You Also Can't Keep Your Doctor

A lot of first time cinematography done in Citizen Kane also. The movie probably had a bit more effect on people when it came out since the subject of the movie was still alive and still powerful.

My favorite Orson Welles is the Paul Masson commercials "we sell no wine before its time".


Welles MADE the company popular.

It is shit wine.

when i was a callow youth (~22) i drank that shit extensively.

and Gallo Vin Rose'

that shit will fuck you up but good.
Good for you, really.

I don't know what it is like to have nothing. My college was paid for, I have lived a priveleged life for the most part, nor can I say I worked for everything I have because what I have most is the NOTION of privelege, I used to think that a bad thing (inherent liberal guilt I suppose). But I know that as I expect of myself and those around me, I usually get.

However, I know that a single illness, for me or for anyone I love could spell disaster. When I was younger I was privey to my father's financial dealings (glad for that). While I would have been a bit more daring he was not, he lived through the depression and forever held that there would be another and he was not about to be taken unaware twice. I am never sure how he would have responded to "the great recession". I noticed once that he was paying for my brother's health insurance. I resented that as I was paying for my own at the time. I confronted him over it and I will never forget his reply.

I have too much to lose, we all do. Your brother refuses to spend his money on insurance. If he should get into an accident, or get very sick we will not forsake him and will be forced out of love to spend, if need be, every cent we have in order to have him alive and well. I would rather spend the money it takes to insure our fortunes than qubble about entitlement.

Then I asked if he would pay for my insurance and he said no. I asked why not and he said "because you understand what I just told you about your brother - he never will".

Shit happens.
Thanks. I've worked my ass off to get where I'm at and have never had the pleasure of having things given to me. Not that I would want it anyway cause I'm just not built that way. I've always felt that if I cant get it on my own then I don't need it. Probably just male pride, but in the end I feel better to have done if myself. I cannot tell you how many times my mother has yelled at me and told me to stop being so damn proud and accept assistance when it is offered. So to satisfy her need to support me I would accept money from her and then go and deposit it back into her account. I can easily say that even though it was rough, it has been a learning experience and has taught me to dig myself out of whatever financial situation I may find myself into. Am I worried that it could happen again? Yea, its there in the back of my mind, but it also helps me keep pushing forward.
photo.jpgThis is what I just made for fixing a network connection issue and an added pc acceleration job. Took me 30 min.
12000 that's about 2 days in the hospital in a coronary care unit

he's gonna need every penny if he keeps "never getting angry on the internet" like he claims and making death threats against me and the refusing to meet me at a gay hair salon in san fran to settle the whole affair.

with most people, smoking a little pot might calm them down, but Ms. Greendumb's attempt came out looking like lettuce somehow. and as we are all well aware, lettuce chompers like canna are constantly angry, bitter folks who are knocking on quadruple bypass's door.

it's just a shitstorm a'brewin'.
Good, now for your next lesson, try a messy, expensive divorce and watch as everything you worked for goes into paying for some guy's daughter's horse riding lessons as he pretends to be your friend - on the clock of course. I made it a point to charge lawyers a premium when I worked on their networks. Most accepted that premium when I explained that they were lousy clients. (which you will find to be true. Of all sucessful people, lawyers are top of the class when it comes to presumptions. IF they were smart enough to become sucessful lawyers then they believed they were smart enough to master any task in short order, including networking). I carried a stand up stop clock and billed their time to the minute. I refused to stop the clock during a working lunch with two of them and they rebelled "but we bought the pizza!!" the argued.

