You Also Can't Keep Your Doctor

This is the reason why most responsible people have savings and try to make something of themselves while they are still young. I have plenty of money and am in the process of opening a new business. So, I'm not worried.

But what happens if your business doesn't work out or fails? Well, since I'm a network admin/architect and the world relies on computer technology I think I'll always have a source of income.

"it can't happen to me". "well, people are ALWAYS going to need... (fill in the blank)". Of course you should try to "make something of yourself" in order to take care of yourself and your family. But it doesn't always work out like that. I also was a network admin/architect. I also had a company that did such work. I was good at what I did. I never needed tot advertise and when work was slow all I needed to do at the time was ride up and down the elevators of local office buildings in a suit and tie with a Novel box under one arm. I rarely spent more than half a day garnering a new and lucrative client.

I made an initial mistake of selecting arcnet rather than ethernet as my physical layer. I managed to adjust, but I could not account for the forced liqudation of my firm during my divorce - shit happens. I spent huge amounts of money and at one time had three seperate lawyers on retainer. Ooops, my love for my daughter had me exhaust my resources. I made a more crucial mistake in believing that Novel would be the winner in the network wars. That mistake set me back even further as Novel networks began to be replaced by Microsoft.

Shit happens. What if your wife has a kid with autism? I have a friend with a thriving plumbing contracting business, eveyone needs toilets, but his wife did have a severly autistic child and it cost him dearly, that poor child also got testicular cancer. That cost him even more.

I do not wish bad times on anyone but I have had them and I have seen them and when ever I see someone in a bad situation they most often say "I never thought it would come to this, I planned, I saved and it wasn't enough". Interestingly, the plumber, a devout libertarian who fended for himself and managed to aquire property and assets even at a realtively early age wound up needing government programs to keep him afloat and insure his son's continued welfare. I just saw a documentary on the dust bowl. One of the families portrayed had a patriarch who's goal it was to make a gift of 640 acres of land to each of his 9 sons. He was a farmer - everyone needs to eat, and worst case, his family would not starve. 10 years of drought and dirt storms put an end to this man's dream - all of them. Shit happens.

Shit happens. I have seen too many self assured people falter to believe that we can really make a go of it all by ourselves. I have seen too much to believe that anyone is free from the hazards of life.
the "Commerce Clause" grants all power to regulate interstate commerce exclusively to the feds, while the states can only regulate commerce within their state itself.

the wild expansion of the "Commerce Clause" over the last 100 years or so (since the Woodrow Wilson junta) makes clear that any regulation of commerce particularly across state lines can only occur with the feds acceptance.

isurnace is only a contract between a person and the corporation, when those contracts are exercised across state lines differing state rules cause an undue burden on the weaker party in the contract (you) and gives advantage to the stronger party (the insurance company) thus most states insist that all insurance contracts be handled through an in-state subsidiary which adheres to the same laws and regulations the contract is drawn up in, not the ones from the state where the company is based.

this kind of intra-state regulation of Interstate corporate activity could be squashed by the feds with ease, yet they have chosen to ALLOW the states to handle this shit themselves.

that is Indulgence.

shit the courts have declared my dope patch to be a hazard to their power to regulate interstate commerce.

regulating interstate insurance company's rights to make contracts in a state? thats easy to destroy through the commerce clause, just from the plain text. it doesnt even take a swirling mass of interlocking precedents to justify that shit.

I agree with your points almost to an entirety. However, I'd like to reiterate that nowhere in this eloquent summation do you support the idea that the Feds, with extreme bias, will pick and choose whom they shall sanction, at the corporate level.

Allow me to try and explain. Automotive insurance at both the state and federal level is clear, you can not insure a 4+ wheeled motor vehicle in a different state than where it is registered. However, you can insure a motorcycle in different states. Life insurance policies may be purchased and maintained across state lines, and federal law allows it. Health, dental and vision, has, and will continue, to provide insurance via interstate, without provocation or harassment from the Fed.

If a particular health insurance provider stipulates that a consumer must purchase insurance within the bounds of the county they live, that is not a federal enforcement, that is a corporate policy. Two very different things. This fact being in direct conflict with earlier argument. [not necessarily yours]
"it can't happen to me". "well, people are ALWAYS going to need... (fill in the blank)". Of course you should try to "make something of yourself" in order to take care of yourself and your family. But it doesn't always work out like that. I also was a network admin/architect. I also had a company that did such work. I was good at what I did. I never needed tot advertise and when work was slow all I needed to do at the time was ride up and down the elevators of local office buildings in a suit and tie with a Novel box under one arm. I rarely spent more than half a day garnering a new and lucrative client.

