson dissected a chimpanzee and was shocked at the similarities of the animals organs to humans'. This evolution/survival of the fittest/adaptation evidence, amassed over the years, has been carefully studied, cross-checked, analysed and otherwise pulled apart by thousands of scientists and creationists alike. The theory ties in a number of different scientific areas. For example, geography and plate tectonics, archaeology, biology and also molecular biology. Modern gene mapping has found evidence in DNA that corroborates the theory that Darwin, Wallace and others were working on in the early 1800's.

The theory of evolution is one of the most stringently tested theories ever postulated.

If creationists want to blow this theory out of the water, they'd best pray to Jesus or Allah, or god or whoever their preferred deity is, to get off the sun lounge and get down here soon, because the evidence for 'evolution' is mounting faster than the evidence for 'intelligent design' or 'creationism'.
One need only look to the credentials of "evolution" vs. "creation" scientists.... it says it all about "intelligent design" ( <----- talk about narcissism!)

Pray to the mighty Amway .... Ommmm .. cheaper by the dozen ... amen.

out. :blsmoke:
if there is a god why have we not seen any god like things only science like or should i say related things in what about let's say 1000 years so you guy are telling me that god created aliens................god created another race outside ours to hurt us.....?
all the monsters told about in the bible were just animals probably dinosaurs they could not kill or could not eat and simply were seeing for the first time and since threre were not many of whatever it had to be a monster type devil of evil 666 yeah right!
just how stories get twisted today where do you think it came from?
humans has always be able to adapt man saw an opening to make money.
also think about this! church is just a pep talk for the week you get yourself feeling good about the holy ghost and if you do believe it you start to believe in yourself and then it's I TOLD YOU GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOU HES WITH YOU bullshit!
you've just paid for a pep talk! church is a rip off and a fake created by man. football basketball and everyrthing in between are all the same think about when you were confident and what happened and how you delt with when you were in that state of mind.
what els?
humans want to feel needed me also so in saying that i say this god church devil cult i think
show me and i'll believe if not wtf?
for me to believe in something man made up is dumb i could see if man made god up to be a light or something.

so you guys don't someone made up a god you've never seen and a son who died for our sins
sin? what is it? cause we kill, steal, lie, cheat, god hates a thief and a lie well now were all going to hell then BS
the only difference between animals and us is that they are controlled for the most part and can't talk we all got along at one point until man got ideas to better enjoy himself.............. i won't talk about slaves and shit but it was a stepping stone for man but not a pleasant one.
so we teamed up and started to network and each man saying to the next GET LIKE ME slowly but surely.

i'll leave you with this
the difference between a murderer and serial killer is that a murderer has a conscience serial killers don't cause we made them that way
uh yeah i was born to kill i'll just wait until i get beat by my parents or um gee i duno watch some tv while my parents brush me off and i meet others like who fucked up in the head