Where else to store money?

I do not have any money buried anywhere, but I do have a pair of 5' long 8" pvc tubes with a cap on one end and a screw cap on the other that are buried out in the woods near the lake, that must be reached by boat. They contain 4 ruger 10/22's and 10k rounds of 22 ammo and 2 9mm pistols with 2k rounds of ammo and some survival gear all in zytel bags( rust proof). Just incase the "man" gets gun grabbin happy.

They have been there since before 2009 and I have checked on them 2 times since I buried them. It is a PITA to get to but I look at it as an investment of sorts, who knows.

coulda, woulda, shoulda don't work to well in my world...lol


40,000 dollars =2000 20 dollar bills at .11mm each is less than a foot tall stack put it in a brief case in your closet
Open up a shell business ... typically something where people pay cash and and it wouldn't be odd to not have receipts or records...landscaper or barber shop shit man anything
another 10grand cmon guys more places i just put some in the toiler bowl

Dude. Are you fuckin serious. You got a bunch of answers. I think you're just trolling. Oh look, 10 grand just fell in your lap. If you really are making the kind of money you're describing, illegally, you're dense as fuck for drawing attention to it so readily.

Apologies for my bluntness if you aren't trolling, but come on.
I'm not :| and im using a VPN and 2 proxies are running, no one knows me on here and 10grand is too minor for anyone big in law lol
I do not have any money buried anywhere, but I do have a pair of 5' long 8" pvc tubes with a cap on one end and a screw cap on the other that are buried out in the woods near the lake, that must be reached by boat. They contain 4 ruger 10/22's and 10k rounds of 22 ammo and 2 9mm pistols with 2k rounds of ammo and some survival gear all in zytel bags( rust proof). Just incase the "man" gets gun grabbin happy.

They have been there since before 2009 and I have checked on them 2 times since I buried them. It is a PITA to get to but I look at it as an investment of sorts, who knows.

coulda, woulda, shoulda don't work to well in my world...lol


Do you have any dessicant bags in there? It wouldn't hurt.
It might not be a bad idea, I know temp in the ground fluctuates less than above ground, but I'm just thinking about the possibility of condensation in the long run.
I remember even being told not to store my guns in the house, in those gun socks. due to the tendency to draw moisture from the air and hold it.
i would bury most money and supplies in caches. the rest would got into safety deposit boxes with direction to caches and in another box directions(probably a a family member) for the directions.

gold silver coins are all good options, and so is rare items, at least 1/4 would be kept in rare sellable items.
You must be selling a buncha blow jobs or girl scout cookies because we know you can't grow yet. Your posts in previous threads expose your lack of growing skills and knowledge.