I made an initial mistake of selecting arcnet rather than ethernet as my physical layer. I managed to adjust, but I could not account for the forced liqudation of my firm during my divorce - shit happens. I spent huge amounts of money and at one time had three seperate lawyers on retainer. Ooops, my love for my daughter had me exhaust my resources. I made a more crucial mistake in believing that Novel would be the winner in the network wars. That mistake set me back even further as Novel networks began to be replaced by Microsoft.

Shit happens. What if your wife has a kid with autism? I have a friend with a thriving plumbing contracting business, eveyone needs toilets, but his wife did have a severly autistic child and it cost him dearly, that poor child also got testicular cancer. That cost him even more.

I do not wish bad times on anyone but I have had them and I have seen them and when ever I see someone in a bad situation they most often say "I never thought it would come to this, I planned, I saved and it wasn't enough". Interestingly, the plumber, a devout libertarian who fended for himself and managed to aquire property and assets even at a realtively early age wound up needing government programs to keep him afloat and insure his son's continued welfare. I just saw a documentary on the dust bowl. One of the families portrayed had a patriarch who's goal it was to make a gift of 640 acres of land to each of his 9 sons. He was a farmer - everyone needs to eat, and worst case, his family would not starve. 10 years of drought and dirt storms put an end to this man's dream - all of them. Shit happens.

Shit happens. I have seen too many self assured people falter to believe that we can really make a go of it all by ourselves. I have seen too much to believe that anyone is free from the hazards of life.
So, don't bother trying?

Seems to be the Democrat's new unspoken policy...
How so? I was as sophomoric as sophomores get in Their sophomore year. I was absolutely astounded at new (to me) ideas, philosophies were magical, even the foolish ones but I was enamored nonetheless. Now beyond that, I was an english major and so was steeped in what was supposed to be good literature. Rand was not in that classification. I have found that many on the right mistake one's commentary on the prose itself as commentary on the ideas contained. If a badly written book has some interesting ideas, it is still a badly written book.

The same holds true unfortunately for movies. I consider myself a reasonable critic. I have seen Atlas Shrugged I and II. The first was beyond horrible yet I heard any number of radiocons extoling the movie as though it were the next Godfather or along the lines of Citizne Kane. Why? because there is some portion of these people who have a great difficulty with such concepts, if the artist is a pedophile then the art must be bad. If the idea within a bad movie is something they believe in, then the movie must be wonderful in every category.

see, thats taking a position.

you didnt like her writing, which is entirely reasonable since her writing is terrible. nobody can disagree. if they disagree then they are clearly stupid. she was a BAD writer.

meanwhile you implied (but did not state) that you had an opinion on the Philosophy of Objectivism, yet let every reader infer his own conclusion as to the nature of that opinion, which is USDA Prime Chompskyism.

even a simple "her philosophy was shit" or "her philosophy was Badass!" makes clear your position, and allows debate.

your assertion that pederasty in the writer, director performers or producers makes for bad movies is accurate. watch the film "Powder" and see the proof.

The Godfather and Citizen Kane are your go-to choice for good movies???? dude. seriously. those movies sucked.
So, don't bother trying?

Seems to be the Democrat's new unspoken policy...

No one said anything about not bothering to try. What I am arguing is the same thing you might hear from a life insurance salesman. Shit happens, prepare the best you can for the shit, but a portion of that preparation is to insist on decent safety nets for things beyond your control. Back to that dust bowl documentary that I seem so enamored with.

It got to the point where farmers were discovering that the government suggested contour farming was beginning to work. The problem was that anyone in a community who refused to farm this way endangered his neighbor's crops. And untended field, or a field that was subject to exposing earth in the wrong way would expose that field's neighbors to abrasive dust and destroy their crops.

One of the ways the farmers sought to remedy this was to try to enact laws dictating how a farmer planted his corn - by law, by federal mandate. These independent farmers who never saw much use in government at all were now demanding that government go in and dictate how a farmer was to plow his field.

Another option, the one that was settled on was for the federal government to pay each farmer so much per acre of land, if it was farmed in the prefered way.

But.... government doesn't work and it should never interfere with free enterprise.
see, thats taking a position.

you didnt like her writing, which is entirely reasonable since her writing is terrible. nobody can disagree. if they disagree then they are clearly stupid. she was a BAD writer.

meanwhile you implied (but did not state) that you had an opinion on the Philosophy of Objectivism, yet let every reader infer his own conclusion as to the nature of that opinion, which is USDA Prime Chompskyism.

even a simple "her philosophy was shit" or "her philosophy was Badass!" makes clear your position, and allows debate.

your assertion that pederasty in the writer, director performers or producers makes for bad movies is accurate. watch the film "Powder" and see the proof.

