Well-Known Member
This is the reason why most responsible people have savings and try to make something of themselves while they are still young. I have plenty of money and am in the process of opening a new business. So, I'm not worried.
But what happens if your business doesn't work out or fails? Well, since I'm a network admin/architect and the world relies on computer technology I think I'll always have a source of income.
"it can't happen to me". "well, people are ALWAYS going to need... (fill in the blank)". Of course you should try to "make something of yourself" in order to take care of yourself and your family. But it doesn't always work out like that. I also was a network admin/architect. I also had a company that did such work. I was good at what I did. I never needed tot advertise and when work was slow all I needed to do at the time was ride up and down the elevators of local office buildings in a suit and tie with a Novel box under one arm. I rarely spent more than half a day garnering a new and lucrative client.
I made an initial mistake of selecting arcnet rather than ethernet as my physical layer. I managed to adjust, but I could not account for the forced liqudation of my firm during my divorce - shit happens. I spent huge amounts of money and at one time had three seperate lawyers on retainer. Ooops, my love for my daughter had me exhaust my resources. I made a more crucial mistake in believing that Novel would be the winner in the network wars. That mistake set me back even further as Novel networks began to be replaced by Microsoft.
Shit happens. What if your wife has a kid with autism? I have a friend with a thriving plumbing contracting business, eveyone needs toilets, but his wife did have a severly autistic child and it cost him dearly, that poor child also got testicular cancer. That cost him even more.
I do not wish bad times on anyone but I have had them and I have seen them and when ever I see someone in a bad situation they most often say "I never thought it would come to this, I planned, I saved and it wasn't enough". Interestingly, the plumber, a devout libertarian who fended for himself and managed to aquire property and assets even at a realtively early age wound up needing government programs to keep him afloat and insure his son's continued welfare. I just saw a documentary on the dust bowl. One of the families portrayed had a patriarch who's goal it was to make a gift of 640 acres of land to each of his 9 sons. He was a farmer - everyone needs to eat, and worst case, his family would not starve. 10 years of drought and dirt storms put an end to this man's dream - all of them. Shit happens.
Shit happens. I have seen too many self assured people falter to believe that we can really make a go of it all by ourselves. I have seen too much to believe that anyone is free from the hazards of life.