Well-Known Member
So you decide to believe somebody who told you something. That's fine. They can both be equally true.
The greatest proof (for me) that energy can be created is its existence.
They cannot be euqally true....energry is not created or destroyed
I'm going to have to 'believe' home36rown on this one.
I do believe energy was ONCE created, that was the big bang. Gods creation.
After that I don't believe energy can be created or destroyed.
But it would seem like energy can be created through nuclear reactions when converting mass into energy. A tiny amount of mass can create an enormous amount of energy. If a glass of water was converted into pure energy by combining it with its anti matter it would probably be able to power the worlds electricity needs for 10 years or so.
You know whats cool, that the Earth is actually growing from absorbing the Suns energy and stardust. So gravity is never constant, its always slightly increasing proportional to the amount of added mass to Earth. But it would seem insignificant over the course of an average humans life.
But that energy could also conversely create that water. No net energy is lost. No net energy is created. Both sides of the equation are equal. It's equal exchange. The form has changed... like money.... Five dollar bills is equal to a single five-dollar bill(not in paper, obviously, but in value).
I use matter and convert it into energy all the time via digestion... the end product is I'm still alive and the excrement is flowing.
Gods are defined with terms like omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent, etc. These are all infinite attributes. There's is never a way to balance the 'equation'. Infinity is an idea. Using it in math leads to erroneous results. There is no infinite amount of ANYTHING in the universe. Using infinity one can make all kind of illogical statements.
For example, if we state that anything divided by itself is 1...
where i=infinity:
That seems alright... but wait.
(i + i) / i = 1
Ok, sure i + i = i.. so simplified: i/i is still 1, and 1=1!
But wait... we can now split that fraction.
i/i + i/i = 1 or simplified: 2=1 or even 3=1 etc... You can make anything equal anything!! Regardless of equivalence.
Lets try it a different way:
i * 1/i = 1
That looks good, for any number x... x * 1/x = 1.
1/i is .0000...1 which converges to zero. See, if there was an infinite amount of something... then there'd be nothing else. That 1 doesn't exist. Those zeros are infinite. If you manually attempted to solve this you'd never reach an answer. You'd never be able to finish!
Anyway, so:
i * 0 = 1
Now we're really fucked! Do we go with the rule anything times infinity is infinity... or anything times zero is zero?! Either way this equation fails.