Well-Known Member
Finally another person who sees that the republican party is where the democrats were 60 years ago and the dems are just plain socialists. Take a look at the issues and most can see that being a conservative means you want less government, as in- no war on drugs, and less welfare. Whats going to happen when all the hard working conservatives in this country get tired of having their hard earned cash given to those who dont want to work hard?(ie: stereotypical welfare people)bush was NOT a conservative ,he was a liberal,
we have been living in a socialist country for at least 60 years now.
it is turning into a full blown facist/communist police state now,
the constitution no longer binds the government to a set of rules.
most of the people i know who smoke pot are conservatives.i doubt it you know any of them as you do not run in the same influence of friends i do.yours are all stupid.
MOST investors are conservative. it keeps more money in their pockets that way,
investors run the country.or did, investors are leaving in droves faster than companys are shutting down and laying off people.
the majority of the people can vote to put their hand in someone else's pocket all they want.that does not mean the pocket is going to stay within the reach of the thief.
if liberals are so smart why are they not the majority of investors? i.e. THE ONES WHO HAVE THE MAJORITY OF THE MONEY.
liberals have picked the pocket dry and ran off the rest of their investment capital NOW WHAT DUMMYS?
"The roots of liberty must be watered in the blood of patriots" Thomas Jefferson