wiating on Sandy........................

yup the primary line was taken out by a locust tree. it wasn't flailing all over the place so i thought it would be ok to get a little close to take a pic. but the hum...i'll never forget that. the crazy shit i do. i was standing on wet ground, omg it could have been a real bad hair day. alls well thats end well. i guess.
Haha you know its serious when you can hear the electricity. Ever been shocked good? Touched a electric fence at my dads old tree farm once. Never do that again.

When close enough to it I could hear that low hum you describe
Haha you know its serious when you can hear the electricity. Ever been shocked good? Touched a electric fence at my dads old tree farm once. Never do that again.

When close enough to it I could hear that low hum you describe

I got fucked up by a 220 volt house wire. When I was doing construction the electricians came in an did their thing. We get the okay to go back in and finish up and my leg brushed by a live wire. Fuck them, guess they weren't finished but told the boss they were.

Basically when you get shocked this bad you become very weak. My leg was almost dead weight for a week the muscles in there where so weak I could barely walk. Along with that you have a pain that does not go away its just there its not like pain but it hurts. the best way to describe it is a tingle ache. that lasted for a while too.

I can imagine how much that power line would fuck you up . almost certain death.
well......NY got fucked up. the show in Philly was mild. hope all are well, and safe. signing off for more cannabutter on english muffins with fig spread. seeya next disaster.
All the way in Cleveland and I was sitting in my sun porch monday night watching transformers pop all over the place (I was on shrooms, needless to say, it was epic as fuck). Then the line right across the street came down and pulled some of that shit like in dannyboy's pic.

I haven't been in a hurricane, or any real big storms. Honestly, even being here in Cleveland (near the lake), it was the worst storm I've ever been in (really wasn't that bad, never felt scared, but it was still, idk, respectable, for sure).
I couldn't imagine being susceptible to that level of flooding and being worried about your house being destroyed in a developed country like that. I mean, the UK gets its share of extreme weather but not to the point it's a almost everyday sounding occurrence that thousands could be out of power, starving to death, drowning, being hit by debris, struck by lighting or just lose their house like that and everyone kind of sits it out. God how would you even afford to carry on after any damage. If something took our chimney out there's noway we could front the repair bill. Then again you yanks have higher salaries. Even Trinidad doesn't get hurricanes and things, though we do have mudslides and flooding.

Disaster movies must not faze you because you've lived through something like it already. Anywhere else and it'd be considered major tragedy end of the fucking world. I know you have to keep cool and carry on but still, the nonchalance in the face of losing your life and everything you own amazes me.