The Godfather and Citizen Kane are your go-to choice for good movies???? dude. seriously. those movies sucked.

Still reminds me of my sophomore year.

And no, they are my go to for best movies.
i like Ayn Rand's epistemology, but i am not a huge fan of her conclusions, or her prose.

and why would me liking something cause you to hate it?

are you a Bitter Bunny?
a Hater Hare?
a Rancorous Rabbit?
a Leftist Lepus?

No, I hate her corporatism. Which is what you told Cheese: Welcome to the club. I abhor corporations. They're the antithesis of a free market and stifle innovation almost to the point of communism.
I agree with Doc, you have horrible taste in movies.

i agree with you, unfettered corporate power is almost as destructive as marxism.

those movies sucked mainly because they were the pretentious self-indulgent products of "Film-Makers" who wanted to prove they were "Artistes" while The Usual Suspects, The Agony And The Ecstasy and Kingpin were true works of art.
No, I hate her corporatism. Which is what you told Cheese: Welcome to the club. I abhor corporations. They're the antithesis of a free market and stifle innovation almost to the point of communism.
Lets not forget that "corporations" are not the same as "corporatism".

Youre playing word jumble there, Wodger Wabbit.
i agree with you, unfettered corporate power is almost as destructive as marxism.

those movies sucked mainly because they were the pretentious self-indulgent products of "Film-Makers" who wanted to prove they were "Artistes" while The Usual Suspects, The Agony And The Ecstasy and Kingpin were true works of art.

Kubrick is the true artiste. Back when film were motion pictures.
The Godfather and Citizen Kane are your go-to choice for good movies???? dude. seriously. those movies sucked.

Citizen Kane was a breakthrough movie for its time, I still watch it once a year. Considering that it was pretty much a film with the primary actor also being the writer, the producer and the director. Orson Welles I think was probably one of the most talented and resourceful personalities we have ever seen. I am amazed that Hearst didn't just have him killed for making that movie.

The FEDS never stopped interstate sales of health insurance
the 50 insurance commissioners in all 50 states did.

if the feds wanted to stop the states from interfering in interstate commerce they would have.

thats the point doofus.

these words arent that hard to understand.
Citizen Kane was a breakthrough movie for its time, I still watch it once a year. Considering that it was pretty much a film with the primary actor also being the writer, the producer and the director. Orson Welles I think was probably one of the most talented and resourceful personalities we have ever seen. I am amazed that Hearst didn't just have him killed for making that movie.


i found that movie dull and uninteresting. 3 hours of watching paint dry.

his commercials for frozen peas were more interesting, better written and better lit.

i have seen more believable narratives in porn.
Citizen Kane was a breakthrough movie for its time, I still watch it once a year. Considering that it was pretty much a film with the primary actor also being the writer, the producer and the director. Orson Welles I think was probably one of the most talented and resourceful personalities we have ever seen. I am amazed that Hearst didn't just have him killed for making that movie.


but.... how do we know? How did anyone know that his last word was rosebud? I don't recall anyone being there at his death bed.
"it can't happen to me". "well, people are ALWAYS going to need... (fill in the blank)". Of course you should try to "make something of yourself" in order to take care of yourself and your family. But it doesn't always work out like that. I also was a network admin/architect. I also had a company that did such work. I was good at what I did. I never needed tot advertise and when work was slow all I needed to do at the time was ride up and down the elevators of local office buildings in a suit and tie with a Novel box under one arm. I rarely spent more than half a day garnering a new and lucrative client.

I made an initial mistake of selecting arcnet rather than ethernet as my physical layer. I managed to adjust, but I could not account for the forced liqudation of my firm during my divorce - shit happens. I spent huge amounts of money and at one time had three seperate lawyers on retainer. Ooops, my love for my daughter had me exhaust my resources. I made a more crucial mistake in believing that Novel would be the winner in the network wars. That mistake set me back even further as Novel networks began to be replaced by Microsoft.

Shit happens. What if your wife has a kid with autism? I have a friend with a thriving plumbing contracting business, eveyone needs toilets, but his wife did have a severly autistic child and it cost him dearly, that poor child also got testicular cancer. That cost him even more.

