I'll take a stab at it, Dankness ...
Your premise is all wrong. Smoking pot is NOT a historically liberal activity. I've been smoking/growing pot off and on for 54 years now. I live in a very conservative town and practice in a very conservative business. You would be astounded by how many politically conservative people I know who smoke pot. Why liberals think of themselves as having a corner on enjoying the effects of pot has always been beyond me ... other than the fact that liberals have a penchant for lying to themselves.
If you are denying the fact that most pot smokers are liberals, all I have to say is WOW. I have never heard one person even try to dispute this, and that's with good reason. Did you forget to turn on your tv during the 60s/70s? I wasn't even alive yet, but if I were I would have known the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that smoking pot is generally a liberal activity. Remember Hendrix, Lennon, and every other hippie stoner from the same generation? Remember all those conservatives PROSECUTING liberals for smoking it? Remember Harry J. Anslinger and Reefer Madness? Remember that the state most notable for smoking/growing pot is also a liberal state? Remember? If not you have some serious blinders on man. Lying to myself, please... Name all notable conservative pot smokers, I beg you. That's what I thought. If you really think conservatives dominate the pot smoking world, it is YOU that is lying to yourself, no one else.
And using yourself and your group of friends as an example, your only example I might add, is just silly. Do you think the world revolves around you?
And if you think liberals aren't racist, try to get a job with the Los Angeles Fire or Police departments if you aren't Black, or if you don't have a Spanish surname.
Reverse racism is alive and well among the liberal do-gooders. Their victim for bashing of choice is the White, Christian Male.
I'm not 100% on this, but aren't the majority of liberals white?
Even if they aren't, your accusations are founded on nothing more than your own absurd speculations. Are you an officer? Fireman? Do you have personal experience with not being able to find work because you're white? Where do you get your information V, I want to look in on this reverse racism travesty that you claim is plagueing our nation. Oh wait, I forgot you were referring to some *alleged* and *isolated* examples.
I think comparing the *possible* existence of reverse racism in LA to the racism that has been associated with conservative whites for centuries is a litte, well, retarded. Don't you?
Thanks for calling liberals do-gooders by the way, I couldn't think of a more flattering insult.