What is your faith, path or belief?

Shhh Learn the Secrets! They are SECRETS!! Shhh... I'll teach you the SECRETS!!! Lawdy... :mrgreen: deep in the rabbit hole that one is.


out. :blsmoke:
Shhh Learn the Secrets! They are SECRETS!! Shhh... I'll teach you the SECRETS!!! Lawdy... :mrgreen: deep in the rabbit hole that one is.


out. :blsmoke:

If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

He who doesnt not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Fathers who sent Me.

These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid

You have heard Me say to you, "I am going away and coming back to you." If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said "I am going to the Father" for My Father is greater than I.

And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.

I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.

But the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do.

Arise, let us go from here!

You have two good eyes and yet you cannot see..... Here's hoping you can someday break free from the deception and truly awaken, and it's no secret either.


out. :blsmoke:
Phi = union without beginning or end
Fibonacci sequence = in the image of 'God' Geometry of divine
I agree with most of what I have read in the books by Drunvalo Melchizedek about the Flower of Life. I also agree with most if not all of what I have read by Ananda Bosman and his research about somenetics.
Its a trip.
Its ok, they preach, get it outta their system, and go on to save someone else.
It's like your tryin swim in a creek and some idiot who thinks you are drowing drags you out and half kills you, then goes off patting theirself on the back.... :rolleyes: Clueless. But I have come to discover some are better off with thier delusions... In other words.....

<bad Nicholson imitation> "You can't HANDLE the TRUTH....."
I think there is an IQ threshold for religious "FOLLOWERS" which seems to be horribly low.
I view the religious "LEADERS" to be the true predators, taking advantage of the desperate and the non-thinkers. It's a shame and should be a crime....

Happy Yule Puff!!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
Its ok, they preach, get it outta their system, and go on to save someone else.
It's like your tryin swim in a creek and some idiot who thinks you are drowing drags you out and half kills you, then goes off patting theirself on the back.... :rolleyes: Clueless. But I have come to discover some are better off with thier delusions... In other words.....

i would not go so far as to call the religious low IQ as CJ does. I think a belief system is necessary for some even highly intelligent folks. All this crap has loads of perspective.
From the persons point of view that has seen a miracle They need a benevolent God to give credit for what they can not explain. When stuff goes all wrong blame the devil, lack of faith or sin.
Not stupid just not wanting real responsibility. Kinda smart.
The redemption for sale deal shows stupidity. Send reverend Soso 19.95$ and he will tell you how to get to heaven. 10 installments later.......You almost have it..

BTW I am selling the secret of eternal life this week only for $19.95 plus S&H. we are all friends here 18.95$
Wow, S&H included? Better deal than my last guru, maybe THIS is truth??!!:clap:

Seriously tho, I have known some highly intelligent people involved in some religions that make me go 'huh?' and some really stupid people who have no spirituality at all. I can't say that is a barometer of IQ. But at some point you hafta question where it all comes from, and what it is all REALLY for. And one seed of doubt it all it takes. Then your path from religion is lost to you, but your path for the truth begins.
Yes I must concur and restate my IQ posit. I misspoke when I said low IQ. While there are many types of IQ, let me replace IQ with "gullible". Then I don't have to type so much :lol:. The flock is most definitely gullible and the shepherds are definitely preying upon them.

I want to find out your secret but I have inadvertently boxed myself in with my own logic.... DOH!! I want to be GULLIBLE!!!!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
Since there's religions in pretty much all cultures and geographies, there must be something in our brain circuitry that lends itself to religions. Some power/knowledge systems have taken advantage of that and voila...religions.