I do not wish bad times on anyone but I have had them and I have seen them and when ever I see someone in a bad situation they most often say "I never thought it would come to this, I planned, I saved and it wasn't enough". Interestingly, the plumber, a devout libertarian who fended for himself and managed to aquire property and assets even at a realtively early age wound up needing government programs to keep him afloat and insure his son's continued welfare. I just saw a documentary on the dust bowl. One of the families portrayed had a patriarch who's goal it was to make a gift of 640 acres of land to each of his 9 sons. He was a farmer - everyone needs to eat, and worst case, his family would not starve. 10 years of drought and dirt storms put an end to this man's dream - all of them. Shit happens.

Shit happens. I have seen too many self assured people falter to believe that we can really make a go of it all by ourselves. I have seen too much to believe that anyone is free from the hazards of life.

I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, cause I know that it can. But in this profession we have to be adaptable and constantly learning the new platforms and being aware of the security risks that occur every single day. I'm actually still in college for networking, but my certifications and my knowledge and love for the work I do keep me ahead of the game. I am always trying to learn something new when it comes to computers and security. I am in the process of studying to get my c|eh along with my security+, network+ and mcitp. The business I am working on is just an all around computer repair business and I am also in the process of writing a program that I can hopefully sell to a company and oversee the implementation and operation of the software. There is nothing wrong with being confident and if you work hard everything should work out in the end. I've moved up from having nothing and living in the projects to being able to save for retirement and have an emergency fund. Currently I have 12,000 saved for emergencies and the amount is rising every month. I know what its like to be broke and have nothing, so if it happens again I know how to pull up my bootstraps and succeed.
i found that movie dull and uninteresting. 3 hours of watching paint dry.

his commercials for frozen peas were more interesting, better written and better lit.

i have seen more believable narratives in porn.

A lot of first time cinematography done in Citizen Kane also. The movie probably had a bit more effect on people when it came out since the subject of the movie was still alive and still powerful.

My favorite Orson Welles is the Paul Masson commercials "we sell no wine before its time".


Welles MADE the company popular.

It is shit wine.
I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, cause I know that it can. But in this profession we have to be adaptable and constantly learning the new platforms and being aware of the security risks that occur every single day. I'm actually still in college for networking, but my certifications and my knowledge and love for the work I do keep me ahead of the game. I am always trying to learn something new when it comes to computers and security. I am in the process of studying to get my c|eh along with my security+, network+ and mcitp. The business I am working on is just an all around computer repair business and I am also in the process of writing a program that I can hopefully sell to a company and oversee the implementation and operation of the software. There is nothing wrong with being confident and if you work hard everything should work out in the end. I've moved up from having nothing and living in the projects to being able to save for retirement and have an emergency fund. Currently I have 12,000 saved for emergencies and the amount is rising every month. I know what its like to be broke and have nothing, so if it happens again I know how to pull up my bootstraps and succeed.

Good for you, really.

I don't know what it is like to have nothing. My college was paid for, I have lived a priveleged life for the most part, nor can I say I worked for everything I have because what I have most is the NOTION of privelege, I used to think that a bad thing (inherent liberal guilt I suppose). But I know that as I expect of myself and those around me, I usually get.

However, I know that a single illness, for me or for anyone I love could spell disaster. When I was younger I was privey to my father's financial dealings (glad for that). While I would have been a bit more daring he was not, he lived through the depression and forever held that there would be another and he was not about to be taken unaware twice. I am never sure how he would have responded to "the great recession". I noticed once that he was paying for my brother's health insurance. I resented that as I was paying for my own at the time. I confronted him over it and I will never forget his reply.

I have too much to lose, we all do. Your brother refuses to spend his money on insurance. If he should get into an accident, or get very sick we will not forsake him and will be forced out of love to spend, if need be, every cent we have in order to have him alive and well. I would rather spend the money it takes to insure our fortunes than qubble about entitlement.

Then I asked if he would pay for my insurance and he said no. I asked why not and he said "because you understand what I just told you about your brother - he never will".

Shit happens.
I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, cause I know that it can. But in this profession we have to be adaptable and constantly learning the new platforms and being aware of the security risks that occur every single day. I'm actually still in college for networking, but my certifications and my knowledge and love for the work I do keep me ahead of the game. I am always trying to learn something new when it comes to computers and security. I am in the process of studying to get my c|eh along with my security+, network+ and mcitp. The business I am working on is just an all around computer repair business and I am also in the process of writing a program that I can hopefully sell to a company and oversee the implementation and operation of the software. There is nothing wrong with being confident and if you work hard everything should work out in the end. I've moved up from having nothing and living in the projects to being able to save for retirement and have an emergency fund. Currently I have 12,000 saved for emergencies and the amount is rising every month. I know what its like to be broke and have nothing, so if it happens again I know how to pull up my bootstraps and succeed.

12000 that's about 2 days in the hospital in a coronary care unit