But the point is, your retirement can go down the drain at $300 an hour per. Shit happens.
^ I have no idea what this says, but I'm willing to bet its about me cause I posted in this section of the forum. I'm also willing to bet he is attempting to insult me in some way and that makes me sad. :lol:
Good, now for your next lesson, try a messy, expensive divorce and watch as everything you worked for goes into paying for some guy's daughter's horse riding lessons as he pretends to be your friend - on the clock of course. I made it a point to charge lawyers a premium when I worked on their networks. Most accepted that premium when I explained that they were lousy clients. (which you will find to be true. Of all sucessful people, lawyers are top of the class when it comes to presumptions. IF they were smart enough to become sucessful lawyers then they believed they were smart enough to master any task in short order, including networking). I carried a stand up stop clock and billed their time to the minute. I refused to stop the clock during a working lunch with two of them and they rebelled "but we bought the pizza!!" the argued.

But the point is, your retirement can go down the drain at $300 an hour per. Shit happens.

I don't really think I want to be involved in that lesson. So I'll pass. Also, what I love about this business is you can charge whatever you want because people cant live without their technology. I need to get me some lawyer business. Then I could write up a contract to trade services if I ever shall need them. :wink:
when i was a callow youth (~22) i drank that shit extensively.

and Gallo Vin Rose'

that shit will fuck you up but good.

I was in the Marines at age 22, so no money for expensive shit like that. Mad dog 20/20 and thunderbird all the way baby, $.79 all day. The headaches were legendary.
I was in the Marines at age 22, so no money for expensive shit like that. Mad dog 20/20 and thunderbird all the way baby, $.79 all day. The headaches were legendary.

Oh MD20/20 I remember that well. I fell into sand ditch in Florida on that stuff. Good times.
I don't really think I want to be involved in that lesson. So I'll pass. Also, what I love about this business is you can charge whatever you want because people cant live without their technology. I need to get me some lawyer business. Then I could write up a contract to trade services if I ever shall need them. :wink:

Get yourself some CPA business, there are no better referals. I had it made when I got involved with an Hassidic Jewish accounting firm and managed to have them happy with our work.
Get yourself some CPA business, there are no better referals. I had it made when I got involved with an Hassidic Jewish accounting firm and managed to have them happy with our work.

I may have to do that. My fiancees sister just graduated as an accountant and my sister works for the district attorney.
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^ I have no idea what this says, but I'm willing to bet its about me cause I posted in this section of the forum. I'm also willing to bet he is attempting to insult me in some way and that makes me sad. :lol:

nahh bucky's posts are mostly about bucky.

this one is no exception. you are just a bit player in the grand drama of his life. in fact we are all just stage dressing for the passion play he is starring in (and wrote and directed and produced, and did the stage management for, and ran the lights, and conducted the orchestra, and played all the instruments, and designed the flyers... it's a ONE MAN SHOW)
I was in the Marines at age 22, so no money for expensive shit like that. Mad dog 20/20 and thunderbird all the way baby, $.79 all day. The headaches were legendary.

$3.00 for a gallon jug? thats not expensive bro.

i remember Night Train(the american classic), and Thunderbird (whats the word?) but the only one you cant get any more is Ripple.

ohh sweet Ripple. how i miss thee.

even Wild Irish Rose is still available in your finer skid row establishments.
nahh bucky's posts are mostly about bucky.

this one is no exception. you are just a bit player in the grand drama of his life. in fact we are all just stage dressing for the passion play he is starring in (and wrote and directed and produced, and did the stage management for, and ran the lights, and conducted the orchestra, and played all the instruments, and designed the flyers... it's a ONE MAN SHOW)

That is a mess load of split personalities.
That is a mess load of split personalities.

the fucked up part is, he is the entire audience as well.

the guy could host the Democrat National Convention without inviting anybody but the voices in his own head.

and the imaginary fire marshal (also bucky) would have to shut it down due to overcrowding.
the fucked up part is, he is the entire audience as well.

the guy could host the Democrat National Convention without inviting anybody but the voices in his own head.

and the imaginary fire marshal (also bucky) would have to shut it down due to overcrowding.

What is the proper word for "stock boy" to put in a resume?

please help me, I'm trying to make a resume and i don't think stock boy is proper, is there a more proper or formal word that would fit into a resume for "stock boy"???, thanks alot