Maybe there's some need to belong to something bigger. I could see how that would be an evolutionary uh ... whatcha call it ... uh, like, advantage. Maybe it has to do with the reality of death. A lot of religions say that after this you go on some more, albeit it a different state. I mean, how likely would you be to give up your life (or part of it) if you knew that this was it. (By the way...people do it all the time. Like kids in the military. I really appreciate those guys.)
Most of it isn't voluntary, your parents get you in it, and often don't accept you if you don't join the cult. It is a form of group-think, to kill individuality of thought and spirit.
Yes, we a pre wired for duality..... science is proving that as we speak of it. Religion may end up another survival tool which will thankfully be phased out one day in the "BRITE" future society. Our so called "modern" society is going to seem awfully primitive and not so quaint when we finally emerge at te next level of advancement sans religion. .....

out. :blsmoke:
Hopefully science won't be the new religion...... Hopefully we get away from the need to have some giant parental figure, that perhaps we could.... dare I say it.... take ACCOUNTABILITY for ourselves?

There! I said it!:clap:
There is no such thing as 'right' and 'wrong'.

There is no such thing as 'good' and 'bad'.

There is no such thing as 'normal'.

There is only perception.

$ Religion $-
It has served its purpose for advocating --even increasing-- the functionality of our society by MASKING the fact that we do not know what, who, why, where, or even when we are. The mask provided is that of DECEPTION-- they claim to know the origin and messages of the divine when they define such things as unknowable. They express THEORY as FACT using ideas CONCIEVED BY THEMSELVES as a basis to portray their thesis on ethic in order to execute their not-so-personal agenda: to make money and GAIN POWER by trying to instill Man Made Ideas into you and your children (future generations) without giving any consideration to what beliefs you may develop given their absence-- beliefs you may choose to shape your life around. THEY shape YOUR life for you via the manipulation of your thoughts so they may (1) Gain the privilege of TRUE freedom, and (2) Attempt to predispose you to a life of FEAR.




-------dont worry about fearing purgatory, because they decided to get rid of it.-------.......?

People need to start THINKING FOR THEMSELVES and STOP taking ANY religious word for a reference to define positive and negative action. Citing religion is basically LYING without even putting forth the effort to come up with the lie yourself.

Develop your own beliefs
Learn to admit when youre wrong

--No one is "right" (except for scientists and others who devote their lives to understanding how, not why, things that we can imperically verify work [if you disagree with that, you might as well disagree with the concept of atoms, chemical bondage, genetics, and all of the laws expressing the properties of the forces we know to exist] too) and no one is wrong (except for diehard creationists--if you disagree with that, sorry but I pity you. Oh to be one of the (sadly) many fools who actually believe the universe is 10,000 years of age..seriously? Who is counting? When did they start counting? Where did the start counting? Exactly--YOU DO NOT, AND CAN'T KNOW
https://www.rollitup.org/spirituali...eligion-result-underdeveloped-area-brain.html Interesting thing I read...made a thread about it.
Since there's religions in pretty much all cultures and geographies, there must be something in our brain circuitry that lends itself to religions. Some power/knowledge systems have taken advantage of that and voila...religions.

Maybe there's some need to belong to something bigger. I could see how that would be an evolutionary uh ... whatcha call it ... uh, like, advantage. Maybe it has to do with the reality of death. A lot of religions say that after this you go on some more, albeit it a different state. I mean, how likely would you be to give up your life (or part of it) if you knew that this was it. (By the way...people do it all the time. Like kids in the military. I really appreciate those guys.)
The brain or mind tends to fill in areas with data that is missing. That is how optical illusions work. Auditory data is handled similarly to optical data. Missing data is filled in with what the mind perceives as the best "fit".
The ink blot test is a good indicator of what would your mind fill in the blanks with. What appears to be a butterfly to me could appear to be an angel to you. The same butterfly ink blot would be an alien to your neighbor. No answer correct, after all it is just an ink blot.
Now we must conclude that the human mind is flawed. We are all very poor witnesses. Our perspective clouds all we see and hear with what the mind determined that was the best fit for the situation.
This flawed perception due to our life's experience makes us human. Our mind needs answers so badly it makes them up.
A mind is a terrible thing.:fire: