desert dude
Well-Known Member
The "glow" is blinding me.
Put her on that government mandated diet and it will be like screwing a bag of coat hangers in no time at all.
The "glow" is blinding me.
nothing like a bunch of "grown men" all teaming up to battle a girl.
nothing like a bunch of "grown men" all teaming up to battle a girl.
nothing like a bunch of "grown men" all teaming up to battle a girl.
Sometimes belief in nothing seems is not productive yet destruction of the self can be artful.....many heros destroy themselves and create in turn.really.
Nihilism? it has "good parts"??
i dont think you know what the word means.
it means the belief in NOTHING
hihilism is self destructive, libertine, fatalistic and hopeless. it offers NOTHING because it stands for NOTHING and provides NOTHING to any society.
Nihilism is the dissolution of society.
if NOTHING MATTERS then why build for the future?
why plow fields since NOTHING will grow?
why build a factory since NOTHING will be created?
nihilism is the absolute conviction that the past is irrelevant and the future does not exist, thus, only NOW is of any consequence, but even then, NOW doesnt really matter since by the time you realize it is there, it is already the irrelevant past.
nihilism is a circle jerk in a marching band tunic, skinny jeans, and too much mascara.
nothing like a bunch of "grown men" all teaming up to battle a girl.
Schuylaar has asserted her position, and is defending it.
why are YOU the one demanding she hide behind her petticoats?
are women incapable of having a position and defending it?
are they so feeble minded they need YOU to protect them from disagreement?
perhaps they should be assisted i some way to help overcome this handicap which only you can perceive.
maybe we should prepare some program, some special protection, to help Affirm the ladies' Actions, despite their (never spoken always implied) mental disability?
you dont even see your own bigotry even when it comes flowing out of your mouth.
Sometimes belief in nothing seems is not productive yet destruction of the self can be artful.....many heros destroy themselves and create in turn.
why so angry today?
get off the drink little man
why so angry today?
Do you see my logic even slightly? Do you have any such heroes?
Do you have any such heroes?
no, I cannot say I've ever been intimate with your chanice, by the sounds of it, i'd have to be as drunk as you...