Why do women clean so damn much!?


Well-Known Member
My chick is crazy... I literally have two morning's and afternoons a week off with her, I work 7 days a week. She is in this damn "clean" mode every single fucking day during the daytime. It drives me bonkers. Instead of spending the little time we have together, doing anything together, she cleans. I see her basically friday, sat and sunday night for a few hours, we actually have time together. The rest of the week we dont see each other. I work days, she works evenings/nights. Like cleaning mon-fri from the time she wakes up till she goes to work is not enough, shes got to do it all weekend as well. I HATE IT.
My chick is crazy... I literally have two morning's and afternoons a week off with her, I work 7 days a week. She is in this damn "clean" mode every single fucking day during the daytime. It drives me bonkers. Instead of spending the little time we have together, doing anything together, she cleans. I see her basically friday, sat and sunday night for a few hours, we actually have time together. The rest of the week we dont see each other. I work days, she works evenings/nights. Like cleaning mon-fri from the time she wakes up till she goes to work is not enough, shes got to do it all weekend as well. I HATE IT.

Cleaning is a good thing, particularly when you don't have to do it.
Maybe she's having trouble cleaning up after a typical male. Maybe you should help her. Maybe she has OCD.
Sounds like you aren't giving her other options.

What the hell does that mean?

It means that she would rather choose the "clean the fuck out of the house" option as opposed to whatever option you are presenting to her.

Why is that?


No clue. Good luck regardless.
Tell her to quit speeding so much.

Mine wont clean unless its life or death and even then she won't...
Why don't you help her out and cut her cleaning time in half?

Obviously she's cleaning something... most likely something that will at some point in the near future need cleaning. Or maybe she's trying to tell you something.. i.e. you're messy ;)
I read this out to my woman to get her 'thoughts':
"She hasn't learned how to chill..."
"A year of depression will cure that..."
Sounds like you aren't giving her other options.


It means that she would rather choose the "clean the fuck out of the house" option as opposed to whatever option you are presenting to her.

Come on... tell her, lets go shopping today hon, and not clean the house....
I find cleaning therapeutic, I love to sit back and see my home clean and tidy. I can't relax and watch TV in an evening if the house is not clean, and my daughter is the same. And as for helping her that wouldn't do for me no one cleans my house like I do, its just my thing and I like to do it! ;-)
I find cleaning therapeutic, I love to sit back and see my home clean and tidy. I can't relax and watch TV in an evening if the house is not clean, and my daughter is the same. And as for helping her that wouldn't do for me no one cleans my house like I do, its just my thing and I like to do it! ;-)

Mrs. GWN is the same - Saturday is cleaning day & if its' not done right, no one is happy.
Fortunately the military made me a very efficient cleaning machine - except I use a 36" push broom versus the standard little whisker and I like a real mop & squeezer bucket instead of that damn swiffer.
I usually work on cleaning day, but when I don't I can finish it to her level before she even gets up. :hump:

Then I try & talk her into a bit of play time since she doesn't have to clean.
It even works sometimes. ;-)
Every woman i have ever known goes way overboard with the bleach. stinking out the house with toxic fumes.
although that is not as bad as constantly moving things from where i have left them, like everything must have its own place out of sight where i can't find it.
I worked out the reason for ladies hiding my things is so that i have to ask "where are my things " they always have the correct answer which makes them feel useful.
There's evidence that women see dirt more on a neurological level.
If its causing problems in your relationship talk with her about it.
My wife cleans everyday. Like literally cleans or dusts something everyday. I tell her she's crazy and she just replies that she doesn't like dirty stuff. It got way worse after we had the baby. It's some kind of disorder, I'm sure of it. Sometimes it gets real annoying. Like when I come home to a clean house. I hate that. Or when she tells me to wash my hands. Shut up bitch I worked hard for these germs I wanna keep them!