What is your faith, path or belief?

Not all religions are like this. Some actually encourage critical thinking, rationality, examination, and exploration.

I believe in the above ^^^ too. I'm not a very religious person, I don't go to church but I do watch Christian shows on TV. I believe in Jesus/God.

I don't believe the bible is 100% factual, but I do believe most of it is true.

Life is just utterly perplexing, one day Your born, the next thing You know Your a teenager, than you become an adult and eventually die. Do all the memories just fade away, or is there life after death? The world may never know for certain if some people get to go to heaven.

So.... What have you done for your community this week? How much do you volunteer a month? How much do you write off on your taxes as donations to charity for 2008?

Zero? And you think you're getting into heaven?

Yeah, that's why when i graduated high school i stopped w/school. it is just theory and inapplicable to real life. unless you consider fabricated life real life. that's just perception too.

I find faith in science faulty. Science was the Earth being flat, then it changed. It was the Earth as the center of the universe, then it changed. These are just a few examples of science's fickleness.

So you didn't advance your education because of science? Well, you sure showed science didn't you! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
i don't understand your point.

All I'm sayin is school is overrated, and just because someone doesn't go to school, or hasn't been to college, doesn't make them stupid. I flew through high school, 14th in a class of 350, reputation as a smart kid from all the teachers, etc. i don't remember jack shit. none of it made much sense to me. In my opinion, school just turns people into little robots. (to a certain degree. obviously, not fully-fledged robots. Those dudes are politicians :-D)